Search results matching tags 'Caswell Clinic' and 'Psychiatric Report',Psychiatric+Report&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'Caswell Clinic' and 'Psychiatric Report'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Judge Neil Bidder QC, 12 Jun 2011 07:44:56 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1998Maurice<p>Had me locked up in cells below the court while part of the Cardiff cabal, with tape recorder deliberately switched off, tried to find a way of getting me jailed for life due to my civil proceedins against the South Wales Police  Two transcripts will shortly attached to the poster for world wide circulation--if wrong photo please send me the correct one  <a href=""></a></p>Welsh HM Court Service Cabal, 10 May 2011 07:56:03 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1956Maurice<p>Money no object, time not importent, the Welsh HM court Service and Crown Court judges are determined to get their 0.45 kilo of flesh for my exposing the machine gun conspiracy, police attempt to have me shot and the Dr Tegwyn Williams (in the dep pockets of Southe Wales Police) fraudulant medical reports to have me sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act to Broadmoor, IPP, most likely for life. </p> <p>10 Cardiff judges knowingly refused me bailed in a joint attempt for Dr will;iams to fabricat over 4 moths 5, at least, false medical reports immune to prosecution as in the pay of HM Partnership. </p> <p>Please study the Judicial Rewview download on what the judges in Cardiff Magistrates now are prepared to do about these criminal acts by Dr Williams. </p> <p>Be my guest and come along on Friday or early next week.</p>Dr Tegwyn Williams Claims Disproportionate £6,000 Costs in Bus Fares Petty Debt Action, 19 Jan 2011 08:22:03 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1866Maurice<font size="3"> <p>FAO Area Managers, </p> <p>NHS, Talbot, South Wales </p> <p>19th January 2011 </p> <p>Dear Mr Sissling, </p></font><b><font size="4" face="Calibri,Calibri"><font size="4" face="Calibri,Calibri"> <p>NHS Withheld Medical Records </p></b></font></font><font size="3"> <p>Hip Operation, on 20th January in France to go ahead, following late phone call from Morgan Cole ,solicitors, for NHS, saying, if my Welsh GP asks Mr David Sissling, NHS Area Manager, for South Wales, he will obtain the information from Dr Tegwyn Williams of what he told the 2nd December 2009 Crown Court. Court transcript reveals I had a brain tumour and therefore too dangerous to be released and must be sent to a High Security Prison, like Broadmoor. </p> <p>But fresh medical evidence, on the 17th December 2009, given to the MAPPA (Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements) of police, prison ,probation and social services, hosted by Dr Tegwyn Williams, in the Caswell Clinic Bridgend, found his evidence had been proved false so the Prison casually told me, that same afternoon, nothing other than I was no longer MAPPA level 3, terrorist level and likely now to be eligible for bail! </p> <p>I understand yet another UK doctor is seriously concerned and has written to the GMC, direct, about this lack of clarification on such a serious subject as a brain tumour. </p> <p>It is urgent, this morning, that you arrange this clarification with my Barry GP and for me to have copy to deliver, this afternoon, to the hospital in France</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> Morgan Cole solicitors</p> <p>Cardiff</p> <p>19<sup>th</sup> January 2011</p> <p><b>Re- Dr Tegwyn Williams and Crown Court , Caswell Clinic, General Practioner and Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) Medical Records withheld when required since June 2010 by  Welsh and now French Surgeons before an Total hip Replacement Operation could be Performed</b></p> <p>Dear Madam,</p> <p>Thankyou for your telephone call , last night, AT LAST  giving me  assurance that if my GP in Wales immediately contacts, again, the appropriate NHS personnel with the missing medical information , known to Dr Tegwn Williams, needed for clarification, it will be released before lunch, in order for the operation to go ahead on the 20<sup>th</sup> January 2011.</p> <p>Your apparent black mail tactic has worked. By serving on me an extortionate bill of costs for £6000, just for my claiming for out of pocket expenses, in the Petty Debts court, for travelling, numerous times to the Caswell Clinic, following <b>your client's promises</b> relevant medical records were awaiting collection at the porters lodge, only to be refused.</p> <p>Records to be released, this morning, I understand from you, about my serious medical condition of <b>significant brain damage and possible brain tumour</b>, will be from November 09 to 9<sup>th</sup> February 2010 and will be complete. You said you would also put it in writing.