Search results matching tags 'Caswell Clinic' and 'police harassment',police+harassment&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'Caswell Clinic' and 'police harassment'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Trial Judge Orders Release of South Wales Police Confidential MAPPA Minutes! Trouble Brewing?, 11 Jul 2011 18:46:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2053Maurice<p><b>[Today's cockeyed court verdict on site tonight]</b></p> <p><b>A huge police team </b>of  lawyers, today, respond by telling court and my supporters they have not even read them!</p> <p>Am I to believe I live on some other planet or just crawled out from under a stone?</p> <p>So is the judge expecting me to believe he is reading, tomorrow, before the 11am hearing continues, the original records?</p> <p>Record of seven clandestine police meetings, first to get me arrested for trading in WWI antique Lewis machine guns and, once  having me locked up in Cardiff prison, using a crooked doctor, a Dr. Tegwyn Williams of notorious Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, to fabricate reports, an excuse to stop the trial and apply to have me diverted to Ashworth high security prison, for life?</p> <p>I really thought I was now off morphine and other such mind hallucinating drugs!</p> <p>Dr Tegwyn Williams told countless Cardiff judges in 2009, I had ‘significant brain damage' and a possible brain tumour and was too dangerous to be released..</p> <p>Interesting, he with no qualifications to do so, but no Welsh judge or Dr  has ever bothered to tell me any of this, during my seven months incarceration in their Welsh hell hole, built purely to feed the 'Taffia gravy train'.</p> <p>Dream on, boys and girls. I watched most days Dr Tegwyn Williams, in partnership with an NHS (Wales) administrator, quietly syphoning off  appropriate Caswell Clinic patients to one of their very lucrative private clinics....all funded and paid for by the readers of this blog.</p> <p>South Wales Police have a new problem now.. The trial judge is, simply, buggered.</p> <p>By reading the forgeries tomorrow, he has to identify the authors of those who sat around the table in Barry police station on the 8<sup>th</sup> June 2009, planning to having me shot. See this <a href="">leaked report</a>!  E P stands for seasoned, no nonsence, Caswell Clinic social worker, Elizabeth more names of that frightening three month  experience of mine, in Caswell Clinic, will trickle out on these blogs up to trial date when reach will receive a summonses to give evidence of what evilness they witnessed under Dr Tegwyn Williams </p> <p>He also has to identify those at the remaining six meetings in Caswell Clinic, each month, all trying to thrash out another way, my now being in prison, of keeping me locked up, unconvicted, to screw up my prosecution of 10 years of extreme bullying by a police force that had clearly lost its head.</p> <p>On the 17th Dec 2009, the last purported MAPPA meeting, someone removed my name from the register altogether! Tomorrow we might find out just who?</p> <p>No one told me why I was no longer on MAPPA, just days before the farcical machine gun trial was due to start.....but 'truth will out'.</p> <p>Tomorrow, at 11am in the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, the case continues and  I suggest you should not miss it for ‘all the tea in China'.</p> <p>The QC and solicitor, methinks, were lying today and should be arrested.</p> <p>If the police do not now arrest Dr Tegwyn Williams the learned judge has new a very huge problem.</p> <p>All welcome to witness!</p> <p>Caswell Clinic staff, Barbara Wilding and Dr Tegwyn Williams etc will be among many new faces in the trial, all made to give evidence on oath. The trial is now listed in the New Year, which year is debatable, to last, they estimate, for only nine weeks.....just where do they dream up these porky pies?</p> <p>Key prosecution witnesses, to confirm the extreme bullying by South Wales Polikce, have, after 19 years, just  been located!</p> <p>So boo to those who snear at the 'ram butting the dam' is a 'gurt' crack appearing.</p> <p>Free candy floss and ice cream at the interval while the safety curtain comes down... <br /></p>Maurice back in Court on 16th Feb, 13 Feb 2010 11:40:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1342Maurice<p><b>I left 8 months of sheer terror, </b>culminating in a wicked sham of a British trial and went back to Caswell Clinic to demand my FOA and DP ACTS paid for medical records.</p> <p>I was arrested for 'attempted burglary'!</p> <p>The police kept me the maximum time allowed and at 11 at night 2 psychiatrists and a social worker of suitable rank arrived in my cell and proceeded to interrogate me for well over an hour with the view of a Section to a lunatic assylum without trial....deja vu?</p> <p>Near 1am I was informed I had, effectively, won that round.</p> <p>I was later released and charged with Public Order, Section 5 and 'obstruction'!  I had to agree to report twice a week at Barry police station live at 52, Tynewydd Rd Barry, currently for sale and attend Barry hearing for 24th Feb 10 am.</p> <p>I was originally given unconditional bail by Barry magistrates, in June 2009, for 'possession of a machine gun', only for my freeedom being reversed by 10 successive Cardiff Crown Court judges, each using a different excuse, each time, following my proving each of their arguments were based on a sheer pack of lies. The gun charge, like the proverbial 'lead Zeppilin', had no way to go but down, as the rule of law (1988 Act and 1968 Firearms Act etc etc) was obvious to the lot of them in the first place.</p> <p>What did the Frenchman say? "When the government is wrong, it is dangerous to be right."</p> <p>The whole issue arose from the Chief Constable's erroneous 25th Feb 2009 sworn afffidavit denying court cases and police break-ins to my veterinary surgeries had ever taken place. </p> <p>The 18 year civil action for damages, needing over 100 police to give evidence, due to be starting 11th Jan 2010, was dependent on 'mutual exchange' of witness statements at 10am on 22nd June 2009 at Cardiff County Court. So I had to be jailed that morning.</p>