Guernsey's life as a veterinary surgeon and campaigner living on the Island of Guernsey in the 70's.enCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960) Guernsey Press Nazi Story Shortly, 03 Feb 2011 11:10:01 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1881Maurice Kirk2<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt=" Guernsey Press Nazi Story Shortly" border="0" ></a></p><p> Guernsey Press Nazi Story Shortly</p><p> </p> Guernsey Press Nazi Story Shortly<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt=" Guernsey Press Nazi Story Shortly" border="0" ></a></p><p> Guernsey Press Nazi Story Shortly</p><p> </p>Maurice KirkGuiernsey Rogues 2.JPG, 09 Dec 2010 21:07:05 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1787Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Guiernsey Rogues 2.JPG" border="0" ></a></p><p>Guiernsey Rogues 2.JPG</p><p>What a bunch who intend to enjoy life what ever adversity!  A memory for Maurice on his return after 20 years where , just outside the door, he moored his not so inflatable rib to commute to Alderney, all the year round, the jewel in the the Channel Islands but  dont tell any one. Bridge Kitchen, Tim, Big Dave and Martin(with the bigest smile)</p>Guiernsey Rogues 2.JPG<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Guiernsey Rogues 2.JPG" border="0" ></a></p><p>Guiernsey Rogues 2.JPG</p><p>What a bunch who intend to enjoy life what ever adversity!  A memory for Maurice on his return after 20 years where , just outside the door, he moored his not so inflatable rib to commute to Alderney, all the year round, the jewel in the the Channel Islands but  dont tell any one. Bridge Kitchen, Tim, Big Dave and Martin(with the bigest smile)</p>Maurice KirkHM Refuses British Subject the Right to live in his Own House, 04 Dec 2010 19:10:43 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1774Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="HM Refuses British Subject the Right to live in his Own House " border="0" ></a></p><p>HM Refuses British Subject the Right to live in his Own House </p><p>1984 and Maurice and his young family are made to creep, each night, into this 8 ft by 10 ft damp ramshackled potting shed to sleep because <strong><font size="4">HM</font></strong> refused him the right to live in his own veterinary surgery premises or in the overhead flat. Police were seen, in the police club, opposite, every night, their helmets silloetted on their curtains, at 3 in the morning, on 24 hour watch, with the hope of prosecuting Maurice and his young family in the <u>criminal court</u>. Enough was enough so Maurice bought a 60 ton, 60 ft by 18 ft, old tunny boat in Brittany and ran her, on the highest tide of the year, to the minute, up the Croque beach in St Sampsons harbour, bought 200 yds of electric cable, to trail in the water and lived, for 2 years, on the fisherman's free electric.   [A month after his arrival fishermen were told to move their vessels to allow his new home to be pulled out of Guernsey, by <font size="4"><strong>HM</strong></font>, on the next highest tide. 3 pick axe handles and 3 ft of sea water in the fish hold soon put pay to that idea!........After beating <font size="4"><strong>HM</strong></font> in the Royal Courts, to live in his own  house, [no costs allowed, deja vu?], he sold the vessel, the legendary Breton, 'Petite Marie Claude', for more nearly three times the price he bought her for. Maurice is back in the Bailiwick, today, to expose the abuse of <font size="4"><strong>HM</strong></font>, rampant now in the UK courts.  </p>HM Refuses British Subject the Right to live in his Own House <p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="HM Refuses British Subject the Right to live in his Own House " border="0" ></a></p><p>HM Refuses British Subject the Right to live in his Own House </p><p>1984 and Maurice and his young family are made to creep, each night, into this 8 ft by 10 ft damp ramshackled potting shed to sleep because <strong><font size="4">HM</font></strong> refused him the right to live in his own veterinary surgery premises or in the overhead flat. Police were seen, in the police club, opposite, every night, their helmets silloetted on their curtains, at 3 in the morning, on 24 hour watch, with the hope of prosecuting Maurice and his young family in the <u>criminal court</u>. Enough was enough so Maurice bought a 60 ton, 60 ft by 18 ft, old tunny boat in Brittany and ran her, on the highest tide of the year, to the minute, up the Croque beach in St Sampsons harbour, bought 200 yds of electric cable, to trail in the water and lived, for 2 years, on the fisherman's free electric.   [A month after his arrival fishermen were told to move their vessels to allow his new home to be pulled out of Guernsey, by <font size="4"><strong>HM</strong></font>, on the next highest tide. 3 pick axe handles and 3 ft of sea water in the fish hold soon put pay to that idea!........After beating <font size="4"><strong>HM</strong></font> in the Royal Courts, to live in his own  house, [no costs allowed, deja vu?], he sold the vessel, the legendary Breton, 'Petite Marie Claude', for more nearly three times the price he bought her for. Maurice is back in the Bailiwick, today, to expose the abuse of <font size="4"><strong>HM</strong></font>, rampant now in the UK courts.  </p>Maurice KirkHM Tax Haven & Human Rights, 29 Nov 2010 10:15:01 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1756Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="HM Tax Haven & Human Rights" border="0" ></a></p><p>HM Tax Haven & Human Rights</p><p>1983 Maurice had to climb a St Per Port Crane to address holiday makers disembarking from British Rail ferry!