Search results matching tags 'CAA' and 'Homeland Security',Homeland+Security&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'CAA' and 'Homeland Security'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)What About the South Wales Police?, 30 May 2008 14:43:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:413Maurice<p>15 years ago I started a civil litgation action for harassment following conduct by the local police including jailing me on an almost weekly basis. To date they have lost 121 criminal charges and won 9. These they served on the RCVS in 2000, the police also giving them access to confidential files in both Cardiff and Barry police stations.</p> <p>It is of particular interest for our family that it has taken the USA to cause the CAA to face proper 'disclosure', now implicating the South Wales Police, who are behind just why I was deported and earlier struck off the register for life as a veterinary surgeon.</p> <p>The attached file is just an indication to the uninitiated of the lengths to which these faceless people will go just for vengence, all at the tax payers' expense.</p> <p>I submit another ignored application for disclosure <font size="4"><a href="" class="" title="Download PDF">download here</a></font></p>Off The Aeroplane Into The CAA, 27 May 2008 06:28:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:402Maurice<p>On landing at London Airport on 16th May from Huston, Texas, under escort by US Homeland Security officials, I went straight to the Civil Aviation Authority to find out why they had suspended my flying licences. CAA information disclosed only that I had landed on a road outside Mr Bush's front door.</p> <p>The Federal Aviation Authority telephoned me, whilst I was still in Texas. I was about to fly her away from the Secret Service at Crawford, miles from President Bush's ranch, where they had kindly been guarding the Cub until my return from Austin State Hospital. I flew her out unsupervised.</p> <p>The FAA clearly stated I had committed no US aviation offence by landing the aircaft in the farmer's field. I asked for all documentation from the US authorities sent to the CAA, justifying their action to ground me. These 6 pages were faxed to me and attached to my Emergency Judicial Review Application lodged this last Friday 23rd May 2008, at the Royal Courts of Justice for their Lordships' deliberations.</p> <p>Today, Tuesday the 27th May 2008, the CAA now say they have 30 odd more pages from the US - for publication on this site later.</p> <p>Watch this space.</p> <p>See Downloads for CAA and RCJ  Documentation</p>