Search results matching tags 'Caswell Clinic' and 'Fraud Act 1966',Fraud+Act+1966&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'Caswell Clinic' and 'Fraud Act 1966'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Welsh HM Court Service Cabal, 10 May 2011 07:56:03 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1956Maurice<p>Money no object, time not importent, the Welsh HM court Service and Crown Court judges are determined to get their 0.45 kilo of flesh for my exposing the machine gun conspiracy, police attempt to have me shot and the Dr Tegwyn Williams (in the dep pockets of Southe Wales Police) fraudulant medical reports to have me sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act to Broadmoor, IPP, most likely for life. </p> <p>10 Cardiff judges knowingly refused me bailed in a joint attempt for Dr will;iams to fabricat over 4 moths 5, at least, false medical reports immune to prosecution as in the pay of HM Partnership. </p> <p>Please study the Judicial Rewview download on what the judges in Cardiff Magistrates now are prepared to do about these criminal acts by Dr Williams. </p> <p>Be my guest and come along on Friday or early next week.</p>NO MAN SHOULD PROFIT FROM HIS OWN WRONG, 15 Sep 2010 09:53:23 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1516Maurice<p> Edwina Hart AM deligates request to NHS Supervisor, David Sissling, Chief Exec., but no answer, as yet, re Caswell Clinic.... Why not?......see follow up letter, today, on DOWNLOAD, as pain is getting worse even with morphine each day.</p>Extract of Fabricated Medical Records, Before Judge Bidder QC, Amusingly Now under the Pretence of Judge Cooke QC's Order to Disclose!., 17 Jul 2010 13:43:36 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1454Maurice<b> </b><p><b>OPINION</b></p> <p>9. Maurice Kirk presents with symptoms entirely consistent with a mental illness namely paranoid delusional disorder (fixed false beliefs, unnameanable to reason). This involves the belief that he is at the centre of a web of persecution concerning the Police, Criminal Justice System, the Medical System and Freemasonry. This persecution has an over-riding importance for him and any attempt to move him away from such subjects rapidly returns to his perception of being persecuted by the Police.</p> <p>10. Maurice Kirk has evidence of significant brain damage to an area of his brain specifically related to self-awareness, judgement, decision making, self regulation of behaviour and control of emotions. It should also be noted that one feature of this function is paranoid ideation and a very fixed dichotomous way of viewing the world. However, further investigation is required which would involve further psychological testing to clarity and quantify this.</p> <p>11.1 I understand that the current case before the court involves a precise and highly technical area of law. My current preliminary position is that whilst Maurice Kirk is fit to plead, his difficulties organising and sequencing information, his inability to filter out irrelevant information and his problems with attention and concentration, as a result of probable brain injury combined with his overwhelming perception of himself as being a victim of persecution by the system means that he would be unable to conduct his own defence. <br /></p> <p>However, before coming to a final opinion, I request that Maurice Kirk is further remanded to the Caswell Clinic under the terms of Section 35 of the Mental Health Act 1983 for another period of 28 days to allow the completion of psychological assessments.</p> <p>Judge Bidder QC had a 'closed court', of course, for a very good reasons. MAPPA information was being discussed, gathered before my arrest and needed by me to assist my damages claim from ten years of police malicious prosecutions and further ridicule their latest trumpted up court farce, the 'Machine Gun' Trial. They all say it is 'privilaged' information, under Public Interest Indemnity, PPI. What will they dream up next, I wonder?</p> <p>Enclosed Download is but one small part of proof of the welsh conspiracy. The content of both solictor's letter and MAPPA's reply being 'turned on it's head by the Probation Service's records, some under my care, clearly showing the web of deceit they all weave is slowly falling apart.