</p>HM Tax Haven & Human Rights<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="HM Tax Haven & Human Rights" border="0" ></a></p><p>HM Tax Haven & Human Rights</p><p>1983 Maurice had to climb a St Per Port Crane to address holiday makers disembarking from British Rail ferry!</p>Maurice KirkDislocated Hip, 29 Nov 2010 09:57:53 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1755Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Dislocated Hip" border="0" ></a></p><p>Dislocated Hip</p><p>Handcuffed to hospital bed in HM Dependent Territory. the Bailiwick of Guernsey </p>Dislocated Hip<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Dislocated Hip" border="0" ></a></p><p>Dislocated Hip</p><p>Handcuffed to hospital bed in HM Dependent Territory. the Bailiwick of Guernsey </p>Maurice KirkON LINE PETITION, 29 Nov 2010 09:48:18 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1754Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="ON LINE PETITION" border="0" ></a></p><p>ON LINE PETITION</p><p>South Wales courts, in the Principality, appear to be in 'melt down' .......See online petition on blog re HM Court Service conduct....Please read and consider comment and sign   thankyou</p> <p>This 1989/90 photo was taken as I entered magistrates being the only one on the island accused of failing to sign the sensus as to who lived in my British house....the case was dismissed and I was, as usual, denied costs</p>ON LINE PETITION<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="ON LINE PETITION" border="0" ></a></p><p>ON LINE PETITION</p><p>South Wales courts, in the Principality, appear to be in 'melt down' .......See online petition on blog re HM Court Service conduct....Please read and consider comment and sign   thankyou</p> <p>This 1989/90 photo was taken as I entered magistrates being the only one on the island accused of failing to sign the sensus as to who lived in my British house....the case was dismissed and I was, as usual, denied costs</p>Maurice KirkHM Police Persecution and a Noddy Land Judiciary, 07 Oct 2008 08:00:11 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:748Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="HM Police Persecution and a Noddy Land Judiciary" border="0" ></a></p><p>HM Police Persecution and a Noddy Land Judiciary</p><p>They are coming to take me away,away!</p>HM Police Persecution and a Noddy Land Judiciary<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="HM Police Persecution and a Noddy Land Judiciary" border="0" ></a></p><p>HM Police Persecution and a Noddy Land Judiciary</p><p>They are coming to take me away,away!</p>Maurice KirkDislocated Hip Left 14 Hours, 20 Sep 2008 13:13:46 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:707Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Dislocated Hip Left 14 Hours" border="0" ></a></p><p>Dislocated Hip Left 14 Hours</p><p>[:'(]Assaulted from behind in a St Per Port street by 3 bouncers, by jumping on my back, as I was leaving a night club. I was then, in agony, arrested and hand cuffed to the hospital bed, suffering a disclocated hip, with a deliberate delay, then on, by the administration of 14 hours or more, to get around to finding someone on the island capable of  re positioning the bone back to socket!</p> <p>Nurses regularly came to my srgery with their cats and dogs and quietly told me that if any nurse had a 'sniff or a chill' they were on the first aircraft to Southampton! </p> <p>Thank God I did not get those 32 votes.</p> <p> </p>Dislocated Hip Left 14 Hours<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Dislocated Hip Left 14 Hours" border="0" ></a></p><p>Dislocated Hip Left 14 Hours</p><p>[:'(]Assaulted from behind in a St Per Port street by 3 bouncers, by jumping on my back, as I was leaving a night club. I was then, in agony, arrested and hand cuffed to the hospital bed, suffering a disclocated hip, with a deliberate delay, then on, by the administration of 14 hours or more, to get around to finding someone on the island capable of  re positioning the bone back to socket!</p> <p>Nurses regularly came to my srgery with their cats and dogs and quietly told me that if any nurse had a 'sniff or a chill' they were on the first aircraft to Southampton! </p> <p>Thank God I did not get those 32 votes.</p> <p> </p>Maurice KirkGuernsey Elections, 09 Sep 2008 02:17:30 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:688Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Guernsey Elections" border="0" ></a></p><p>Guernsey Elections</p><p> A narrow miss or Maurice would still be there!</p>Guernsey Elections<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Guernsey Elections" border="0" ></a></p><p>Guernsey Elections</p><p> A narrow miss or Maurice would still be there!</p>Maurice Kirk35 Day Hunger Strike for 63 letters given to HM prosecution, 22 Aug 2008 10:01:01 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:603Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="35 Day Hunger Strike for 63 letters given to HM prosecution" border="0" ></a></p><p>35 Day Hunger Strike for 63 letters given to HM prosecution</p><p>Letters in from George Foulkes MP, Alf Dubs MP, lawyers and aid workers etc for the Appeal were photocopied and sent to HM Comptroller, ACK Day and HM Procueur, DeVic Cary, island prosecutors, the latter being the grandson of the Bailiff who, in 1943, sent to young jewish girls to the gas chamber of Auschwitz.