Search results matching tags 'Caswell Clinic' and 'NHS',NHS&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'Caswell Clinic' and 'NHS'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Machine Gun Case and MAPPA Disclosure 11th July 2pm at Cardiff County Court, 06 Jul 2011 08:18:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2042Maurice<p><a href=""><img align="left" src="" width="200" height="282" alt="" /></a><b>Roll up, roll up,</b> see corruption in the raw!</p> <p>While I was outside the Cardiff court yesterday, demonstrating with megaphone and posters, a relation of one of the machine gun jury, in January 2009, came up and said she was appalled at Judge Paul Thomas QC's conduct, he stating she believed it had been, "chaotic and bloody shambolic". I told him, knowing the taffia's real reason behind the trial, I could have been a mass murderer and I would still have got off!</p> <p>Yesterday's e-mails from both Adrian Oliver, for machine gun case damages and Morgan Cole , for Dr Tegwyn Wiliams and Professor Wood false medical reports damages, both indicated frantic activity within the South Wales Police, to put both cases  into the 'long grass'.</p> <p>One or two more Welsh judges will oblige them, no doubt, to keep the truth from the general public </p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>WANTED</b></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>Judge Paul Thomas QC</b></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>As Cardiff trial judge he refused me - my medication, my documents in cell below, bail, relevant witnesses, the right to cross examine relevant issues, the right to interview my own witnesses, to stop a hopeless trial, disclosure of the police fabricated conspiracy with MAPPA/FTAC, seeking IPP, that I was dangerous and in ‘possession of a WW1 decommissioned Lewis machine gun with live ammunition.</b></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>Jury decided verdict after first day of evidence</b></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>He refused the huge costs incurred</b></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>Evilness Personified</b></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>Published by Maurice Kirk </b><a href=""><font color="#efbc97"><b></b></font></a></font></p> <p style="MARGIN:0pt 0pt 10pt;" class="MsoNormal"><font size="3" face="Calibri"><b>(Content of many WANTED posters to be dropped over Cardiff from a great height)</b></font></p> <p> </p> <p>It stinks, does'nt it?</p> <p><b><font size="4">Come Witness More Corruption on the 11th July 2pm at Cardiff County Court</font></b></p> <p>The conspiracy to having me shot or locked away for life, IPP, by the Defendant in this Monday's case, all surfaces in their very own made cesspit of evilness, known as a Cardiff court, changed, at 2pm.</p> <p>Maurice pays for lunch and and sticky buns, in the intervals when the fire curtain comes down. That's if you can bear the stench, in the auditorium, in this local theatre of entertainment known as the Cardiff Justice Centre. 2pm</p> <p>See video  (in blog post below) of  UK Law Lords scurrying out of court, last week, knowing these issues, to be raised on Monday, were, at last, before them, the method, to get it out of Wales, having been somewhat un-orthodox. </p> <p>A general statement on behalf of "We the people..." who believe our government and law courts have undermined basic human rights and pledge to fulfil the promise of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights <a href="">is here</a>. <br /></p> <p>MONDAY AGENDA</p> <p>On Monday at 2pm police apply to court to put off my current machine gun one million pound claim until outcome of my 19 year running damages claim of police bullying ie 2years.<br /> <br />Also, today, my seperate claim against NHS, Dr Williams and Prof Wood falsified medical reports to get me to Ashworth High Security Prison has recieved in court an application by Defendants to stay also!.<br /> <br />Bearing in mind my private prosecutions in Cardiff  mag are now subject to 'state a case' back at DJ Martin Brown and Bristol magistrates advise are back before judge Nicholas Cooke QC ,who you may remember,on 1st Oct 2009 throuout norman and myself, refusing me bail lying to you that the psychiatric report was correct..<br /> <br />Also 6 hours with police this week, repeating all complaints I generated when that evil Caswell Clinic, in 2009, run by Williams to fill his private clinics.<br /> <br />On Monday the trial judge is forced to make decision on whether I get MAPPA minutes of June 09 to Dec 09, not subject to PII, which reveals more of the conspiracy to get me to prison for life,unconvicted.<br /></p> <p>You shoukd be able to precict his behavioour after his last one which included I could not sue police3 for beating me up caught on over head camera (see videos).</p> <p><br />There is much more I am not prepared to reveal just now<br /> </p><b>Application to a magistrates' court to state a case                                                  5th July 2011</b> <p><b>64.1.</b>-(1) An application under section 111(1) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980(<b>a</b>) shall be made in writing and signed by or on behalf of the applicant and shall identify the question or questions of law or jurisdiction on which the opinion of the High Court is sought. </p> <p>(2) Where one of the questions on which the opinion of the High Court is sought is whether there was evidence on which the magistrates' court could come to its decision, the particular finding of fact made by the magistrates' court which it is claimed cannot be supported by the evidence before the magistrates' court shall be specified in such application. </p> <p>(3) Any such application shall be sent to a court officer for the magistrates' court whose decision is questioned. </p> <p> </p> <p>Cardiff Magistrates<br />Cardiff<br />South Wales</p> <p>5<sup>th</sup> July 2011</p> <p align="center"><b>Laying of Information against Adrian Oliver, Barbara Wilding and Dr Tegwyn Williams</b></p> <p>An application under section 111(1) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1980(<b>a</b>) is made to state a case before the High Court on the premise that Adrian Oliver drafted an affidavit for the County Court, having stated to the Cardiff County Court had full disclosure knowing the affidavit to be false for Barbara Wilding to sign it.</p> <p>Further, for Barbara Wilding to have ignored the November 2008 Court Order, immediately handing in her notice as Chief Constable and then signing the 25<sup>th</sup> February 2009 affidavit, knowing it to be false, was also a criminal offence.</p> <p>To then employ medical staff, on or before 8<sup>th</sup> June 2009, from her South Wales Police forensic unit, Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, informing them Maurice Kirk was likely to be shot but deliberately delaying his arrest was a criminal offence.</p> <p>Once detained in custody, on the 22<sup>nd</sup> July 2009 for police using Adrian Oliver to lay complaint, knowing it to be false, was a criminal offence.</p> <p>The magistrate knew or should have known all three of the accused were all implicated if not fully aware, in over 130 criminal allegations brought by the South Wales Police of which as few as 12 had been found proven in local Welsh courts, was part of promised immunity to prosecution in the Principality, purely for profit.</p> <p>The HM Court Service (Wales) and Crown Prosecution Service (Wales) were equally well informed, in that 29<sup>th</sup> June 2011 magistrates court hearing with prima facie evidence of an apparent conspiracy to pervert the course of justice by all three accused and should or did inform the district judge accordingly.</p> <p>Dr Tegwyn Williams was employed by police to falsify his first psychiatric report to MAPPA and IAG, on the 1<sup>st</sup> June 2009, following Maurice Kirk's applications to the Royal Courts of Justice and elsewhere, in England, for an independent police investigation.</p> <p>The magistrate had access to all this above information and documents already before him, with both the CPS, and HMCS in attendance together with Adrian Oliver, also an officer of the court, all bound, by oath, not to knowingly allow an ‘abuse of process' to be obtained in any England and Wales court of law.</p> <p>For the magistrate to deliberately state the findings of Dr Tegwyn Williams, ‘significant brain damage', ‘paranoid delusional disorder' [belief Maurice Kirk believed police were bullying him] and ‘having a possible brain tumour' was, in itself, an abuse and a criminal offence.</p> <p>Dr Tegwyn Williams neither had the qualifications nor the knowledge and when in possession of contrary evidence by experts, to have knowingly falsified numerous, some yet undisclosed, despite court order, psychiatric reports, to have Maurice Kirk sectioned to Ashworth high security prison for life, was a criminal offence.</p> <p>Williams was aware such an attempt would prejudice Maurice Kirk's 19 year running civil damages claim against the police and nearly 8 months imprisonment, that Maurice Kirk was in possession of a machine gun, had been fabricated by Barbara Wilding for her own private purposes.</p> <p>6 hours, today, with Cardiff police and visiting Cardiff Crown court, upon the advice of and English court, in Bristol, was a joke. HHJ Cooke QC repeating his arrogant deceit by refusing disclosure of my own medical records, he personally had ordered to get him sectioned, will again go before the Criminal Court of Appeal, London and will again be videoed for internet coverage to expose South Wales deceit riddled judiciary driven by avarice.</p> <p>For police, today, to suggest Maurice Kirk report his complaint of ‘attempted murder' to IPCC is an insult to his intelligence, since they know he had already been there, countless times, bought the T-shirt and seen the movie.</p> <p>Police, today, refused to investigate my complaints or refer them to the CPS but, instead, referred the documents to the South Wales Police HQ, Bridgend.</p> <p>Gloucestershire police have already refused to investigate sending all the evidence to the villains.