Search results matching tags 'CAA' and 'FAA',FAA&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'CAA' and 'FAA'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)CAA Disclosure Request, 31 May 2008 05:24:31 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:419Maurice<p>Much confusion, it appears, in UK General Aviation on bi-annual licence validation done in the US</p>CAA Erroneous Data, 30 May 2008 06:52:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:412Maurice<p>I will be publishing on this blog the 'blow by blow' account of my fight to regain my flying licence and posting<b> </b>the 'heavy' documents such as correspondence, newspaper accounts and the evidence within the downloads section of the site (see the link on the main menu above).</p> <p>It is my submission, today, that the CAA Licencing Department have been given significantly contradictory and erroneous information from the USA.</p> <p>The FAA have confirmed, more than once, that I had committed no US aviation offence by landing in a field at Crawford, Texas and other US Authorities have knowingly engaged in nefarious conduct so as to have me re-arrested, a week later, purely on a pretext to have me deported. This is clearly indicated in the papers so far released to the CAA some of which, but not all, have been disclosed to me. </p> <p>What is significantly disturbing in all this was being refused the right to a 'caution', the right to 'make a statement' and to have an independent medical examination throughout my three weeks in custody. My 10 days in solitary confinement without any access to telephone, to inform my family where I was, create or receive mail, use my $4000, have visitors, contact the British Embassy, have legal representation or independent medical examination at my expense, is fact. The deliberate policy of 'minimum audit trail' from the moment guns were pointed at my head leaves me in further difficulties with the CAA who may decide to act only on what they are given.</p> <p>This fear is real, owing to the 'huge assumptions' revealed in the numerous, yet to be published, CAA memos by the Licencing Department, so far released to me when I know the Royal Courts of Justice will conduct their 'responsibilities', in my lodged Judicial Review Application, in a manner to which both I and many, many others have been so accustomed.</p> <p>The US Department of Homeland Security, created post 9/11, blocked almost all media coverage in the US, refused to submit any documentary evidence to support their allegations for my removal from the US, now needed for the CAA and the Royal Courts of Justice, on the repetitive argument that<b> -</b></p> <p><b>"NO DHS detained British holiday-maker on a 'Waiver Visa' into USA is allowed access to legal redress as agreed by Her Majesty's UK Government."</b></p> <p>Read the 12 page PDF under the <b><font size="3">download</font></b> section of this site for more information - newspaper cuttings, CAA Memo, CAA letter to MJ Kirk, and US charge sheet, later withdrawn<b>.</b></p>CAA Case 30th May 2008, 30 May 2008 02:55:44 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:411Maurice<p>It is Mr Kirk's submission to the CAA Licencing Department that they have been given significantly contradictory and erroneous information from the USA.</p>