Search results matching tags 'CAA' and 'Mr Bush',Mr+Bush&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'CAA' and 'Mr Bush'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)T-Shirt from 'Down Under', 25 Jun 2008 02:14:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:449Maurice<p>Last Monday in the Royal Courts of Justice the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons won the case having prevented me from going before the jury of the college in an application to 'practice veterinary surgery'. The chairman alone stated, in effect, if I accept the college and South Wales Police did no wrong I can go before the disciplinary committee with my application to work. Without that public apology you get nothing. Brian Jennings, Privy Council agent, failed to refer to the fact Her Majesty's Privy Council has the power under the 1966 Act to intervene when immunity to prosecution, under the college's Royal Charter, appears to be 'excessive' but I am not holding my breath.</p> <p>Leaving the special aroma of that court building and with the judgment of Mr Justice Lloyd Jones still ringing in my ears, yet another Welshman, incidentally, refusing the right of a jury [ Lord Justice Thomas had only lately refused me a jury to sit on the 15 year running case of police harassment in Old South Wales] I recieve a missive from New South Wales. Dear John Wilson, the Aussie exponent of jury trials, is sending me a T-shirt suitably worded !</p> <p>Now Magna Carter Day, the almost origin of a jury concept, was<font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"> </font>on Sunday and demonstration in Whitehall on the 22nd July is taking a bus load of supporters from Cardiff wearing, I hope, John's T-Shirt.</p> <p>Monday also had me in Kingsway, around the corner at CAA House, badgering the legal department on the 'facts', relied on from the US, that caused them to have my 'wings clipped', while I  struggle with the french language to obtain a Gallic <font face="terminal,monaco">'</font><font face="terminal,monaco">brevet de pilotage'. </font><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">The Emergency Judicial Review lodged against the CAA will, no doubt, be shredded by now.</font></p> <p><font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif">Monday night is part spent having a chinese supper with Alex, youngest son at Uni, on the River Thames in Kingston, before bedding down on a bench at Heathrow for 8 am flight to Detroit, the home of 'Motown' music.</font></p> <p>Tuesday was fascinating ....watching the huge Department of Homeland Security sausage machine again at work exporting vistors from the US, except with me, apparently, irrespective of cost, rhyme nor reason. All worth it though for the interrogation by Angel, a vivacious afro-caribbean, suggesting to me the 'need to know basis', no 'audit trail' and 'the system' of visa disposal having a whole new meaning to a very naive Englishman. The UK should consider their system and save the tax payer a fortune.</p> <p>Wednesday back at the Royal Courts of Justice to lodge the appeal from the RCVS nonsense and u tube video, for the lazy reader! Itseems to me, looking at more leaked memos it is rare for any file, lodged, to be opened, yet alone read in that building!</p> <p> Wednesday night by train and  home to St Donats and Genevieve is out on her new pony. Must get Baldrick in, tack up and slim down [the horse] for the fox hunting this Autumn. If I cannot fly in UK Airspace and have to fight the CAA again through the courts for the next two years I might as well hunt, buy a bigger bike and write to Mr Bush, before he leaves office, for the  'US Presidential Pardon'.</p> <p>Meanwhile, the US cub is patiently waiting, hidden away in a small strip in Texas, for that dash across the Rio Grande to South America and the Falklands  as my  french 1943 L4 cub is about to leave the nest in Hampshire and my UK 1943 L4 cub is hidden in the West country, without Kirstie knowing, awaiting the outcome of the CAA's deliberations as to whether her UK registration is to be changed to a  Z- , may be, or an F-  to assist my circumnavigation of  Africa on a foriegn licence or not?</p>