</p> <p>Maurice Kirk makes application to pay £20,000 or whatever sum of money it takes, to a police officer, for the release of records relating only to him, created by IAG, MAPPA, Caswell Clinic, HM prison, Cardiff, Cardiff courts and Dr Tegwyn Williams thereby unable to be withheld, any longer, on the legal argument of Public Interest Immunity to be attempted in another thoroughly corrupt welsh environment, Cardiff County Court, on 11<sup>th</sup> and 12<sup>th</sup> July, before HHJ Seys Llewellyn QC.</p> <p>All invited, lunch on Maurice Kirk, as usual. </p> <p>Maurice J Kirk BVSc</p> <p>Enclosed criminal charges before 28<sup>th</sup> June 2011 Cardiff Magistrates Court<b></b></p> <p> </p> <p><b>Criminal Charges</b> </p> <p><b>Barbara Wilding, ex-Chief Constable of the South Wales Constabulary</b></p> <ol> <li>On a day between the 4th Day of October 2008 and 26<sup>th</sup> Day of Feb 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with Adrian Oliver and other persons unknown, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of a sworn affidavit, dated 25<sup>th</sup> Feb 2009, for His Honour Judge Nicholas Chambers QC, knowing it to be false, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.  </li></ol> <ol start="2"> <li>On a day between 1<sup>st</sup> June 2009 and 25<sup>th</sup> June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown and by laying false information before Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) meetings, you attempted to murder Maurice John Kirk knowing it to be unlawful and contrary to Criminal Attempts Act 1981.1.</li></ol> <ol start="3"> <li>On the 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, under Operation Chalice, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by having Maurice John Kirk arrested and gaoled for being in possession of a prohibited weapon, one WWI Lewis machine gun, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.  </li></ol> <ol start="4"> <li> On the 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, you did conspire to pervert the course of justice by having Maurice John Kirk arrested and gaoled for being in possession of ammunition, knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.</li></ol> <ol start="5"> <li>On or about 22nd June 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, under Operation Orchid, you did harass Maurice John Kirk and/or Kirstie Louse Kirk and her daughter, indicating social services may remove Genevieve Kirk from the family unit when knowing the reasons to be false and contrary to section 2 of the Harassment Act 1997.  </li></ol> <p><b><br />Adrian Oliver of Dolmans, solicitors, Windsor Place, Cardiff</b> </p> <ul> <li>1. On a day between the 4th Day of October 2008 and 26<sup>th</sup> Day of Feb 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with Barbara Wilding and other persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of a sworn affidavit, dated 25<sup>th</sup> Feb 2009,following the Order of His Honour Nicholas Chambers QC,knowing it to be false and contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.  </li></ul> <ul> <li>2. On a day between 19<sup>th</sup> and 20<sup>th</sup> June 2009 in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with other persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the laying of information, namely, threat to cause criminal damage,knowing it to be false and causing Maurice John Kirk to be arrested, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977.</li></ul> <p><br /><b>Dr Tegwyn Williams of Caswell Clinic, South Wales Police Forensic Psychiatric Unit, Bridgend, South Wales</b></p> <ul> <li>1. On a day between 8<sup>th</sup> June and 17<sup>th</sup> December 2009, in the Vale of Glamorgan, South Wales, with persons unknown, did conspire to pervert the course of justice by the production of psychiatric reports of Maurice John Kirk knowing them to be false and written without the necessary qualifications, contrary to section 1(1) of the Criminal Law Act 1977. <br /></li></ul> <ul> <li>2. On 2nd December 2009, at Cardiff Crown Court in the Vale of Glamorgan South Wales, with Richard Thomlow, Crown Prosecution barrister, did conspireto pervert the course of justice by the laying of information before His Honour Judge Neil Bidder QC, knowing it to be false, namely, that Maurice John Kirk had significant brain damage and a possible brain tumour and recommending he be sentto ahigh security psychiatric hospital for an indeterminate period. </li></ul>South Wales Police sued for One Million Euros for Falsifying Machine Gun and Medical Evidence, 26 May 2011 17:14:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1970Maurice<p><strong>STOP PRESS</strong></p> <p><strong>Welsh Court of Appeal Lost</strong>!</p> <p>25% of original Damages Claim Struck Out....the highly sensitve political ones (see December 2010 site video)</p> <p>'C'est un judgment bizarre', a Breton would say! </p> <p> </p> <p><b>Immediate Thoughts on Receipt of 17<sup>th</sup> May 2011 Court of Appeal Judgment, BELOW,</b><b> Refusing Application to Appeal</b></p> <p><strong>A. Upon reading the judgment, who wrote it? Defendant's solictors?</strong></p> <p><strong>B. Someone was back in London by the time the trial judge, HHJSeys LLewelyn QC, read the <u>'first' reasons</u> realising the visiting judge had not addressed the main issues in dispute, namely, an <u>exeptional case of bullying</u> needing to be consolidated with stayed 4th ,5th , 6th Actions, including  the new machine gun case, BELOW, referred to, extensively, in the Claimant's pleadings here LINK SKM</strong></p> <p><strong>C. Who, then, wrote the 'second' reasons, as if an after thought explaining, maybe, why Cardiff court held back the decision, from the Claimant, for nine days?</strong></p><strong>D. Clearly, just using the 'struck out' list, below, as examples for the oral appeal shortly (London ), [ALL INVITED, DINNER, as usual, ON ME], is it blatently obvious either MR JUSTICE KITCHIN is also being bullied by 'HM Partnership' or was he never given <u>the facts, </u>on appeal, of the forty odd incidents listed in the first three Actions? With Cardiff manager's track record nothing would surprise me.</strong><strong>  <p align="center"><b><i>There can only be one truth - no matter whose hands it's in...<br />Maurice J Kirk</i></b></p></strong> <p>1. <b>Stolen Cheques </b></p> <p>The thief was identified by the Claimant in Barry Post Office during 2010 Claimant's Application to HHJ Seys Llewellyn QC, in the Lower court, for Permission to Appeal. Both the court and police were informed of his whereabouts, by the Claimant but the Defendant <u>again refused</u> to investigate when his address was traceable from the post office. And a High Court judge now says the South Wales Police have no 'duty'!......With over a hundred incidents of this type of wicked conduct, within the seven or so Actions! Just how many does it take for a policeman to be culpable? </p> <p><strong>Mr Kitchin</strong> knows, to amalgamate cases further risks prison for high ranking South Wales Police.</p> <p>That's <strong>HM Partnership's</strong> real 'Reasons' for yet another  typical example in our British courts in 'meltdown', not to be published in newspapers. </p> <p><strong><font size="4">'Struck Out' due to 'Collateral Attack' on a conviction obtained during an incident</font></strong></p> <p>2.  <b>Police Caught on Overhead Roadside Video [See it on video Gallery, 5th one back]</b></p> <p>Despite police refusing to disclose videos of Claimant being 'beaten up' in Cardiff police cells, the original magistrates and Cardiff Crown Court were not even being allowed to see the overhead road side video because police withheld its disclosure until a year too late.</p> <p>[The police cell videos were doctored, blanking out the top half of film to hide police identity]</p> <p> Now the Appeal Court judge did not view the video either!  <strong>Mr Kitchin</strong> undoubtedly argues 'police beating  up their prisoners' is 'not relevant' because the terrified Claimant stupidly should not have pleaded guilty to trivial motoring offence thereby giving the bullying police immunity Immunity against any of their conduct throuout the incident...scarry or not scarry??  </p> <p>Roadside Video [5th back on this website video gallery] catches Cardiff police 'beating up' the Claimant after being dragged out of his car. This was before he was even arrested for ‘failure to give road side breath test' having just been followed directly from the Cardiff Crown Court where he and his secretary had been all morning complaining to the then, Recorder of Cardiff, Mr Justice Roderick Evans, about nine years of excessive South Wales Police bullying and proving police documents had been forged (see next incident).</p> <p><strong>3. Alleged</strong> <strong>Breach of the Peace at Vale Glamorgan Show</strong></p> <p>Another,<strong> 'Struck out' due to collateral attack on a conviction that, this time, never happened !!!</strong>  The Claimant was never even charged (four versions of withheld BOP as Cla imant'sexhibits), jailed but never convicted. Bridgend Clerk of the Court, many months later, persuaded police, over lunch, to withdraw the alleged BOP offence, part way through a trial of other charges, quite unrelated, another time, another place, because the Claimant would obviously plead 'not guilty' and would have to go to prison due to common law! </p> <p>Liar. Just as at the first hearing, in Barry, the Claimant was not told of what the female prosecutor or clerk had before them, witnessed by Claimant's secretary. It was BOP in three different forms!!!!!</p> <p>The Claimant 'made it worth someone's while' to extract from Bridgend Magistrates records the <u>original clerk's notes (exhibit)</u> confirming scandalous conduct</p> <p><strong>4. 'Struck Out' due to 'collateral attack' in Claimant's absence from court due to in hospital after motor bike accident!</strong></p> <p>Veterinary nurse, planted in back of court, signed a sworn affidavit after hearing police stating:</p> <p> <em>"He drives around in his little white sports car quoting human rights...we are going to get the b'stard".</em></p> <p><strong> A trivial motoring conviction should not be the excuse for a High Court judge to protect the bullies breaking UK law.