Search results matching tags 'Caswell Clinic', 'CPS', and 'Tegwyn Williams',CPS,Tegwyn+Williams&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'Caswell Clinic', 'CPS', and 'Tegwyn Williams'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Lewis Machine Gun Trial Judge Refuses Witness Costs, 17 Jun 2010 08:21:40 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1438Maurice<p>Well, well, surprise, surprise! I have won, now, at least seven Cardiff Crown Court prosecutions and am yet to be awarded even my bus confirms it in writing. </p>4th Dr Tegwyn Williams Psychiatric Report 19th Oct 09, 15 May 2010 08:40:08 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1408Maurice<p>This recently obtained report (changing doctors) and his three previous 'interim' psychiatric reports, <b>on downloads,</b> must have all been before both CPS and His Honour Judge Bidder QC on 2nd and 17th Dec 09 when Williams told him, while the prisoner, unrepresented, is locked up below. </p><p>Kirk had indications of a brain tumour and was therefore dangerous and should be sectioned IPP under his continuing MAPPA level 3 category covert police surveillance order. Paragraph 29 of this report is an example of the numerous other medical reports (an estimated fifteen) that  are still being deliberately withheld from both the 'patient' and his anaesthesist, needed before his urgent hip replacement operation can be done. The GMC, meanwhile, sit and do nothing.</p>