</p> <p>On 9<sup>th</sup> February 2010 it was considered safe, now, to release me back into society as the South Wales Police no longer considered me a serious risk to the general public.</p> <p><b>Withdraw Claim</b></p> <p>There is little point in my pursuing my petty debt claim, on the 20<sup>th</sup> January 2011, in Cardiff, for the bus and taxi fares so I am willing to sign  your proposal but expired yesterday.</p> <p> </p> <p> You state your £6000 bill will not be pursued subject to my signing I no longer need those unusual, extreme and indefinite medical records, falsified by your client, Dr Tegwyn Williams whilst under pressure from the South Wales Police to interfere in the ongoing civil damages claim for numerous malicious prosecutions and false imprisonments.</p> <p>I need to have, urgently, your new proposals in the light of this agreement to disclose records.</p> <p>Thankyou </p> <p>Maurice J Kirk BVSc</p> <p> </p> <p>Our Ref:448470.48</p> <p>By Email Only</p> <p>Bradley Court<br />11 Park Place<br />CARDIFF<br />CF10 3DR</p> <p>Tel: 029 2038 5385<br />Fax: 029 2038 5300<br />DX: 33014 Cardiff<br /></p> <p>19 January 2011</p> <p>Dear Mr Kirk</p> <p>Maurice Kirk v Dr Tegwyn Williams<br />Claim Number 0CF03922</p> <p>We refer to your letter emailed to us earlier today.</p> <p>We would refer you to the email sent by our Miss Tina Whitman at 10.35 am this morning,<br />which advised you of the correct procedure to be followed in order to allow your treating<br />consultant to obtain any records which he or she considers necessary in order to undertake any<br />treatment you require.</p> <p>As advised, the appropriate procedure is for your treating consultant to write to Morgan<br />Cole with details of the records required and we will arrange for Abertawe Bro Morgannwg<br />University Local Health Board (‘the LHB') to action the request in accordance with their usual<br />procedures and provide the records directly to your consultant. As we have previously stated,<br />no request for records has previously been received by the LHB from either your treating<br />consultant or your GP.</p> <p>We note from your letter that you understand that the records will be released today and<br />provided to your doctors in France by tomorrow. We must stress that that is incorrect and does<br />not reflect what we advised you, either by telephone or email. As stated, no records can be<br />released until your treating consultant makes a written request and even if that request were<br />to be received today, it would not be possible to get the records to the relevant doctors by<br />tomorrow.</p> <p>Further, as you accept, you have already received all of your records as held by the LHB.<br />As we understand it, the period which you, and your consultant, are interested in relates to<br />December 2009 to February 2010. These records were disclosed, in their entirety, to you on 9<br />June 2010. Therefore, you already hold all of the relevant records and these could be provided</p> <p>K:\Health\A\ABMU LHB 448470\00048 - Maurice Kirk\2011 01 19 mr kirk.doc</p> <p>to your consultant by you if required. For the avoidance of doubt, we can advise that if your<br />consultant were to request records from the LHB, then he or she would not receive anything<br />different from that which has already been disclosed to you. However, as stated, if your<br />consultant were to make a request, then the LHB would process this as they would any other<br />request.</p> <p>We also understand from your letter that you are prepared to discontinue your claim against Dr<br />Williams on the terms set out in our letter of 7 January 2011. If this is the case, then we would<br />be grateful if you could sign and return the attached consent order today. May we suggest that<br />you either scan the signed document and email it to us or fax it to us on 00 44 29 20 385300?</p> <p>We look forward to hearing from you.</p> <p>Yours faithfully</p> <p>Morgan Cole LLP</p> <p> </p> <p>Morgan Cole, solicitors and barrister,</p> <p>19thJan 2011</p> <p>Dear Madam,</p> <p><b>Falsified Medical Records</b> </p> <p>Further to your e-mail of, an hour ago and NHS counsel's confirmation letter of today's date, I enclose the response, you asked, in order for the urgent matter to be resolved today, with the release of December 09 medical records.</p> <p>,Enclosed is my surgeon and anaesthetist letter, 'to whom it may concern', of the Vale Hospital, Vale of Glamorgan, as you both know, had their request before His Honour Judge Cooke QC who refused to intervene which is why the operation has been delayed since June 2010.