</strong></p> <p><strong>5</strong> <b>The Defence's Hunter Case Law</b> argument was quite inappropriate for such an <u>unusual, extreme and excessive bullying case</u> with more than one hundred incidents in the six or seven Particulars of Claim. Just how many incidents of police bullying does it take to remove their devine right not to investigate but allowed to cause physical injury, time and time again?</p> <p><strong>6.</strong> <b>Defendant's ‘Mindset' not relevant</b>?!!!!!!  Has this High Court judge ever been confronted with such extreme acts of criminal conduct by police?. Of course not but the 'Maurices' of this world who dare question 'authority' are expendable  SEE the injury list IN 'VICTIMS UNITE' blogs..</p> <p>See 26<sup>th</sup> May 2011 <strong><u>Machine Gun Particulars of Claim</u></strong> [ below] including False Psychiatric records all fabricated to obtain a false imprisonment designed to interfere with these very civil proceedings. Of course <strong>Mr Kitchin</strong> avoided the issue, that was his brief.</p> <p>7. <b>South Wales Police's, ‘Operation Orchid'</b>, at the same time, putting the fear of God into my wife when they threatened to have Social Services snatch our 10 year old daughter away has caused quite unforseen repercussions. </p> <p>Etc, etc.</p> <p><strong>Mr Kitchin</strong>  clearly does not realise anarchy is only just around the corner, in Wales and possibly, elsewhere, headed by those who know just where and when to strike, if the break down of law and order in our appalling law courts, driven by avarice, is not sorted out RIGHT NOW.</p> <p>MACHINE GUN CASE</p> <p>Once again it is the K Team that has to draft the court papers as no lawyer has been found after a 15 months trawl through solicitors's offices. It is of no surprise to me when you consider Dr Tegwyn  Williams was given 'carte blanche' to falsify medical reports for 10, no less, Cardiff judges all knowing, full well, they were untrue but refusing bail due some higher sinister authority. Only one Welsh newspaper, The Glamorgan Gem, published a few of the appalling facts of dishonesty thoughout the Welsh judiciary in this case. If had not been for this web site, publishing day by day accounts of the trial, I would still be in jail due to that <b>HM Partnership</b> lot headed by Nicholarse Cooke QC, The Recorder of Cardiff.</p> <p>There only remains outstanding which quick act of retribution is appropriate for the likes of Dr Tegwyn Williams as he, unlike Barbara Wilding, is not afforded the luxury of an armed guard. A Welsh court process? What a joke! That is pretty pointless considering our watching the Welsh NHS leave him loose to do it all over again on some unsuspecting individual with less luck.<br /></p> <p><strong>Common Purpose</strong> and <strong>Law Society</strong> intend to wipe out <b>jury trails</b> and <b>lay magistrates</b> the very two facets of my machine gun  case that shone through as the back bone of what we should be proud of. When the two systems are finally snuffed out by HMCS last one switch off the lights, please.</p> <p align="center"><b>Court of Appeal Judgment by the Honourable </b><b>Mr Justice Kitchin   </b></p> <p align="center"><b>Cardiff Civil Justice Centre</b></p> <p><b>Reasons:</b></p> <p>An appeal has no real prospect of<br />success.</p> <p>ln a long and careful judgment of 30<br />November 2010 the judge addressed the application by the defendant to strike<br />out the claimant's claims in respect of a number of incidents </p> <p>ln particular </p> <p>ln action CF04141, the judge struck<br />out an allegation in respect of the theft of cheques in that, as a matter of<br />law, the defendant did not owe the claimant a privately actionable duty of<br />care.</p> <p>In actions BS614159-MC65, CF101741 and<br />CF204141, the judge struck out a series of allegations as being an abuse of<br />process in that they amounted to collateral attacks on criminal convictions of<br />the defendant or on conclusive findings which have been made against him in<br />other proceedings. </p> <p>The claimant now seeks permission to<br />appeal on a number of grounds. There is nothing in any of them.<br /> </p> <p><b>First</b> the claimant contends that<br />the proceedings took place without him being able to take part. This was<br />plainly not the case. The judge explained in detail in paragraphs 3 and 4 of<br />his judgment the careful steps he took to ensure that the claimant was not in<br />any way disadvantaged and referred in paragraphs 3 to 6 to the extensive<br />submissions from the claimant which he considered.</p> <p><b>Second</b>, the claimant says he was<br />subjected to unfair pressure from the court and was unfairly disadvantaged. To<br />the contrary, it is apparent from the paragraphs of the judgment to which I<br />have referred that the judge took all reasonable steps to ensure the claimant<br />was not subjected to unfair pressure, nor disadvantaged.</p> <p><b>Third</b>, the claimant submits the<br />court wrongly excluded evidence. I reject this contention. There was no<br />material dispute of fact in relation to any of the allegations the judge struck<br />out. </p> <p><b>Fourth</b>, it is said the judge<br />failed to address key submissions. I do not accept this is so. The judge set<br />out the claimant's case on each issue very clearly. Indeed the judge accepted a<br />number of the claimant's submissions in refusing to strike out aspects of his<br />case. </p> <p><b>Fifth</b>, the claimant contends the<br />judge erred in law. In my judgment the defendant has not identified any proper<br />ground in support of this allegation. The judge correctly identified the<br />principle established in Hill v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police and<br />his application of that principle to the facts alleged by the claimant cannot<br />be faulted. The other claims were struck out upon the application of the well<br />established principle that it is not permissible for a claimant to bring a<br />claim which amounts to collateral attack on an earlier criminal conviction or a<br />conclusive finding made against him in earlier proceedings.</p> <p><b>Finally</b>, the claimant asserts that<br />the judge failed to protect the claimant against the defendant's mindset. This<br />provides no basis for an appeal against the specific findings of the judge.</p> <p>For all these reasons the judge was<br />also right to refuse permission to appeal. </p> <p><b>Reasons</b></p> <p>This is a case management order. The<br />judge declined to order all the cases to be consolidated. This was a perfectly<br />reasonable decision, particularly since the cases are already being heard<br />together.</p> <p><br />There is no need for the cases to be<br />transferred to the High Court. Nor has any justification been shown for having<br />them transferred out of Wa1es. </p> <p>An appeal has no real prospect of success.</p> <p><b>17<sup>th</sup> May 2011</b></p> <p><strong></strong> </p> <p><strong>Reply to Refusal</strong></p> <p>Dear Ms Pahl,</p> <p>Please Forward, in your usual reliable way</p> <p>31st May 2011</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Kirk v South Wales Police</strong></p> <p>Appeal at Court of Appeal  No.s CF029/2011a & CF030/2011a<br />( May 2011 court letter contains variations in case numbers)</p> <p> </p> <p>FAO Clerk of the Court,</p> <p>Further to the predicted refusal notice, based on politics and not facts, received on Saturday, 28th May, I apply for an oral hearing and be permitted witnesses to the facts, before the court, to attend without fear of intimidation.</p> <p>I also apply that it take place not before but on the 15th June or onwards, <strong>in London, </strong>but not 28th June as it clashes with another court and an equally scandalous bit of Welsh bloody nonsense.</p> <p>I also have medical appointments in both France and Londoin to entwine with dates already fixed.</p> <p>If the hearing is in South Wales I run a very real risk of being falsly arrested again and finish up in Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Prison, as was attempted last time, following deliberate falsification of both Welsh HM CPS information and Dr Tegwyn Williams psychiatric reports.</p> <p>Last time, following the Welsh filth and their usual tactics, being completely ignored or actively supported by 10 Welsh judges, Welsh HM Court Service and Welsh National Health Service, my liberty, without an appeal, now comes secondary in priority, following revenge, the latter, set for the rest of my short life, to be sufficient to educate the whole world, by exposing your evil Welsh judiciary, driven by greed.</p> <p>Oh, if only I had listend to both my mother and father about the truth of South Wales, following their shock, in 1992, that I had bought a veterinary practice near Cardiff.</p> <p>Yours,</p> <p>Maurice J Kirk BVSc</p> <p>Puits aux Papillons</p> <p>St Doha</p> <p>22230 Merdrignac</p> <p>France</p> <p>0033624571548</p> <p><a href=""></a> </p> <p> </p> <p><br /><br /> </p> <p> <b>IN THE CARDIFF COURT                              </b></p> <p><br /><b>Maurice Kirk                                                      Claimant</b></p> <p><b>Chief Constable of South Wales Police             Defendant</b></p> <p align="right"><b>                                                                                                                             </b></p> <p><b><u>Particulars of Claim</u></b></p><b></b>1. The Defendant was at all material times the chief officer of the South Wales Constabulary and the police officers hereinafter referred to were at all material times acting under the direction and control of the Defendant in the performance or purported performance of their functiion  <p>2.     <b>1977</b>: Five decommissioned WW1 Lewis machine guns were designated for various replica period aircraft by the Claimant's old friend, Mr Viv Bellamy</p> <p>3.     <b>1997</b>: MJK purchased the DH2 replica aeroplane and ‘gun' from a prosecution witness with its log books and other Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) paperwork identifying the ‘gun' s an integral part of the fuselage and therefore exempt under the 1968 Fire rms Act. </p> <p>4.     <b>1998</b>: The 1968 Fire Arms Act was amended meaning that if the ‘gun' remained as it had first been decommissioned, it remained exempt from the new regulations. This became the critical argument in the trial but blocked throughout the twelve days of roceedings of utter nonsense.</p> <p>5.     <b>2000</b>: The DH2 with the same Lewis antique was flown by the Claimant at the Farnborough Air Show by invitation of another old friend of the Claimant, Captain Brian Trubshaw of 002 Concorde fame. </p> <p>6.     <b>2006</b>: The DH2 was moved to RAF Lyneham, Wiltshire, for repair and display with the ‘gun' mounted.</p> <p>7.     <b>2007</b>: he DH2 and ‘gun' was handed out, by the Royal Air Force, to a civilian for further repair in Hampshire also aware it was decommissioned.</p> <p>8.     <b> 2008</b> MJK sold the aircraft and ‘gun' to another display pilot, a prosecution witness, who ‘modified' the gun for his own purposes.</p> <p>9. On or about <b>25<sup>th</sup> February 2009 </b>the Defendant signed a sworn affidavit knowing it to be or ought to have known it to be, false, in that paragraphs, between14 to 21, contained erroneous information, namely, incidents, involving both the Defendant and Claimant had ppeared to never have occurred. Police court cases had occurred and the Defendant's attendance, in force, with the use of a crow bar and sledge hammer, to enter the Claimant's Cardiff veterinary surgery, had also occurred. This amounts at least to misfeasance in public office.</p> <p>10. Following the 2008 Court Order by His Honour Judge Nicholas Chambers QC, for the Defendant to sign an affidavit that full disclosure of evidence, under the Defendant's control, had been disclosed to the Claimant, the latter entered the Defendants solicitor's' offices, on or about the 25<sup>th</sup> February 2009 complaining the Court Order had still not been carried out.</p> <p>11. The Claimant, upon receipt of a copy of the Defendant's affidavit then entered Barry Police Station and was both videoed and interviewed at length following his complaint that the Chief Constable had knowingly signed a false affidavit to avoid disclosure of evidence relevant to the nineteen year running covert police surveillance and civil actions for damages, referred to in CF101741 + four others.</p> <p>12. The sale and subsequent management change of the Claimant's South Wales veterinary practice, in<b> May 2009</b>, allowed the Claimant to reveal, at last, on U Tube and websites worldwide the conduct of the South Wales Police with their covert surveillance team that had operated for well over ten years. The Claimant's 64 page June 09 witness statement, summarising their unusual and extreme behavior, was now being prepared for court.      </p> <p>13. On <b>1<sup>st</sup> June 2009</b> the Defendant caused the Claimant to be subjected to a Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) enquiry following a meeting, at the South Wales Police Head Quarters, Bridgend, by the Independent Advisory Group (IAG).</p> <p>14. On<b> 8<sup>th</sup> June 2009</b>, at Barry police station MAPPA meeting, police informed the agencies, present, including staff from Caswell Clinic psychiatric prison, that the Claimant was a category level 3,  very dangerous and was to be arrested and ‘taken into custody' for being in possession of a prohibited weapon, a machine gun.</p> <p>15. The police also informed the agencies that should the Claimant approach the Chief Constable then <a href=""><u>he was likely to be shot</u></a> which has caused the Claimant to seek asylum in France for fear of his life</p> <p>16. On <b>15<sup>th</sup> June 2009</b> the Claimant brought further civil proceedings, in the Administrative Court, London, against the Defendant and Co-Defendant, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons relating to covert police surveillance. Covert plain clothed police officers were already in attendance.</p> <p>17. On <b>18<sup>th</sup> June 2009 </b>the Claimant again laid the complaint, this time inside the offices of the Defendant's Bridgend South Wales Police head quarters where again there was refusal, by the Defendant, to ‘mutually exchange<br />witness statements' ordered by HHJ Seys Llewellyn QC</p> <p>18. On <b>19<sup>th</sup> June 2009</b> the Defendant again refused to exchange witness statements when the Defendant's solicitors, Dolmans, were contacted by the Claimant despite the Court Order having given the Defendant until 4pm.that day</p> <p>19.  On <b>20<sup>th</sup>June 2009</b> the Defendant's solicitors laid complaint with their client, against the Claimant, to be arrested for a ‘threat of criminal damage' which amounts to more bullying and harassment.</p> <p>20. On<b> 21<sup>st</sup> June 2009</b> police Operations, ‘Orchid' and ‘Chalice, caused' a sizeable force of police officers to surround the Claimant's home, in St Donats, Vale of Glamorgan, requiring an armed response unit, a police helicopter and both forensic psychiatrists  and a lay advisor for the Claimant to be in attendance. The operation was aborted once the Claimant was seen drinking tea with his family in their front garden.</p> <p>21. On<b> 22<sup>nd</sup> June 2009</b> 24/7 police surveillance caused the Claimant to be arrested in the road outside his property and cautioning him from a written script, following legal advise, that he had been arrested for:</p> <p>a.    Threat of committing criminal damage </p> <p>b.    Being in possession of a prohibited weapon </p> <p>c.    Being in possession of prohibited ammunition</p> <p>22. ‘Operation Orchid' caused a second team of South Wales Police to interview the Claimant's wife at the family home, with the hope they could obtain a statement from her that the Claimant had a history of mental illness. This was in the hope of avoiding the criminal proceedings being put to strict proof. The Claimant's wife was threatened that her and Claimant's ten years old daughter was at serious risk of being taken into care, by the South Wales social services, if she did not cooperate. Blatant intimidation and harassment of the Claimant and his family.</p> <p>23. The Claimant was never charged with the first arrest allegation, (a), and despite repeated court orders to reveal the evidence and statements by Dolmans, solicitors, they assisted their client by being a party to the February 2009 Chief Constable's sworn affidavit.</p> <p>24. Despite repeated applications in Cardiff Crown Court, by the Claimant, for specific disclosure relating to the alleged ‘threat of criminal damage' to countless judges, HM Crown Prosecution Service, South Wales Police and Dolmans, the Defendant's solicitors, being the complainant, all refused.</p> <p>25.  Final proof of conspiracy needed just one last refused application, this time before His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC, the management judge in the ongoing civil proceedings between the Claimant and Defendant. </p> <p>26. Dolmans had little choice but to again refuse to disclose the evidence of their client's criminal conduct and/or gross mismanagement during the days leading up to the Claimant's 22<sup>nd</sup> June 2009 ridiculous arrest</p> <p>27.  Dolmans falsified evidence assisting in the arrest of the Claimant, their client, the then Chief Constable of South Wales Police, Ms Barbara Wilding, the latter assuring them, no doubt, of their immunity to prosecution. The overall plan was to prejudice the Claimant's position in the ongoing civil proceedings now that the ‘cover up' of an expensive ten year police covert surveillance team, on the Claimant, was starting to fall apart.</p> <p>28. There was no intention of arresting the Claimant on fire arms charges. The Claimant, without full MAPPA approval or understanding, had been set up to be ‘lawfully killed' by an armed South Wales Police unit under direct orders from senior police officers.</p> <p>29. Events following the early 2009 decision by these high ranking police officers, to have the Claimant eliminated, eventually became unmanageable due to the unpredictable conduct of their moving target and the effect of his postings on his website.  </p> <p>30. Between <b>22<sup>nd</sup> and 23<sup>rd</sup> June 2009</b> the police filmed and removed, from his home, the Claimant's lawfully held shot guns, ammunition and court files, the latter relating to the Claimant's ongoing complaint of police bullying, harassment, malicious prosecutions and false imprisonments conducted in most un usual and extreme<br />manner suggesting vengeance at the tax payer's expense</p> <p>31. None of the above items, guns, ammunition or court files have ever been returned to the Claimant with the police continuing to block the Claimant's right to re new his gun licences.</p> <p>32. On <b>24<sup>th</sup> June 2009</b> a police officer or officers laid information against the Claimant at Barry Magistrates court alleging that that the Claimant had been ‘in possession of a prohibited weapon', one antique 1916 Lewis machine gun and had sold the ‘gun', a year earlier, both contrary to the 1968 Fire Arms Act</p> <p>33. The English police refused to ‘touch the subject with a barge pole' once they became aware that the South Wales Police had persuaded the Civil Aviation Authority to telephone ahead to the new owner, in England, to dismount the Lewis antique and alone drive it across Lincolnshire and beyond to find any licenced arms dealer where it could be, later, collected by the Defendant.</p> <p>34. The Welsh police then ‘hawked' the Lewis antique nearly two thousand miles around the UK, contrary to strict Home Office Regulations, during which time the Defendant had it ‘modified' at their special police laboratory in South Wales. This Claim is yet another one of misfeasance in public office.</p> <p>35. Upon reading the Claimant's June 2009 64 page Defence statement, on the Defendant's real motives behind his arrest, the Barry Magistrates court, together with legal advice, allowed the Claimant immediate and unconditional bail.</p> <p>36. On<b> 25<sup>th</sup> June 2009</b> the police appealed the Court Order deliberately lying on the relevant facts, under consideration, to HHJ Hughes causing the Claimant to be further detained in custody in Cardiff prison.</p> <p>37. Repeat of these lies by the Defendant occurred before a further nine more Cardiff Crown Court judges when opposing bail. False antecedent history together with this malicious false imprisonment is one of the major Claims of the Claimant.