Search results matching tags 'Around the World Solo Flight' and 'Pilots Licence',Pilots+Licence&orTags=0Search results matching tags 'Around the World Solo Flight' and 'Pilots Licence'en-USCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)The Ultimate Whitehall Farce Monday 16th June, 13 Jun 2008 04:02:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:444Maurice<p>I have to go to London on Monday to argue my corner as to how the RCVS have hurriedly pushed through legislation in the 20.7 rule of the 2004 Court Procedures to prevent me ever practicing again as a veterinary surgeon. I need to lodge it at the Court of Appeal after the hearing but need to know just how to do it?</p> <p>I have to walk round the corner to Kingsway and CAA House for, what I hope will be, a cosy chat with their legal department on outstanding matters..</p> <p>I also have to find out why the Royal Courts are sitting on my Emergency Application against the Civil Aviation Authority preventing me to fly on to Africa next month in my 1943 WW2 Piper Cub? President Bush's men confirmed I committed <strong>no aviation offence</strong> when I landed in a farmer's field 5 miles from his Texan Ranch but the CAA cannot get, it appears, CIA, FBI, Secret Service, FAA, DHS, ICE, State Police or a few other organisations to confirm my belief mainly because the United States avoids any paper trail of custody records of a prisoner when ever possible unlike the UK. My unlawful detention in Houston Prison and Texas's State Lunatic Asylum is 'small beer' compared to the relevance of <strong>malfeasance of UK Government Departments </strong> exposed in the court papers for Monday .</p> <p>Lunch is on me. </p> <p>I then need to stroll down to the House of Lords in the afternoon to find out procedure to overturn the judgment by Lord justice Thomas refusing me a lawyer to act on my behalf and my legal right a jury for my harassment case against the South Wales police, the original complainants to get me struck off.</p> <p>Tuesday may be a lot more fun, again exposing what the media refuse to print..... the real state of our judiciary      See downloads </p>