Search results matching tags 'CPS' and 'Jack Straw',Jack+Straw&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'CPS' and 'Jack Straw'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960) Jury Names of Machine Gun Crown Court Trial Published in Honour, 18 Aug 2010 09:11:04 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1489Maurice<p>Yesterday, His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC ordered full MAPPA Level 3 disclosure of meetings for Maurice, between police / prison / probation service and Caswell Clinic and to include all other interested parties represented at their monthly expensive gatherings since 2001. But for what purpose?</p> <p>South Wales Police, the original complainants, relevant to both the RCVS hearing, currently before Their Lordships at the HM Privy Council court and also at Cardiff County Court, for 7th September trial, just entering its nineteenth year hot on the trial of Charles Dickens' 'Jarndyce and Jarndyce' saga in 'Bleak House'.</p> <p>But the bad news is South Wales Police had MAPPA meetings clearly without the statutory committee and have already been tipped off, to shred the truth, as we witnessed in court yesterday, to bury their conspiratrorial 'audit trail', created before Dr Tegwyn Williams, Professor Wood and Barbara Wilding, past Chief Constable, are subpoenaed to give further falsified evidence early next month.</p> <p>THIS DOWNLOAD OF JURY NAMES WAS FOUND IN MY HOUSE, APPARENTLY LEFT BEHIND BY THE POLICE WHEN THEY SMASHED THEIR WAY IN, LAST JANUARY, AS I SMOULDERED in HM PRISON CARDIFF.</p> <p>This info will expand with the front page blog, over the next few weeks, following witness subpoenas to be served on each male member of the jury, until I have traced the apparent 'plant,' eight of the jury told us, directly after the disgraceful 'Machine Gun' trial fiasco, designed purely for my one way ticket to Broadmoor High Security Psychiatric number is 07907937953, if you want payment for information.</p>