</p> <p>38.  The Defendant, over nearly eight months, deliberately refused the Claimant standard or specific disclosure of evidence, under their control, that would have cleared the Claimant's name before the need of a trial. Defamation is another serious Claim by the Claimant. </p> <p>39. In <b>July 2009</b> the Defendant brought a third indictment namely, obtaining income from the ‘proceeds of crime'. A judge, much later, caused this third indictment to be withdrawn. This event contributes to the large number of proceedings that the Claimant has won against the Defendant.</p> <p>40. On <b>3<sup>rd</sup> August 2009</b> Dr Tegwyn Williams, forensic psychiatrist and Director of Caswell Clinic, South Wales Police forensic Unit, at Bridgend, signed a psychiatric report recommending the Claimant be sectioned and further remanded in custody to his medium secure psychiatric unit, Caswell Clinic, under Section 35 of the 1983 Mental Health Act having not even examined his patient</p> <p>41. Dr Teqwyn Williams had in his possession, before 3<sup>rd</sup> August 2009, psychiatric reports from both HM Prison Cardiff and his own Caswell Clinic doctors, that the Claimant did not need any medication or treatment relevant to the 1983 Mental Health Act.<br /></p> <p>42. On <b>28<sup>th</sup>August 2009</b> a series of brain scans, arranged by Dr Tegwyn Williams, indicated no relevant abnormalities in the Claimant, confirmed at the time, in writing, by at least one expert at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital, Bridgend. </p> <p>43. In <b>September 2009</b>, after it was clear the Claimant was not going to employ a lawyer, with sworn allegiance to the South Wales courts, Dr Tegwyn Williams recommended that the Claimant be now transferred to Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Prison (IPP), Imprisonment for Public Protection with a term of imprisonment, without trail, of an inordinate length stating, without appropriate qualifications, the Claimant had ‘significant brain damage' and ‘possible cancer', neither of which had much chance of recovery.</p> <p>44. Whilst this Claim could be conceived against Dr Tegwyn Williams alone, it is concluded here as a major act of harassment by the Defendant who had commissioned Dr Williams via FTAC and MAPPA.</p> <p>45. The Claimant, following much needed legal advice retains the right of including Dr Tegwyn Williams as a Co-Defendant in these civil proceedings for damages.  </p> <p>46. On or about the<b> 24<sup>th</sup> October 2009</b> the Claimant was further remanded in custody in Cardiff Prison reliant on a further Dr Tegwyn Williams psychiatric report the Defendant knew or ought to have known was false as the National Health Service doctor was not even qualified to sign such a court document as true, to the best of his belief.</p> <p>47. On the <b>2nd December 2009</b> the prosecution had convened a hearing, not tape recorded and in the absence of the Claimant, left locked up under the court, to discuss, at length, with the proposed trial judge and Dr Tegwyn Williams, the possibilities of avoiding the trial by way of a Section 41 or similar, of the 1983 Mental Health Act, that could have the Claimant locked away, without trial, for life. </p> <p>48. But the Defendant had failed to obtain the second signatory from any appropriately qualified forensic psychiatrist, required by law, in either England or Wales, but not for the want of trying.</p> <p>49. On the <b>2<sup>nd</sup> December 2009 </b>The Defendant failed to inform the proposed trial judge, HHJ Bidder QC, that the Claimant had caused not less than twelve psychiatric reports from a same number of psychiatrists that the Claimant was not requiring the need for either psychiatric assessment or treatment.</p> <p>50. HM Court Service (Wales), as is their habit, failed to disclose to HHJ Bidder QC or the Claimant of the Claimant's privately obtained expert medical report, from outside Wales, having been served on Cardiff Crown Court the day before by an English solicitor and past MP for the Vale of Glamorgan. </p> <p>51. The report seriously contradicted both those of Dr Tegwyn Williams' and the findings of Professor Roger Wood, the latter also unqualified to state an opinion that might affect permanent custody of the Claimant </p> <p>52. On <b>7<sup>tt</sup> December 2009</b> the Claimant, using other lawyers, again from well outside South Wales, caused the MAPPA  coordinator, based at the Defendant's HQ, to indicate, in writing, ‘ The right arm did not know what the left arm of the law was doing'</p> <p>53. On<b> 17<sup>th</sup> December 2009</b> the Defendant headed a hurriedly convened MAPPA meeting in the Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, due to yet another Claimant bail Application before HHJ Bidder QC scheduled that day in Newport Crown Court.</p> <p>54.  The Claimant's name for some reason, currently subject to HHJ Seys Llewellyn QC's outstanding Order for disclosure, was removed from the MAPPA register without any explanation to the Claimant causing further hardship and distress to the Claimant, in prison, still trying to establish his exact MAPPA status and why, just a before trial carrying a possible mandatory ten year prison sentence.</p> <p>55. The Claimant has to this day never established why and later, why not, he was on the MAPPA register with the Defendant repeatedly refusing to disclose, contrary to law. </p> <p>56. Defense evidence or ‘summing up' was never needed due the prosecution's fairy tale, a view held by at least nine members of the jury, stating to the Claimant, immediately after the trial, that their decision was already concluded by eleven of the jury after the first day of evidence and cross examination</p> <p>57. On <b>9<sup>th</sup> February 2010</b>, at Cardiff Crown Court, the Claimant was found ‘not guilty' on the two remaining indictments and was released from custody with no conditions.</p> <p>58. The jury also made the Claimant aware, immediately after the hearing, that they questioned why both the original seller to the Claimant, of the Lewis antique and the current owner, buying from the Claimant, were not also in the dock or behind bars.</p> <p>59. The Claimant's complaints to the relevant police authorities, to investigate the conduct within South Wales Police, before and after his arrest and nearly eight months in custody, have been swept under the proverbial carpet in a perfunctory manner to which the Claimant is accustomed since first settling in South Wales.</p> <p>60. The arrest and detention and prosecution of the Claimant were unlawful as the most appalling act of malice.</p> <p>61. There were no reasonable grounds to believe that the Claimant was probably guilty of the offence for which he was arrested.</p> <p>62. The decisions to arrest and detain the Claimant were such as no reasonable police officer would have reached.</p> <p>63. The Claimant was detained for longer than was reasonably necessary and in breach of the provisions of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984</p> <p>64. Further, the actions of police officers set out above constitute harassment within meaning of section 1 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and misfeasance in public office.</p> <p>65.  By reason of the matters aforesaid, the Claimant has suffered loss, damage, distress, anxiety, damage to his reputation and was deprived of his liberty. He has been subjected to bullying, malicious prosecution and harassment, false imprisonment and contrary to the 1998 Human Rights Act.</p> <p><b>Withheld NHS Medical Records</b></p> <p>66. On or about <b>10<sup>th</sup> February 2010 </b>the Defendant arrested and detained in custody the Claimant for entering Caswell Clinic, when invited by the staff to collect his full medical records, promised by Dr Tegwyn Williams following the Claimant's applications under the Freedom of Information and Data Protection Acts. Also promises to his GP's secretary, in the presence of the Claimant, by the manager, stated they could be collected from the Caswell Clinic porter's lodge. His multi agency collusion has caused serious aggravation to the Claimant's health</p> <p>67. The full medical records were not disclosed and currently remain with the South Wales National Health Service, also now refusing to hand them over.</p> <p>68. The Claimant was charged with numerous allegations and jailed. Severe bail conditions were set before all charges were later dropped with the Defendant refusing to properly investigate the Claimant's complaint into the apparent falsified medical records written by both Dr Tegwyn Williams of Caswell Clinic and Professor Roger Wood of Swansea University</p> <p>69. The Defendant's actions were both malicious and bullying and/or yet a further example of misfeasance in public office the Claimant has suffered under, by the Defendant,  since 1992</p> <p><b>HM Court Service (Wales).</b> </p> <p>70.  In <b>July 2010</b> ex South Wales Police officer, a Derrick Hassan, violently assaulted the Claimant, dependant at the time on a pair of crutches and on daily morphine sulphate and other analgesic medication. Hassan pushed the Claimant part way down a flight of stairs in Cardiff Crown Court causing the Claimant to attend casualty and treatment for a damaged ankle and increased his hip pain in a much overdue total hip replacement required, caused by the failure ofthe Defendant to investigate the Claimant's complaint, relating to falsified medical evidence. The Vale Hospital, Vale of Glamorgan, had to take this into consideration, without clarification being available, to cancel elected surgery.</p> <p>71. Despite being given the name and address of an independent witness, not part of HM Court Service (Wales), the Defendant refused to have him interviewed thereby acting irresponsibly and with without due care. The conduct was malicious.</p> <p><b>Racially Aggravated Public Order allegations</b></p> <p>72. 69 On or about the<b> 2<sup>nd</sup> August 2010</b> the Claimant was arrested and jailed by the Defendant purely for monetary gain by a third party. The Crown Prosecution Service offered ‘no evidence' and the Claimant was found ‘not guilty' in his absence of all parties</p> <p>73. Again, the Defendant refused to investigate thousands of pounds of damage caused, caught in the act by the Claimant, by these same complainants of the dismissed Public Order offences.