</p> <p>Sir  Winston Churchill wanted him hanged but like the Guernsey children's home ,as in Jersey, all was hushed up for cash and Cary was knighted!.  </p>35 Day Hunger Strike for 63 letters given to HM prosecution<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="35 Day Hunger Strike for 63 letters given to HM prosecution" border="0" ></a></p><p>35 Day Hunger Strike for 63 letters given to HM prosecution</p><p>Letters in from George Foulkes MP, Alf Dubs MP, lawyers and aid workers etc for the Appeal were photocopied and sent to HM Comptroller, ACK Day and HM Procueur, DeVic Cary, island prosecutors, the latter being the grandson of the Bailiff who, in 1943, sent to young jewish girls to the gas chamber of Auschwitz.</p> <p>Sir  Winston Churchill wanted him hanged but like the Guernsey children's home ,as in Jersey, all was hushed up for cash and Cary was knighted!.  </p>Maurice KirkClameur de Haro ignored, 19 Aug 2008 02:19:34 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:533Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Clameur de Haro ignored " border="0" ></a></p><p>Clameur de Haro ignored </p><p>Prohibitive Injunction ignored due to proven fraud in HM island courts, including Downing Street's HM Privy Council. The theft of our veterinary practice was achieved by a conspiracy of HM protected lawyers both in St Peter Port, Guernsey and Whitehall, London in the early 80s</p>Clameur de Haro ignored <p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Clameur de Haro ignored " border="0" ></a></p><p>Clameur de Haro ignored </p><p>Prohibitive Injunction ignored due to proven fraud in HM island courts, including Downing Street's HM Privy Council. The theft of our veterinary practice was achieved by a conspiracy of HM protected lawyers both in St Peter Port, Guernsey and Whitehall, London in the early 80s</p>Maurice KirkHigh Protest in Guernsey, Channel Islands 1983, 19 Aug 2008 02:06:40 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:532Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="High Protest in Guernsey, Channel Islands 1983" border="0" ></a></p><p>High Protest in Guernsey, Channel Islands 1983</p><p>Holiday makers, as they stepped off the cross channel boat, are enlightened about the tax haven subsidised by them</p>High Protest in Guernsey, Channel Islands 1983<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="High Protest in Guernsey, Channel Islands 1983" border="0" ></a></p><p>High Protest in Guernsey, Channel Islands 1983</p><p>Holiday makers, as they stepped off the cross channel boat, are enlightened about the tax haven subsidised by them</p>Maurice KirkWriting on the Wall, 17 Aug 2008 10:44:48 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:520Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Writing on the Wall" border="0" ></a></p><p>Writing on the Wall</p><p>sans paroles</p>Writing on the Wall<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Writing on the Wall" border="0" ></a></p><p>Writing on the Wall</p><p>sans paroles</p>Maurice KirkDressed for Guernsey Magistrate, 03 Aug 2008 09:25:45 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:507Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Dressed for Guernsey Magistrate" border="0" ></a></p><p>Dressed for Guernsey Magistrate</p><p>Photo found in a cupboard is a rude reminder of the ten years of shear hell in Guernsey. I was the only one on the island to be prosecuted for housing English men and women, there purely to run the tourist industry for the indigenous population. So, suitably dressed, I was found "Not Guilty."... the whole story of 21 times in their prison later on downloads.</p>Dressed for Guernsey Magistrate<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Dressed for Guernsey Magistrate" border="0" ></a></p><p>Dressed for Guernsey Magistrate</p><p>Photo found in a cupboard is a rude reminder of the ten years of shear hell in Guernsey. I was the only one on the island to be prosecuted for housing English men and women, there purely to run the tourist industry for the indigenous population. So, suitably dressed, I was found "Not Guilty."... the whole story of 21 times in their prison later on downloads.</p>Maurice KirkBelinda Listens to a Yarn June 78, 21 Jul 2008 01:39:48 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:486Maurice Kirk0<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Belinda Listens to a Yarn June 78" border="0" ></a></p><p>Belinda Listens to a Yarn June 78</p><p>A carreer in aviation was cut short by trusting, to much, the CAA Investigation Branch dominated with early retired Metropolitan cops and the interest of a deceitful, bully boy of a Customs and Exicise officer, a Mr M R Jones spurred on, no doubt,by the Masonic cabal in Taunton, Somerset, following their bosses' note book allegedly going missing from his office in the police station. The Harassment, 76 charges (mainly motoring) they losing 52, caused me to sell up and go to Guernsey for a quiet life. </p>Belinda Listens to a Yarn June 78<p><a href="" ><img src="" alt="Belinda Listens to a Yarn June 78" border="0" ></a></p><p>Belinda Listens to a Yarn June 78</p><p>A carreer in aviation was cut short by trusting, to much, the CAA Investigation Branch dominated with early retired Metropolitan cops and the interest of a deceitful, bully boy of a Customs and Exicise officer, a Mr M R Jones spurred on, no doubt,by the Masonic cabal in Taunton, Somerset, following their bosses' note book allegedly going missing from his office in the police station. The Harassment, 76 charges (mainly motoring) they losing 52, caused me to sell up and go to Guernsey for a quiet life. </p>Maurice Kirk