</p> <p>South Wales Police, HM Prison and Probation, lied, lied and lied, denying I was ever under covert surveillance which is why, when Chief Constable, Barbara Wilding, had falsified her 25th Feb 2009, denying courts cases and police break-ins ever took place, I was bound for a prison, IPP or to be thrown off the Severn Bridge in a heavily weighted sack. This Level 3 information was given to Judge Bidder QC on 2nd December 09, to oppose my bail, in my absence, after Dr Tegwyn Williams of Casell Gulag had failed to obtain my incarceration to Broadmoor.</p> <p>Dr Tegwyn Williams has never been asked to give his evidence ON OATH or faced cross examination.</p> <p>The South Wales Police knew all along, long before I was arrested for having a machine gun and prohibited ammunition, I had sold it a year earlier and had been in possession of it, attached to my replica WW2 DH2 biplane, for at least 12 years and had flown her, in the 2000 Farnborough Air Show, after Brian Trubshaw's, Concorde test pilot, insistance that no one else was to flew her but me.</p> <p>That is why HHJ Nicholas Cooke QC never ever intended to carry out his 24th June 2010 Court Order for Caswell Clinic, police and prison to hand over the falsified medical records now holding up my urgent total hip replacement operation.</p> <p>That is why solictors for South Wales Police, Dolmans, continue to refuse to identify to me the two hundred odd police officers, as my witnesses in the September eight week trial for damages, following ten years of countless malicious prosecutions.</p> <p>That is why the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons lawyers, Penningtons, today lied in court following their successful annual attempts, since 2004, in denying me my right, in law, to go before a court to apply to be allowed, again, to practice veterinary surgery.</p> <p>That is why the HM Privy Council deputy registrar, last week, refused to let my application, asking the PC to intervene or to go before their court when, again, statute law demands it.....see Downloads.</p> 2/12/09 Transcript of Judge Bidder QC Conspiring with Dr Tegwyn Williams and Crown Prosecution Service, in a Closed Court, Frantically Falsifying Medical Records, 17 Jul 2010 13:04:34 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1453Maurice<p>...while I am rattling my cage below the court as these gentlemen, with the tape recorder deliberately switched off have waxed eloquent for half an hour or so, in their last ditch attempt to have me sent to Broadmoor, IPP, to avoid the machine gun trial ever becoming public.</p> <p>But William, the clerk, switched the tape back on, a bit too quick, just catching the Cardiff cabal's closing comments as I am led up from the cells in hand cuffs to be refused bail. </p><p>DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT</p>Schedule of Police Incidents and 120 odd Failed Criminal Prosecutions, 17 Jul 2010 10:52:02 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1450Maurice<p>Police and Cardiff judges continue to refuse <b>disclosure</b> of their 40 to 50 numbers of incidents identified in Oct 2008 letter to same. How many millions of pounds did that cost the tax payer? </p><p>DOWNLOAD SCHEDULE OF MOTORING INCIDENTS</p>Maurice's Austin Texas Prison Psychiatric Report used by Dr Tegwyn Williams, 17 Jul 2010 10:36:21 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1448Maurice<p>Williams obtains my USA records, but refuses to let me see them just part of my medical records needed for my anaesthesist for my much delayed hip replacement operation. </p>South Wales Doctors Falsify Further Medical Records, 20 Jun 2010 10:49:43 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1439Maurice<p>Just the first page as a sample of a cleverly 4 page redacted and re-written 2010 letter, first written in September 2009, following Drs Tegwyn Williams and Professor Roger Wood's failure, on 2nd December 2009, when they presented, in the absence of Maurice, locked up below, their false account to His Honour Judge Bidder QC, as to Maurice's then current 'mental state' in a bid to lock him up in Ashworth High Security Prison, IPP, for an indeterminate length.</p> <p>If it had not been for someone switching on the court tape recorder, some 30 odd minutes into this typical HM Partnership conspiracy, hatched by Barbara Wilding, the then Chief Constable, Maurice would never have known that now the doctors were even suggesting that not only did Maurice have 'significant brain damage' he was likely to have 'cancer'. [see transcript on downloads].