Search results matching tags 'machine Gun' and 'attempted murder',attempted+murder&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'machine Gun' and 'attempted murder'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Just how Incestuous can this Cardiff Court get? QC, Solicitor or Judge to be Arrested on Monday? [Can o fwydod], 09 Jul 2011 08:46:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2049Maurice<p><b>On Monday, at 2pm, 11<sup>th</sup> July, Cardiff Civil Justice Centre</b> my machine gun/false psychiatric reports, damages claim starts, having been refused a jury or it being transferred to England. They are for South Wales Police's unlawful attempts to having me jailed my life, unconvicted and attempting to have my 10 year old daughter ‘taken into care' by the Welsh courts, NHS and Welsh Social Services. </p> <p>His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC has already ‘struck out' an incident when police were caught on their own overhead road video [see website You Tube], beating me up in a Cardiff street and, later, in police cells and another incident he knows about, when the police withdrew reason for arrest aka ‘Breach of the Peace'. This judge ruled, "damages cannot be claimed against police if, after each incident complained of, you happen to pick up some criminal conviction, however trivial, whether related or not!" </p> <p>This same judge, would you believe, has already refused to accept some 130 odd allegations, lost by the police, winning only around 12, is not an <b><i>extreme example of police bullying</i></b> !. He has ruled the first five Actions for damages will <b><i>not</i></b> be heard together, transfered to the High Court or will get a jury.</p> <p>South Wales Police will be asking the same judge these latest damages claims, that caused me over seven months imprisonment, including three months of shear hell in Caswell Clinic psychiatric prison, must be adjourned for at least<b><i> 5 years</i></b> to allow the previous 5 Actions be heard, appealed and disposed of in their usual perfunctory way. </p> <p>This Cardiff Cabal, of deceit and intrigue, have already managed  to delay my 1st Action for damges for 19 years, my solicitor dying meantime, with key witnesses now either settled in old people's homes, senile or dead.</p> <p>Come witness this judge block the recorded evidence of a criminal conspiracy by South Wales Police high ranking officers, in Barry police station and Caswell Clinic recorded in their own MAPPA minutes using the excuse it falls under PII, ie not in the public interest!</p> <p>It stinks, doesnt it?</p> <p>I am off the morphine so come witness <i><b>real criminals</b></i> being arrested, to eventually face <b><i>private prosecutions by the people,</i></b> their ‘Achilles Heel'.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Copy to HHJJ Seys Llewellyn                                                                   10<sup>th</sup> July 2011</p> <p> </p> <p>Dear Mr Oliver and His Honour Seys Llewellyn,</p> <p> </p> <p><b> The Criminal Prosecution of Dr Tegwyn Williams and Merging all twenty years grievances into a case that Judges then approve to hear before a Jury in England </b></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>We refer to the letter 27 June 2011 regards case management hearing 11 & 12 July should not go ahead if the plan is to prevent fair trial, by not allowing access to justice of the opportunity to list all twenty years grievances into a case where selected issues of the twenty years can then go before a Court preferably before a jury.</p> <p> </p> <p>We apologise to Mr Oliver for confusion in how the original transcript of letters (and specifically the letter 23 June 2001) on behalf of Mr Kirk are added to by many volunteers. I hope we can clarify as follows </p> <p> </p> <p>Whereas Mr Kirk would know of grievance as to why private prosecutions could occur to many. To date, may be for reason of logistics, those of us who try to Mr Kirk write with more exactness, only have clear enough evidence ‘to immediately proceed' with a prosecution of a criminal case against Dr Tegwyn Williams, in England, if necessary.</p> <p> </p> <p>It occurs to those of us who try to help Mr Kirk write in ways more suitable to helping the working of the Courts, that it is within Mr Oliver's responsibilities to his client SW Police that he would be eager to bring a criminal prosecution against Dr Tegwyn Williams, so as to distance SW Police from being tarnished by Dr Tegwyn Williams criminal conduct.  </p> <p> </p> <p>Given the basic evidence as below against Dr Tegwyn Williams is so very clear indeed, and obviously a very serious matter, if Police or their lawyers do not bring a prosecution against Dr Tegwyn Williams that leaves individuals in S.W. Police or individuals at their lawyers open to the charge of conspiracy with Dr Tegwyn Williams. It is a clear enough case to be easily merit and be investigated by an outside police force.</p> <p> </p> <p>I am sure a man of standing such as Mr Oliver would not wish the good name of his client SW Police or their lawyers be drawn into allowing credible allegations of criminal conspiracy with Dr Tegwyn Williams. We therefore would like to hear from you as to how you propose to help facilitate a prosecution regards Dr Tegwyn Williams.</p> <p> </p> <p>To clarify we remind that the clear criminal case against Dr Tegwyn Williams is that;- </p> <p> </p> <ol> <li>Dr Tegwyn Williams wrote to and attended the Cardiff Crown Court, including on 2 December 2009, with information to substantially affect the outcome of the Crown Court and ways that could be expected to significantly contribute to losing Mr Kirk his liberty for life, by the single assertion that there was irreparable brain damage and possible brain tumour that affects behaviour. </li></ol> <p> </p> <ol start="2"> <li>Dr Tegwyn Williams must have known that Mr Kirk did not have brain damage (to affect behaviour) to merit indefinite loss of liberty.</li></ol> <p> </p> <ol start="3"> <li>Mr Kirk does not have brain damage from assessment in Wales, England and France</li></ol> <p> </p> <ol start="4"> <li>Dr Tegwyn Williams did not use anyone who is medically qualified to determine scans to say that Mr Kirk has ‘brain damage' and was not entitled to progress the view he did. </li></ol> <p> </p> <p>We ask you to receive this information with care and to be very clear, precise what you do with it and exactly who you pass it to at South Wales Police and the Crown Prosecution Service (Wales).</p> <p> </p> <p>As stated, we feel that in such a clear case of wrongdoing by Dr Tegwyn Williams, anyone not acting to bring a prosecution when able to do so, may be obstructing justice or merit charges of being in a criminal conspiracy with Dr Tegwyn Williams. </p> <p> </p> <p>The outcome will also be added to the twenty years of events that we consider should go before a jury trial.</p> <p> </p> <p>We look forward to hearing from your kind self with news of how Dr Tegwyn Williams criminal conduct is to be addressed.</p> <p> </p> <p>Please would his Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn note that we feel the 'mindset' that may emerge from this letter can be so relevant to be ‘grounds to appeal' following the decision of HHJ Seys Llewellyn on 11 and 12 July 2011.</p> <p> </p> <p> Because the ‘mindset' here can indicate whether there was substantial unfairness in previous cases, before His Honour Seys Llewellyn, to even justify changes to case law, we feel it should all be addressed.</p> <p> </p> <p>We see grounds for using the EU Court of Human Rights limited on the kinds of such ‘very clear' issues as above.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p>Yours, </p> <p> </p> <p>Mackenzie Friends from around the world </p> <p> </p> <p><em>Another approach is this, below or anarchy, perhaps and we take to the streets not forgetting other methods, in reserve, to concentrate their evil little minds.</em></p> <p> </p><b style="mso-bidi-font-weight:normal;"><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:12pt;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB;"><font face="Calibri"><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:12pt;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB;"><b> <p><b>Cardiff Civil Justice Centre 11<sup>th</sup> July 11 Hearing for MAPPA Disclosure and application to put off Machine Gun Damages Claim for Five Years</b></p> <p align="center"><b></b> </p> <p align="center"><b>Kirk v South Wales Police    6 Actions for Damages</b></p> <p align="center"><b>Kirk v NHS, Dr Tegwyn Williams, Professor Wood, HMP Prison Cardiff</b></p> <p align="center"><b>Applications </b></p> <p><b></b> </p> <ul> <li>1. A can of worms or a can of worms?