Search results matching tag 'Drug Dealing' results matching tag 'Drug Dealing'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Guernsey: HM 'buck' stops where?, 25 Sep 2010 13:30:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1576Maurice<p><b>HM 'buck' stops where?</b></p> <p>Whilst on a lengthy hunger strike in 'solitary', in the 1811 built freezing prison of Guernsey way back in '84, dear George Foulkes MP and Alf Dubs MP, vilified on the islands, asked questions in the House of Commons as to just how the Guernsey Authorities could be allowed to get away with stopping my letters getting out, some sixty-three of them to lawyers, family and friends and diverting incoming mail via their quaint but nefarious style HM Crown Prosecution Service? Why, twenty-one times, was I gaoled with the majority of charges being then dropped just a  few days later or for nineteen, many months later, if it was not to destroy my ability to run my single handed veterinary practice? Try and guess what the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons did about it? </p> <p>Why was I repeatedly refused independent legal representation with definitely no lawyer allowed from England and having to face their permanent jury, time and time again, partly voted on by the same HM prosecution conducting the incestuous world of Noddy Land?  Twenty-five years later, and now I am in the Principality of Wales. Has anything really changed?  Is it Deja vu? </p> <p>I have now, in 2009, dug out a series of HM letters caused by my pleas for help from my prison bed. HM dominates the replies from both the UK executive and Guernsey Insular Authority. Out of prison in 1984, I am backwards and forwards to Downing Street court cases, eligible as resident of a dependant territory, like the proverbial yo-yo!</p> <p>After leaving Guernsey in 1992, by rubber boat, I was again before the HM Privy Council, but with the RCVS joining in using the same HM immunity to prosecution as the games currently played from Whitehall RIGHT NOW. </p> <p><b>A RAY OF HOPE</b></p> <p>The new President of America, Barack Obama, has already expressed views, similar to mine, about wiping out the deceitful tax haven industry around the world. But will he go further and introduce democracy to our islands?</p> <p><b><u>A series of letters and newspaper cuttings hurriedly put on this blog, as an indication of the deceit riddled environment I am leaving, shortly, (for another?)</u></b></p>var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-445105-3"); pageTracker._initData(); pageTracker._trackPageview();