</p> <p>74. This malicious prosecution is a further act of both misfeasance in public office and harassment</p> <p><b>Stolen Cheques incident currently under appeal at The Court of Appeal</b></p> <p>75. On or around <b>November 2010</b> the Claimant identified the thief of his stolen surgery cheques, some nine years earlier, the subject currently on appeal from Action CF101+ three others, before the Court of Appeal (Wales). The thief was giving his identity details to a named clerk in Barry Post Office. The Defendant, due to ill health and on crutches was unable to apprehend the thief.</p> <p>76.  Previously, the Defendant in the defenses of the earlier Action admitted to the Claimant that the Defendant had not been able to trace the thief despite being, known to the Defendant, given film footage of his cashing falsified Claimant's cheques and given his home address in Barry.</p> <p>77. The Claimant informed the Defendant of the above new information but the Defendant refused to properly investigate or even speak to the clerk at the Barry Post Office or the Claimant on the new evidence. </p> <p>78. In summary, the Claimant has suffered from the malicious intent of the Defendant's misfeasance in public office as well as the unprofessional behaviour of the Defendant's solicitors and of the Defendant's forensic psychiatrist. The Defendant's bullying and harassment resulted in false imprisonment, severe damage to reputation, completely unnecessary legal proceedings and thus a claim to damages, exemplary damages, special a criminal investigation and costs. </p> <p>79.  <b>Unless restrained by the Court, police officers will continue to harass the Claimant.</b> </p> <p>80.  The Claimant retains his right for <u>trial by jury</u> and for a lawyer to read and amend this Claim</p> <p>Maurice J Kirk BVSc<br />Puits aux Papillons <br />St Doha<br />22 230 Merdrignac<br />Bretagne<br />France </p> <p>26<sup>th</sup> May 2011  </p> <p>Copy to Cardiff Court of Appeal<br />             Cardiff County Court<br />             His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC<br />             The French Immigration Authorities</p>Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Protected by Royal Charter so Sale of Maurice's 5 Bedroomed House not even covers RCVS Legal Costs, 24 Apr 2011 08:25:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1948Maurice<p> </p> <p><b><font size="4">Investigation into Royal Charters</font></b></p> <p>EXPLICIT ORDER</p> <p><b>These orders specifically require ministers and judges* to treat the chartered body ‘in the most favourable and beneficial sense' for its ‘best advantage.' This is to be done despite wrongdoing, specifically including ‘non-recital' (concealment) and ‘mis-recital' (deception).</b></p> <p>The 1967 Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Act omits ‘mis -recital'</p> <p>A Number of European Court of Human Rights Applications are currently being prepared in Brittany now that Maurice is struggling but ‘out of the woods, medically and well off the daily morphine!</p> <p>‘A Royal Charter' is the common thread between the South Wales Police, in 2001, making complaint to have Maurice struck off the veterinary register, for life, just for questioning ‘authority' through the courts and a recent Criminal Court of Appeal Judgment, Regina v Maurice Kirk , for ‘Contempt of Court', currently applied for to go to the Supreme Court as the hearing appears contrary  to Article 6.</p> <p>Dr Tegwyn Williams, in August 2009, was employed by Wales HM Partnership to fabricate false medical evidence, for which he had no qualifications, to have Maurice incarcerated, without trial, in a high security hospital, possibly for life. His medical reports stated Maurice having, ‘significant brain damage and possible tumour'.</p> <p>Each Royal Charter affecting the ten judges, including the Recorder of Cardiff, His Honour Judge Nicholas Cooke QC, who three times, alone, refused bail on this medical evidence, that Maurice was too dangerous to be released, can be read on transcripts on this website Downloads.</p> <p>The Court of Appeal Judgment is likely to refuse permission for the case to go to the Supreme Court due to the fact the ‘argument' with HHJ Cooke QC , in Cardiff Crown Court, a year earlier, had before him the now proved falsified medical evidence, proved by other medical reports, then withheld from His Honour, including a clear brain scan of August 2009 organised by Williams, no less, as Director of the Caswell Clinic prison, Bridgend!........</p> <p>.......this document will expand on a weekly basis until all Royal Charters , affecting Maurice's life, have been appropriately exposed to the general public as a warning of what is yet to come.   </p> <p>copy of HCHR applications shortly and any help in preparation always appreciated.</p> <p>Happy Easter</p>The K-Team Brings Home the Bacon (hopefully)! Questions Asked in House of Lords, 04 Mar 2011 21:34:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1907Maurice<p><img title="Maurice with St. George's flag and 4 bundles" alt="Maurice with St. George's flag and 4 bundles" align="left" src="" width="249" height="241" /></p> <p><b>The picture </b>was taken when the 4 bundles were ready to go to the Court of Appeal in London, a day after the rugby win of England over France - hence the St. George's flag but on 6th March Maurice receives a High Court letter saying the Appeal must be heard before a 'single judge', in Cardiff of all places! Just how much more incestuous can this case get?</p> <p>The bundles contain, above all, </p> <p>Questions asked in House of Lords...see latest DOWNLOAD</p> <ul> <li>the <a href="">Draft Order</a></li> <li>the 40-page <a href="">Judgment on Preliminary Issues</a></li> <li>Permission to Appeal from a <a href="">common sense perspective</a> </li> <li>Permission to Appeal by a <a href="">legally trained mind</a></li> <li>the <a href="">refusal to appeal by HHJ Seys Llewellyn QC</a><br /></li> <li>the <a href="">Grounds for Appeal</a> - besides oodles of documents illustrating: <br /></li></ul> <ol> <li>the bullying and harassment madness of <a href="">39 motoring incidents</a>, between <a href="">1993 and 2002</a>, that were used to get Maurice struck off the Register of Veterinary Surgeons (2002)</li> <li>evidence of delaying this civil court action (lodged in 1996) to progress, by stepping up the level of bullying and harassment through <a href="">MAPPA</a> (Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements), firearms response, 7 months imprisonment, including 3 months incarcerationin a psychiatric clinic, claiming serious brain damage, possibly brain tumour<br /></li> <li>evidence of the torturous mis-management of medical records by the NHS and its organisations, preventing Maurice from having his painful hip replaced (first scheduled for June 2010!). <br /></li></ol> <p>After a month of 24/7 frantic court preparation, house bound in a forest in Brittany, in much pain and up to his knees in screwed up A4 paper, empty wine bottles and half eaten plates of food, battling against the ‘invincible prejudice' of our UK judiciary, Maurice finally crawls on to his settee and falls asleep.</p> <p>With no phone line or internet for weeks and hobbling so badly now, just to get to his front door, today manages to get to the village's oh so erratic access to cyberspace and e-mail. <a href="">The Skeleton Argument</a> for the Royal Courts of Justice, on a deadline, goes at last, only for it to bounce straight back, meaning it has to go via Berlin!</p> <p>HM Court Service gremlins, once again, are interfering in the ‘due process' of law, the guys now, with a little help from  the South Wales Police, now seeming to have taken over the purpose of the ‘lay magistrate', lay jury and statute law, our last bastions of impartiality, setting aside the moment, the Freemasonry argument and even the occasional judge, now, is spotted quietly edging, by inconceivable steps, towards  ‘political discretion', for judgment, rather than using the truth and the ‘Rule of Law'.</p> <p>Today, the K-Team finished the <a href="">Skeleton Argument</a>, some 37 pages, for the Court of Appeal in London, a legal view of a potted history of an Englishman's experience of his 20 years of purgatory, trying to go about his business in South Wales, as a veterinary surgeon, where ‘Law and Order' is now clearly a joke and where ‘Big Brother' is being groomed as a testing ground. So what does he have in store for YOU?</p> <p>Maurice knows full well, just how lucky he was, not getting locked away for life in a high security psychiatric prison. He often has sleepless nights reliving his sheer hell in Caswell Clinic. Falsified medical reports by Dr Tegwyn Williams & Professor Roger Wood nearly worked, as well as nearly being shot by South Wales Police, under the pretence of him being a MAPPA dangerous predator!</p> <p>He will always remain indebted to friends and the ‘silent helpers' in cyberspace, that published world wide the evilness oozing out of Cardiff and Bridgend's Authorities that year. </p> <p>Next time they will be a little less arrogant and plan a little better, control coming from Whitehall next time, which is why he is one step ahead, at the moment, on asylum in France.</p> <p>The power of websites, to educate those few who wish to listen, must be made more effective now that websites and telephone interference is rampant, so, please, watch your back.</p> <p>PS <a href="">from the sister blog</a> (over 1,700 hits since September 2010):<br /></p> <p>The K-Team is a miraculous network of support that has formed around Maurice and includes a superb legally trained mind.<br /></p> <p>One of the outcomes is this 37-page document with 268 paragraphs. It asks the Court of Appeal to consider a number of things:<br /></p> <p>1. to "consolidate" the four actions into one<br />2. to consider how the lower Court erred in law on a number of levels<br />3. to look at the whole case in terms of "bullying" which means including cumulative effects<br />4. to think about the implications for public services, Parliament and the electorate<br />5. to remember human rights<br />6. to consider a level playing field between Claimant and Defendent (a huge organisation)<br />7. to take into account that Maurice can't get a lawyer.