</p> <p>Maurice had to 'act the fool', a difficult manoevre at the best of times and storm Caswell Clinic, immediately from leaving prison, four times, in fact, simply to obtain this outrageous 'Psychiatric Report', only to be jailed, again, for 'attempted burglary', magistrates aquitted with CPS offering 'no evidence' and refusing, again, Maurice's costs. Then twice escorted off hospital grounds by police, Maurice being caught, 'banged to rights' with ladder, tent and megaphone, 'Rick on the Roof' style.</p> <p>Despite DP and FOI Oct 2009 applications and numerous pleas to Cardiff Judges to intervene, Maurice having read the original 18th Sept 2009 letter, within days of its creation, has confirmed public demonstrations are still the most effective way in dealing with this lot. The original letter referred to such things as Oliver Reed having assisted in Maurice's brain damage etc etc now, were either redacted BUT most importantly, new paragraphs as a complete reversal to the Professor's original opinion on his own ability to interpret the August 09 brain scans!</p> <p>Maurice applied for DISCLOSURE, in October 2008, for the 'progress' and identification of over 40 police incidents with his name on, served on the police, for clarity, using their own system of recording incidents. These included his numerous false imprisonments, loss of property (arson, thefts, burglaries etc), 120 odd failed police prosecutions etc, all clearly tracable on the relevant <b>incident/occurence number</b> allocated, each time an incident is recorded. </p><p>Failure to even reply led to Maurice's 'Abuse of Process' Application, in November 2008, to His Honour Nicholas Chambers QC  that subsequently led to the Chief Constable of  South Wales falsifing her 25th February 2009 affidavit, that full disclosure of police records had been done, denying knowledge of court cases even taking place!</p> <p>To prevent Maurice ever getting DISCLOSURE, for his 18 year running civil damages claim for police harassment and deliberate 'inactivity' into investigating crimes committed against him, the police needed the introduction of a Lewis Machine Gun and Dr Tegwyn Williams. </p> <p>Page1  What recent behaviour?</p> <p>           What history of heavy drinking?</p> <p>           The Chief Constable, in September 2009, had more than three months to run before retirement</p> <p>           Struck off following complaint and false evidence laid by the South Wales Police.</p> <p>Dr Ruth Bagshaw  Consultant Clinical and Forensic Psychologist</p> <p>Caswell Clinic  Bridgend  CF31 4LN</p> <p>18. 6 10</p> <p>Dear Dr Bagshaw</p> <p>I am in receipt of further medical records obtained from Caswell Clinic. One document is dated 18.9.09 and addressed to you from a Professor Roger Wood. <br /></p> <p>I would be grateful if you could send me a signed copy of the letter you received last September from Professor Wood as there appear to be some anomalies that need to be addressed</p> <p>I urgently await a general anaesthetic and also require the information put before His Honour Judge Bidder QC, on 2nd December 09, by Dr Tegwyn Williams and others when he was attempting to have me sectioned under 41 of the 1983 Mental Health Act for Ashworth High Security Prison.</p> <p>My anaesthetist may contact you direct. </p> <p>Yours sincerely</p> <p>  </p>Lewis Machine Gun Trial Judge Refuses Witness Costs, 17 Jun 2010 08:21:40 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1438Maurice<p>Well, well, surprise, surprise! I have won, now, at least seven Cardiff Crown Court prosecutions and am yet to be awarded even my bus confirms it in writing. </p>1st December 2009 Dr Kemp Report on Brain Scans, 14 Jun 2010 07:16:16 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1435Maurice<p>This privately obtained medical report, achieved from inside Cardiff prison, using the Vale of Glamorgan's past Member of Parliament, Walter Sweeney and lovely wife, Nuala, Consultant Radioligist, to seriously influence the flushing out of a few rogue medical reports fabricated at Caswell Clinic at the behest of Barbara Wilding, Chief Constable, in order to keep Maurice Kirk locked up - thus preventing him exposing a few examples about our current police run state.</p>Her Majesty's Prerogative in Action after £50,000 Judgment Awarded, 07 Apr 2010 12:49:54 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1383Maurice<p>Just a current sample, to the uninitiated, on just how sinister our judiciary can be.</p>