Search results matching tags 'CAA' and 'Everest',Everest&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'CAA' and 'Everest'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)CAA 'Trapper' Stamps Maurice's Log Book - eBay Auster Sale STARTS, 16 Aug 2008 03:15:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:518Maurice<p>After 2 hours of examination, on the ground and aloft, exhausted Maurice is handed back a much appreciated 'debrief' and a Renewal Stamp in his flying log book! </p> <p>It was 31 years ago when Maurice last flew a PA 28 Cherokee 'spam can' on a similar GFT, General Flight Test, but that was at Oxford for his UK Commercial Licence.</p> <p>This means the stranded yellow Cub in Texas, subject to CAA Head Office immediately lifting the suspension, can be flown on to the Amazon, Agentina and Falklands this autumn if kind President Bush grants Maurice a Visitor's Visa?</p> <p>Kirstie is likely to find, in a few days, another little J3 L4 1943 D-Day Piper Cub tucked up in her stable (MY HANGAR) here at St Donats International Airport being hastily prepared for flight to Cape Town or will it be Mount Everest? </p> <p>Meanwhile, in order to pay mounting bills, eBay receives Maurice's first of many aircraft, engines and 40 propellors to sell off! </p>