</li> <li>2. Last two years ‘mindset' of South Wales Police calls for the trial judge to re consider his 2010 judgments, currently subject to appeal. </li> <li>3. Transfer all litigation to England</li> <li>4. Transfer to High Court outside Wales</li> <li>5. Consolidation of cases due to extreme and unusual case of blatant police bullying making previous case law, relied upon by Defence, as totally irrelevant.</li> <li>6. Machine Gun case, falsified psychiatric reports and other failed 2010 police prosecutions, all for the Defendant to delay ongoing civil actions, should be given to an outside police force for a thorough independent criminal investigation.</li></ul> <p> </p> <p><b>•A.     </b><b><u>HM Court Service (Wales)</u></b></p> <p> </p> <ul> <li>1. HMCS refuse Claimant access to public counter</li> <li>2. Communicate by e-mails</li> <li>3. Make telephone calls for clarification</li> <li>4. Allowed pay court fees by credit card over phone</li> <li>5. Allowed to have affidavits sworn at court before a Court Order dead line</li> <li>6. Conspired to prosecute common assault conviction (2<sup>nd</sup> Nov 2010), ignoring medical evidence, HMCS not placing evidence before the District Judge</li> <li>7. Court manager & HM Treasury Solicitor's ‘internal memos', circa 2003, re ‘Vexatious Litigant' registration, revealing miserable but expensive attempts over five years + and losing vital court files to block Claimant's right to the rule of law.</li> <li>8. HMCS refuses to disclose information to the Claimant in the trial and conviction, in Claimant's absence, now before Welsh Administrative Court. Immediate withdrawal of bail restrictions and arrest order when part release took place in May 2011.....utter abuse of process and criminal conduct.</li> <li>9. Deliberate withholding of ex MP's obtained independent medical report for 2<sup>nd</sup> Dec 2009 hearing, castigating Dr Williams on intrusive dangerous POW unnecessary brain scan and giving false evidence for 10 Cardiff Crown Court judges.</li></ul> <p><b><u></u></b> </p> <p><b>•B.      </b><b><u>Criminal Conduct of SWP solicitors, Dolmans of Cardiff.</u></b></p> <p><u></u> </p> <ul> <li>1. False Feb 09 Chief Superintendant sworn affidavit despite Dolmans having been supplied with 50 odd Claimant lever arch files identifying the court cases and police break-in to his veterinary surgery with Barbara Wilding denying knowledge thereof . </li> <li>2. 22<sup>nd</sup> July 2009 Dolmans had Claimant jailed and ignored trial judge 2010 Court Order to disclose details of complaint that had to his arrest and jail, designed to delay civil trials.</li> <li>3. Dolmans fully aware Dr Tegwyn Williams' false psychiatric reports concocted by police for Claimant's incarceration in Broadmoor for life.</li></ul> <p>[‘Significant brain damage', brain tumour and evidence on 2<sup>nd</sup> December 2009]</p> <ul> <li>4. Claimant receives Estimated Defendant's £800,000 legal costs </li> <li>5. Refuse mediation for the cash or from tax payer quoting trial judge's view!</li></ul> <p><u></u> </p> <p><b>•C.      </b><b><u>Trial Judge</u></b></p> <p><u></u> </p> <ul> <li>1. Claimant refused to prosecute several incidents because convicted despite being unrelated to his proposed prosecution or after specific bullying.</li></ul> <p>Eg.    a. Overhead video catching Claimant being beaten up by police</p> <p>         b. Breach of the Peace allegation withdrawn due to forged police papers, countless court irregularities and CPS perjury before Recorder of Cardiff.</p> <p>         c. Roundabout incident and motoring conviction irrelevant to "We will get the ***" said by police and overhead heard by veterinary nurse planted in back of court due to Claimant's absence. All refused incidents now subject to appeal, in Wales, having been refused an English court.</p> <p> </p> <ul> <li>2. Refuses to consolidate.....4<sup>th</sup>, 5<sup>th</sup> damages cases and 'machine gun' case whilst defence application is to put off the latter, effectively, for 5 years. </li></ul> <p> </p> <ul> <li>3. <u>MAPPA minutes disclosure so far refused identifying more in the conspiracy, sat around eight tables, to have Claimant either shot or jailed, IPP, for life. </u></li></ul> <p> ie  8<sup>th</sup> June 09 Barry police station MAPPA meeting, no one ever told the Claimant and  1st June 09 IAG meeting at police HQ,  3 weeks <u>before</u>  arrest registered in level 3 MAPPA, top 5% most dangerous ,  with the hpe of getting him shot (see leaked MAPPA memos). 