<br /></p> <p>All in all, the best possible overview that takes all aspects of Maurice's life into account, except what preceded South Wales: Guernsey and Somerset.........</p>First Petition to Parliament on Behalf of Victims of White Collar Crime, 05 Feb 2011 11:22:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1888Maurice<p>The following Petition has been submitted to our new MP for the Vale of Glamorgan, Alun Cairns MP, following a very lively debate at our 25th January 2011 House of Commons meeting with both Members of the House of Lords and House of Commons in attendance, a committee room, I may say, <i>STUFFED</i> with Victims of the banks, HM and our law courts, solicitors and NHS (see <a href="">photo gallery</a>, <a href="">other blogs</a> and PDF downloads).</p> <p><b>To the House of Commons</b><br /> <br />The petition of Maurice J Kirk BVSc, a citizen of the UK at 52, Tynewydd Road, Barry CF62 8AZ, declares that he has tried everything in his powers as a former veterinary surgeon to stand up to the harassment of South Wales Police who have delayed his civil action against them.  <br /> <br />The citizen has suffered from harassment by South Wales Police that culminated in 7 months imprisonment, including 3 months in a psychiatric clinic, after getting him struck off the Register of Veterinary Surgeons. <br /> <br />One of the incidents in a series of interconnected legal actions was the <a href="">machine gun case</a>. The allegation was the possession and sale of a ‘gun' even though it was decommissioned and an ‘add on' to an historic aircraft. In the run up to the trial, however, South Wales Police mobilised Multi-Agency Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) hoping to shoot or section the citizen for life. MAPPA categorisation was used for imprisonment which included 3 months in a psychiatric clinic. A leaked MAPPA document, published on his website <a href=""></a>, shows that the Police had a firearms response. <br /> <br />The harassment included the falsification of medical records claiming that he has serious brain damage, possibly brain cancer, to get him sectioned. This prevented his surgical team from carrying out a hip replacement scheduled for June 2010. <br /> <br />While the citizen won the machine gun case in court, he did not get any costs or compensation for malicious prosecution, false imprisonments and generally the deprivation of his human and professional rights as a veterinary surgeon. <br /> <br />The petitioner therefore requests that the Government steps in as <a href="">Compensator of Last Resort</a></p> <p> </p> <p>Dear Mr Cairns, </p> <p>  The 25th January meeting at the House of Commons was a resounding success with many Members from both Houses, with 'like minds', all in one room!   The ever widening divide between the basic rules of justice and the conduct of the South Wales Police, our law courts, Crown Prosecution Service and now, HM Court Service, is really most serious because it is clear there is no accountability for their joint actions.,.</p> <p>   South Wales National Health Service and our Health Minister refuse to hand over my medical records in their current control and with CPS, police, Caswell Clinic, HM Prison, Cardiff, Dr Tegwyn Williams and Professor Roger Wood are  all refusing to clarify, with my surgeons, my medical history when I was in prison custody meaning still further delay in my much needed hip operation.</p> <p> When can I next see you, please, either in London or Barry? I have currently obtained asylum in France following the repeated attempts by the South Walers Police to either have me shot or jailed for life so any meeting must be before my witnesses and suitably recorded.</p> <p>Yours sincerely,  . <br /></p> <p>Maurice J Kirk BVSc</p> <p> . <br /> </p>Racially Aggravated Threat Trial Starts Today, 06 Oct 2010 06:32:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1620Maurice<p>HM Crown Prosecution are still refusing to hand over my Dr Tegwyn Williams medical records, used on the 2nd December 09, to keep me locked up. Now they affect my trial today, in Barry magistrates, <a href="">see here</a>. All the HM courts are now blocking my e-mails and I have received a letter from HM Partnership stating I am not allowed to enter any civil or criminal court in South Wales at all, without prior written consent. </p><p>Well, past invitations to court have never, actually, been a great thrill, but just how else am I expected to do my target practice now? On a machine gun range?</p>Leaked Police Report on MAPPA Meetings to Kill Claimant - Contrary to Basic Human Rights!?, 02 Oct 2010 14:34:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1612Maurice<p><a href="">Here is just the beginning</a> and here is my shaky speech in the <a href="">House of Lords meeting</a>, just after my lucky escape, of just why I could not divulge, last year to my family and friends, my defences when charged with a mandatory ten year minimum prison sentence or an Imprisonment for Public Protection [IPP], for life, in a High Security Psychiatric Prison........ Your comments would be greatly appreciated!</p> <p>In December 09, my London solicitors had written to the police HQ, to MAPPA Co-ordinator, Nigel Rees, who <a href="">confirmed MAPPA categorisation.</a> The delay in my arrest that followed, around two weeks, was deliberate with the hope I would again make a lawful approach to the Chief Constable, thus allowing police sniper fire to do the rest. There is much video of the incident that sparked all this off. All this police activity, caught on video, but the Crown Court trial judge, Paul somebody, because it was like something out of "The Keystone Cops" blocked it from the jury, following my application for disclosure. Scenes includeded, totally out ofcontrol, 'Trojan' squad of police, armed with their own machine guns, all wearing tin hats, as I attempted mutual exchange of witness statements, in the seventeen year running civil action. This was all being acted out in the inner sanctum of Police HQ, Bridgend.  Quite innappropiate for a jury, the judge considered, having already refused any other police disclosure that might further reveal his small minded cabal's ultimate intention.</p>Edwina Hart AM Welsh Assembly Health Minister Steps In, 19 Sep 2010 08:04:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1555Maurice<p><b>Edwina Hart AM </b>delegates NHS officials to also try and obtain withheld medical evidence used in Cardiff  Crown Court for an IPP attempt.<br /><br />Her letter to me is <a href="">here</a>.<br /><br />[The following three letters are just SAMPLES from one hundred of Maurice's letters on the delicate subject]<br /></p><ol><li>on September 15 to David Sissling, the Chief Executive of the Local Health Board <br /></li><li>on September 18 to David Sissling</li><li>on September 19 to HM Treasury Solicitor Stephen Jones<br /></li></ol><p>Mr David Sissling<br />Chief Executive of Abertawe Morgannwg University Local Health Board<br />South Wales<br /><br />18th Sept 2010<br /><br />This week the trial judge adjourned the evidence from being heard from near a hundred police officers for about six months, in order that I may have my hip replacement and suggested I had another brain scan, thus avoiding the criminal weighted proof of NHS and private doctors having to disclose their incriminating evidence.<br /><br />The considerable expense, thus incurred, was due to the NHS not overriding the false medical evidence that blocked my planned July operation to have been carried out in order that I might be ready for ten weeks of very enjoyable cross examination of those that caused my name being removed from the veterinary register, effectively, for life.<br /><br />The learned judge was informed that my new Barry GP, my Cowbridge lot, for eighteen years, refusing to lift a finger to help, could not obtain a brain scan appointment for his patient as the Hospital maintained there was 'no evidence' I needed one.<br /><br />Both Dr Williams and Professor Wood, witnessed, in total, by around sixteen psychiatrists and psychologists, called in to examine me and /or my medical records, following the September 09 findings by SPECT scan, decided I had 'significant brain damage' and a paranoid delusional disorder, the latter based on my fixated belief I was suffering persecution by his joint employers, with the NHS, the South Wales Police.<br /><br />South Wales Police Forensic Psychiatric Service, in early September 09, required I had a second scan after three months that they have now quietly 'buried'. Why, because my expensive but privately arranged 1st December 09 Dr Kemp report, via lawyer 'extraordinaire', Mr Walter Sweeney and Consultant radiologist wife, Nuala.<br /><br />Dr Kemp's report castigated the quite unnecessary intrusive procedure, an infusion of radioactive nuclear isotopes into my brain, ordered by Williams insisting the prisoner, under his personally concocted three month incarceration in his 'Gulag style' laboratory, reliant on CPS inspired Section 35 of the 1983 Mental Health Act, writing his 3rd August psychiatric report without even a physical examination!<br /><br />Today I have caused further disclosure of, as yet, withheld medical records, some of which I enclose, further giving support that a police investigation take place from outside South Wales.<br /><br />If you do not expedite your duties to allow me my operation to go ahead, in safety, very soon, to relieve both pain and avoid the obvious side effects of morphine that could now affect my flying licences, I may be forced to take the law into my own hands, once again witnessing tyranny in our midst and to personally obtain those records from the named culprits, records under YOUR CONTROL, used on 2nd December 2009 in the CPS/police last ditch attempt to stop both the 'machine gun trial' and my seventeen year running damages trial against them from going ahead.