</p> <p>Note the enclosed letter of both my anaesthetist and Barry GP have names redacted as this document is for publication on web site, <a href=""></a>. BUT it has the Cardiff Crown Court stamp on it and is Exibit I at the shortly to be heard Criminal Court of Appeal hearing in England, well outside Wales, that takes preference to your local attempts to hide the truth.</p> <p>The truth behind my medical state, my then being incarcerated under HM Prison 'care', when Dr Tegwyn Williams, under oppression of the Welsh Crown Prosecution (South Wales Police), whilst attempting to avoid a ridiculous 'machine gun' trial that was bound to fail, alone asked His Honour Judge Bidder QC, tape recorder carefully switched off and copy of court log refused, by HM Court Service, to have me locked away for life, yes, in Broadmoor without trial. </p> <p>My South Wales GP has confirmed again, today, their is nothing in my NHS records, for December 09 ,to date, referring to the 2nd December 09Crown Court medical evidence  or Dr Tegwyn Williams complete reversal of his evidence at in his hurriedly arranged Caswell Clinic meeting of 17th December 09 with the prosecution, South Wales Police in attendance.</p> <p>An appliication ,today, therefore has been lodged with the Trial judge in the 19 year running civil action for damages, CF101741 + 8 others, for <u>disclosure </u>of those very medical records, I am told, will be found in the MAPPA minutes.</p> <p><b>May<i> I suggest you consider your own positions in this and stop pissing me about when you know truth that those medical records are still in existence as MAPPA Minutes that every Tom *** and Harry have read, so far, other than my surgeon  and anaesthetist, awaiting to operate, the patient's general practitioner, under whom I have his care and the suffering patient, moi..</i>.</b></p> <p><b>In the interests of justice I suggest mutual agreement to adjoin this 'bus fares' petty debt claim until the outcome of the criminal hearing [ no 201004016C1], in London</b></p> <p> yours</p> <p> </p> <p></font><font size="3"></font> </p> <p> </p>Dr Tegwyn Williams, of Caswell Clinic, Bridgend and' Falsified Medical Evidence GMC Investigation STARTS AT LAST!, 17 Jan 2011 17:31:10 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1864Maurice<p>At last!</p> <p>But who is not holding his breath?</p>Legal Submissions re MAPPA Reasons for NOT Striking Out any of the 30 odd Police Incidents for Trial, 04 Oct 2010 10:46:50 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1618Maurice<p>More later when I have finished this celibate week-end and celebratory bouteille de cidre de Bretagne!</p> <p>PROPORTIONALITY is what this wickedness is all about, an expression used in British courts to make judges take us seriously.</p>Leaked Police MAPPA Report from Welsh Psychiatric Prison, 02 Oct 2010 14:32:44 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1611Maurice<p><a href="">The first four pages</a> of a lengthy report revealing, for the first time to Maurice, just how close he was, last year to an early grave. </p><p>What consolation is it that the report includes the results of an intelligence test that puts him in the "very superior range" of the top 1% of the population? <br /></p>Caswell Clinic Continue to Withhold Falsified Medical Records, 04 Sep 2010 17:32:38 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1503Maurice<p>Fabricated medical records, used to obtain Maurice's incarceration in Bridgend psychiatric prison, still withheld despite Judge Cooke QC's Order. This Download, of Maurice's current GP records, indicates only too well, the insidious world of <b>HM Partnership</b> and their stranglehold on Drs Tegwyn Williams and Professor Roger Woods.</p>CAA Flying Licence Returned Despite Dr Tegwyn Wiliams DOWNLOAD EVIDENCE, 06 Aug 2010 08:41:17 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1482Maurice<p>So why did it take so long to arrive since its creation?</p>Extract of Fabricated Medical Records, Before Judge Bidder QC, Amusingly Now under the Pretence of Judge Cooke QC's Order to Disclose!., 17 Jul 2010 13:43:36 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1454Maurice<b> </b><p><b>OPINION</b></p> <p>9. Maurice Kirk presents with symptoms entirely consistent with a mental illness namely paranoid delusional disorder (fixed false beliefs, unnameanable to reason). This involves the belief that he is at the centre of a web of persecution concerning the Police, Criminal Justice System, the Medical System and Freemasonry. This persecution has an over-riding importance for him and any attempt to move him away from such subjects rapidly returns to his perception of being persecuted by the Police.