Search results matching tags 'Arrested' and 'barara wilding',barara+wilding&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'Arrested' and 'barara wilding'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Civil Proceedings Lodged, 11 Jan 2010 17:48:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1243Maurice<p> Maurice started his Civil Proceedings against the South Wales Police this morning in the County Court. </p><p><b>The Solicitors, acting for the Police, admitted in</b> <b>court</b> that they had no copy of their complaint to the Police against Maurice which led to his arrest on 22<sup>nd</sup> June. He had been accused of threatening to throw the bundle of witness exchange papers into the building, as he was not allowed in and they would not accept them.</p> <p>Further, <b>the Judge has ordered the Police</b> to identify the police officers involved over the last 20 years in over 100 incidents where they have proof of which ones were involved.</p>