17<sup>th</sup> Dec 09 Claimant's name removed from MAPPA surveillance, again, without explanation or knowledge of  Claimant until too late to inform judge for bail. </p> <p><b>•D.     </b><b><u>Machine Gun Trial</u></b></p> <p>South Wales Police arranged with CAA for four other identical ‘guns', on replica WW1 aircraft or museums to be taken by owners to gunsmiths! In Claimant's case the Welsh police travelled with it, often alone, 2000 miles, contrary to HO gun Regulations, touring the UK desperate to frame the Claimant for mandatory ten year prison sentance.<u></u></p> <p>English police washed their hands if it refusing to arrest either new owner or previous owner of Lewis machine gun so Welsh police called them as prosecution witnesses after attempting to modifying the ‘gun' more, for trial, police knowing the new owner had , himself, modified it, contrary to the 1968 Fire Arms Act.<u></u></p> <p>Machine gun trial heard no evidence of Claimant's ‘permanent brain damage/brain tumour' with the trial judge pretending he knew nothing of it. <u></u></p> <p>Claimant refused repeated bent legal representation, sent into prison, gave no evidence, called no witnesses , refused judge's demand for defence statement, refused to sum up , jury making up its mind on the very first day of evidence stating, to the Claimant's friends and relations in a Cardiff restaurant immediately after the shambolic trial, "all the police were lying".<u></u></p> <p>NHS, Williams, Prof Wood, HM prison (Nov 2010 £50,000 judgment awarded to Claimant, by trial judge against HM Prison Cardiff is still live. Retired HM Governor ignored thi judge's Order for ‘Governor at the time' statement for any disclosure of audit trail or <u>did HMCS block serving of the summons for false imprisonment in the first place? </u> It stinks, doesn't it?<u></u></p> <p><b>•E.      </b><b><u>Police/NHS/Dr Tegwyn Williams/ Professor Wood/ HM Prison Conduct</u></b></p> <p>Claimant' forced prolonged illness was a deliberate tactic by most of above Defendants to prejudice his civil litigation.</p> <p> After Claimant's release from prison, on 9<sup>th</sup> Feb 2010, NHS refused to carry out a brain scan or operation, Welsh GP practices refused Claimant as a patient and only by going to France did he obtain a brain scan and urgently overdue hip replacement, in March 2011, to get him off powerful analgesics and other mind hallucinating drugs for acute pain. </p> <p>Human Rights abuse was rife, but who, in Wales, is counting?</p> <p> </p> <p><b>Summary</b></p> <p>Another typical  example of antiquated adversarial UK legal system, contrary to European methods of obtaining the truth, propagated in Cardiff, this time,  for their HM Partnership  ‘gravy train' to prolong proceedings for as long as possible using, yet again, the tried and tested method of ‘Treacle Treatment', to Delay.</p> <p> </p> <ul> <li>7. By this court, not consolidating cases, not transferring to the High Court, out of Wales and for independent police force not examining Claimant's private prosecution evidence served, again, this week at Cardiff Central police station and currently before an English criminal court, this trial judge is at serious risk of abuse of process, blocking mediation and settlement out of court, many knowing a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice within the Welsh judiciary is proved.</li></ul> <p> </p> <ul> <li>8. The Defendants are relying on the usual ‘treacle treatment', for a Claimant against the State, to either ‘run out of money', ‘run out of steam' or, simply, ‘die'. </li></ul> <p> </p> <p>Voltaire wrote, something like, <b>‘<i>When the State get it wrong it is dangerous to be right</i>'</b>.  </p> <p>The Claimant believes, there is only one truth, no matter which litigant has control of it.</p> <p> </p> <p>Maurice J Kirk BVSc</p> <p>St Doha</p> <p>Brittany.</p></b> <p> </p>.</span><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:12pt;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB;"><span style="mso-spacerun:yes;"> </span></span><span style="LINE-HEIGHT:115%;FONT-SIZE:12pt;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB;"> </span></font></span></b>