{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\f0\fs22 IN THE LLANELLI COUNTY COURT\par \par CASE No\par \par BETWEEN\par \par MEIRION BOWEN\par Claimant\par \par and\par \par IAN ARUNDALE, CHIEF CONSTABLE, DYFED POWYS POLICE\par Defendant\par \par I Meirion Bowen, apply to Llanelli County Court for an order for the immediate\par disclosure from the Defendant of all documents relating to\par \par Meirion Bowen\par 17 Heol Capel Ifan, Pontyberem, Llanelli\par 40 Kings Road, Llandybie, Ammanford\par Eugene Major, 63 Ammanford Road, Llandybie, Ammanford\par \par To include all internal and external documents and correspondence with third parties\par and \ldblquote partners\rdblquote as well as correspondence to and from all Senior Police Officials and /or\par Police Officers, Officers and all members of Dyfed Powys Police Authority, all meeting\par minutes, meeting notes, telephone conversation notes and in particular copies of all\par documentation and correspondence in relation to \b MAPPA, VISOR and STORM \b0 related\par issues.\par \par To further include all meeting notes, all other notes in relation to internal and\par external third party conversations and telephone calls by above in relation to:-\par \par Norman Scarth, David Grothier, Samantha Gainard, Andy Edwards, Barbara Wilding,\par Harold Godwin, Adam Price, David Michael, Terence Grange, John Morris, Linda\par Ware, Will Powell, Nicholas Bourne, John Edwards, Dafydd Morgan, Derek Bye, Jim\par Dunckley, Keith Davies, Jane Davies, Mel Evans, Margaret Barrow, Alun Lewis, Patrick\par Tiddy, Kevin Edwards, Ricky Canty, Kenneth Nelson, Patrick Cullinane, Maurice Kirk,\par Watcyn Richards, Huw John, Eugene Major, Wyn Major, Rhiannon Major, Evette Crow,\par Ann Essenhigh, Jean Mullan, Margaret Gomm, Luigi Strinati, Claire Eldritch, Steven\par Mears, Kay Lintern, Elizabeth Watson, Linda Lewis, Mark James, Michael Collier,\par Peter Keith Lucas, Andrew Hinton, Cherry Hinton, Joan Bye, Cerith Thomas, Nigel\par Rees, Randall Isaac, Lesley Cooper, Noel O Gara, Anthony Jones, Eifion Bowen, Andy\par Mcardle, Iori Jones, John Brerrington, Glenn Elson, Alasdair Kenwright, Carys Morgans,\par Jacqui Thompson, Trish Breckman, Tom Edwards, Lee Williams, Morlais Evans, Aled\par Davies, Ian Miles, Neil Jones, Keith Reeves, David Bizby, Alan Fry, Nigel Davies, Phill\par Davies, Steve Sherrif.\par \par To help with this specific disclosure, I am particularly interested in:\par \par All measures taken as a result of my complaints in relation to Dyfed Powys Police\rquote s\par investigation of Fraud and Breach of Data.\par \par .\par All matters of complaints that including false arrests by Dyfed Powys Police Officers.\par \par All matters involving failure to apply Common Duty of Care in respect of reported threats\par and attempts on Meirion Bowen\rquote s life.\par \par Robbery and criminal damage 17 Heol Capel Ifan, Pontyberem.\par \par Terry Grange\rquote s and Samantha Gainard\rquote s blocking of emails.\par \par Terry Grange\rquote s and Samantha Gainard\rquote s personal failure to act to my reported crimes\par as per Terry Grange\rquote s Witness Statement.\par \par Dyfed Powys Police\rquote refusal to attend to 999 calls.\par \par Complaints to Dyfed Powys Police.\par \par Complaints to Dyfed Powys Police Authority.\par \par Meeting with the Police Authority which led to the sacking of former Chief Constable,\par Terry Grange\par \par Non compliance with MAPPA Guidelines.\par \par Dyfed Powys Police\rquote s sabotage of the democratic 2008 County Council Election in the\par Llandybie Ward.\par \par All matters relating to the memorandum of understanding between Mark James Chief\par Executive of Carmarthen County Council and Dyfed Powys Police, particularly in his\par capacity as Returning Officer in the above sabotaged Election.\par \par Dated\par \par Signed\par }