<br /><br />Yours faithfully<br /><br /> <br /><br />Mr David Sissling<br />Chief Executive of Abertawe Morgannwg University Local Health Board<br />South Wales<br /><br />15th September 2010<br /><br />Dear Sir,<br /><br /><b>Redacted Medical Records and Caswell Clinic Psychiatric Prison<br /><br />Dr Ruth Bagshaw</b><br /><br />This lady is yet to disclose any record, whatsoever, of her involvement with me in Caswell Clinic Psychiatric Prison last year. She has failed even to send to me a signed certified true copy of her letters to and from Professor Roger Wood, purportedly reporting on my 'significant brain damage' and 'possible brain tumour' later to be referred to by Dr Tegwyn Williams and the South Wales Police MAPPA and Crown Prosecution Service when successfully opposing my release from Cardiff Prison over seven months.<br /><br />Judge Bidder QC states in his 13th inst. e-mail that Judge Cooke QC, on 1st October 09, ruled I was 'fit to plead' meaning the trial should have gone ahead in mid November, NOT LATE JANUARY 2010.<br /><br />I request copy of all the medical evidence, as the patient, procured for MAPPA meetings and in particular just who employed Williams to attend 2nd December 2009 Cardiff Crown Court and divulge my personal details to CPS police barrister, Thomolow when I was no longer under his appalling so called 'care'?<br /><br />Information requested in my December 09 solicitor's letter to the MAPPA police HQ Co-ordinator was blocked by Barbara Wilding and again by Peter Vaughan, the current Chief Constable of South Wales Police.<br /><br />The South Wales Police even blocked the trial commencing and arranged for Dr Williams to address Judge Bidder, supported by Wood's report, as an 'expert' on interpreting brain scans and that he considered I had 'significant brain damage' and possible cancer and far too dangerous to start defending the 'machine gun trial'. Dr Tegwyn Williams' earlier psychiatric report recommended I be sectioned and sent to Ashworth High Security Prison, IPP, for a term of imprisonment, whilst unconvicted, of an 'indeterminate length'.<br /><br /><b>Dr Gaynor Jones</b><br /><br />This lady attended MAPPA meetings prior to my arrest in June 09, as disclosed in the Executive Summary of seven monthly meetings, some of which having been disclosed, this late, by the Order of His Honour Judge Seys Llewelyn QC, yesterday. HM Prison Cardiff attended these meetings but as with other authorities running away as with Barbara Wilding, refusing to answer to my witness summons, in order to withhold incriminating evidence relating to this MAPPA scandal.<br /><br />MAPPA was set up by the then Chief Constable purely to defend herself, at tax payer's expense, in an ongoing civil action for numerous malicious prosecutions and false imprisonments.<br /><br />The HM prison, today, deny any aspect of their involvement of my MAPPA surveillance between June 09 to December 09 because they are currently using HM Treasury Solicitor, again at vast tax payers' expense, trying to overturn a £50,000 judgment, in my favour, on the pretext 'no one' in the prison ever received the Particulars of Claim, in April 09, put before MAPPA meetings or receive my 'Application for Judgment', around July 09 and dealt with by this current trial judge.<br /><br />The fact I was in prison for all of July 09 and the trial judge ordered 'specific disclosure' of prison and Justice Ministry record of their respective 'audit trails', eventually to Whitehall, which has been refused, is but a small sample of the wide spread deceit I and my family have suffered under since my 1992 arrival to live in the Principality.<br /><br />It all stinks, doesn't it, but who cares? Do you?<br /></p><p>Dr Jones attended prison to examine me and received my copy letters to Drs Bagshaw, Joseph Sylvester and Tegwyn Williams to disclose that to which I am entitled, under the law, having paid my £30, last summer, with my FOI Act application, repeated an application around January2010 and redacted, again, this week, despite the 10th September 2010 letter of request by trial judge this week.<br /><br />None of the above doctors, no hospital, no NHS department, no prison has released any matter identifying or supporting the alarming material 'walk on water Williams' laid before Judge Bidder QC so, please, where is it?<br /><br />Try looking in the MAPPA filing cabinet first, I suggest, as it was discussed at length in October, November and December MAPPA monthly meetings chaired by senior police officers and, no doubt NHS MAPPA representative Dr Ruth Bagshaw and/or Dr Williams, both of Bridgend Gulag.<br /><br />Trusting no one, any more, in Cardiff courts I took the precaution of obtaining three specific independent medical reports from outside Wales, but Dolmans have been 'lying through their back teeth', all week,, trying to fool the judge they are 'unable' to trace their 'true identity', meaning 'veracity' or 'whereabouts' of two of the three doctors, unless they wish to blame their client, the Chief Constable for failing to disclose?<br /><br />All three doctors, a Consultant Radiologist, Psychiatrist and Occupational Health Physician featured heavily in MAPPA shared information during my unlawful incarceration, last year.<br /><br />Many others, blogging on my web site from all around the world, were equally appalled at the 'ring fence' mentality, here in South Wales, not just within your highly lucrative 'judicial industry' but in their own chosen vocation, the medical profession.<br /><br />Dolmans, police solicitors, today, are again dipping into their bottomless pockets of government resources frantic to 'sting it all out', this irritating issue of a prisoner's welfare. A swift conclusion, on these urgent medical issues, would mean the immediate cessation of easy cash, of course, for their entourage of bewigged attorneys knowing, as with their client, they are all immune to any form of criminal prosecution, whilst under the protection of 'Her Majesty's Prerogative' as 'HM officers of the court' outdated by the 1998 Human Rights Act and 1948 European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.<br /><br />My total hip replacement operation will not go ahead, until I have had more disclosure of relevant medical evidence, needed by my surgical team, under the responsibility of you, Alun Cairns MP, Edwina Hart AM, Jane Hutt AM and the South Wales Police, the latter having hatched the idea of my 'trading in machine guns', in the first place, for my eventual resting place in Broadmoor, to prevent incriminating evidence ever being disclosed.<br /><br />NO MAN SHOULD PROFIT FROM HIS OWN WRONG.<br /><br />Yours sincerely,<br /><br />Maurice J Kirk BVSc<br /><br /> <br /><br />FAO Stephen Jones, HM Treasury Solicitor,<br />to forward to Cardiff Civil Justice Centre District Judges Mr Phillips and Mr North Cardiff County Court<br /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p><b>Another letter to HM Treasury Solicitor</b> <br /></p><p>19th September 2010<br /><br />Maurice Kirk v Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons   9CF04115<br /><br /><b>re DAMAGES CLAIM<br /></b><br />Maurice Kirk v HM Governor, Cardiff Prison   9CF02983<br /><br /><b>re FALSE IMPRISONMENT</b><br /><br />Dear Sirs,<br /><br />On Friday before 4pm, I understand, your court received the 'Executive Summaries' of seven months of MAPPA meetings, held at police HQ, Bridgend, when, during most of that time I was under the custody of the Defendant, the HM Governor while the prison, police and Caswell forensic psychiatric prison were all around the same table considering, in depth, my current and future welfare.<br /><br />The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons enjoyed complaint from the South Wales Police containing MAPPA/1968 Terrorism Act surveillance material, withheld from both the 2001 college hearing and subsequent 2004 HM Privy Council Appeal, yet to be disclosed.<br /><br />The Criminal Justice and Court Services Act (2000) established the MAPPA and placed them on a statutory basis. The Criminal Justice Act (2003) re-enacted and strengthened those provisions. The legislation requires the Police, Prison and Probation Services (acting jointly as the 'Responsible Authority') in each of the 42 areas of England and Wales:<br /><br />Cardiff Civil Justice Centre should also have received, on Friday before 4pm dead line, the 1st July 2010 HM Cardiff Prison form, signed on behalf of the current HM governor, denying any prior knowledge of MAPPA involvement with me and who's current affidavit, also before you, appears to portray gross variance as well as to the true situation to be proved by the previous governor, Ms West, on oath, my main witness, yet to give evidence in this case as prison staff appeared reluctant to disclose the appropriate address for witness summons service.<br /><br />The HM Treasury Solicitor, in the circumstances, has agreed to 'stay' proceedings, for the recovery of my successful £50,000 Judgment for false imprisonment, following the ruling by His Honour Judge Seys LLewlyn QC that I am unfit to stand trial for a few months but fit to fight a second police 'strike out' application tomorrow that eighteen years of litigation discloses 'no cause of action'.<br /><br />Interesting, isn't it, when just one click of the dreaded 'HM' fingers can order Cardiff Justice Centre, HM Prison and HM Crown Court to hand over the audit trail of my Particulars of Claim, in question, denied receiving by the prison and the medical records held by the Prison Health Centre, denied in the HM manager's recent letter and clearly referred to in the HM Court logs before most of the ten Cardiff Crown Court Judges that refused me bail knowing, full well or should have known, my full MAPPA level 3 surveillance records quoted 'chapter and verse' the HM conspiracy by the aforementioned trying to lock me away for life.<br /><br />I have to forward this letter via Whitehall's HM Treasury Solicitor, to e-mail it to you all, as Mr Pring , your HM court manager, continues to ' spam block' my correspondence, on my lawful 'due process' of court papers, all part of the day to day party games, here in Cardiff courts. Mr Pring, incidentally, continues to refuse to tell me if he has now stopped sending all my court files, including other cases, to the Ministry of Justice.<br /><br />Please confirm receipt needed for web site, the Court of Appeal and European Court of Human Rights.<br /><br />Thank you,<br /><br /> <br /></p>