</p> <p>10. Maurice Kirk has evidence of significant brain damage to an area of his brain specifically related to self-awareness, judgement, decision making, self regulation of behaviour and control of emotions. It should also be noted that one feature of this function is paranoid ideation and a very fixed dichotomous way of viewing the world. However, further investigation is required which would involve further psychological testing to clarity and quantify this.</p> <p>11.1 I understand that the current case before the court involves a precise and highly technical area of law. My current preliminary position is that whilst Maurice Kirk is fit to plead, his difficulties organising and sequencing information, his inability to filter out irrelevant information and his problems with attention and concentration, as a result of probable brain injury combined with his overwhelming perception of himself as being a victim of persecution by the system means that he would be unable to conduct his own defence. <br /></p> <p>However, before coming to a final opinion, I request that Maurice Kirk is further remanded to the Caswell Clinic under the terms of Section 35 of the Mental Health Act 1983 for another period of 28 days to allow the completion of psychological assessments.</p> <p>Judge Bidder QC had a 'closed court', of course, for a very good reasons. MAPPA information was being discussed, gathered before my arrest and needed by me to assist my damages claim from ten years of police malicious prosecutions and further ridicule their latest trumpted up court farce, the 'Machine Gun' Trial. They all say it is 'privilaged' information, under Public Interest Indemnity, PPI. What will they dream up next, I wonder?</p> <p>Enclosed Download is but one small part of proof of the welsh conspiracy. The content of both solictor's letter and MAPPA's reply being 'turned on it's head by the Probation Service's records, some under my care, clearly showing the web of deceit they all weave is slowly falling apart.</p> <p>South Wales Police, HM Prison and Probation, lied, lied and lied, denying I was ever under covert surveillance which is why, when Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding, had falsified her 25th Feb 2009, denying courts cases and police break-ins ever took place, I was bound for a prison, IPP or to be thrown off the Severn Bridge in a heavily weighted sack. This Level 3 information was given to Judge Bidder QC on 2nd December 09, to oppose my bail, in my absence, after Dr Tegwyn Williams of Casell Gulag had failed to obtain my incarceration to Broadmoor.</p> <p>Dr Tegwyn Williams has never been asked to give his evidence ON OATH or faced cross examination.</p> <p>The South Wales Police knew all along, long before I was arrested for having a machine gun and prohibited ammunition, I had sold it a year earlier and had been in possession of it, attached to my replica WW2 DH2 biplane, for at least 12 years and had flown her, in the 2000 Farnborough Air Show, after Brian Trubshaw's, Concorde test pilot, insistance that no one else was to flew her but me.</p> <p>That is why HHJ Nicholas Cooke QC never ever intended to carry out his 24th June 2010 Court Order for Caswell Clinic, police and prison to hand over the falsified medical records now holding up my urgent total hip replacement operation.</p> <p>That is why solictors for South Wales Police, Dolmans, continue to refuse to identify to me the two hundred odd police officers, as my witnesses in the September eight week trial for damages, following ten years of countless malicious prosecutions.</p> <p>That is why the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons lawyers, Penningtons, today lied in court following their successful annual attempts, since 2004, in denying me my right, in law, to go before a court to apply to be allowed, again, to practice veterinary surgery.</p> <p>That is why the HM Privy Council deputy registrar, last week, refused to let my application, asking the PC to intervene or to go before their court when, again, statute law demands it.....see Downloads.</p> 2/12/09 Transcript of Judge Bidder QC Conspiring with Dr Tegwyn Williams and Crown Prosecution Service, in a Closed Court, Frantically Falsifying Medical Records, 17 Jul 2010 13:04:34 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1453Maurice<p>...while I am rattling my cage below the court as these gentlemen, with the tape recorder deliberately switched off have waxed eloquent for half an hour or so, in their last ditch attempt to have me sent to Broadmoor, IPP, to avoid the machine gun trial ever becoming public.</p> <p>But William, the clerk, switched the tape back on, a bit too quick, just catching the Cardiff cabal's closing comments as I am led up from the cells in hand cuffs to be refused bail. </p><p>DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT</p>