{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sb100\sa100\ul\f0\fs28 Legal Complaints Service \ulnone\f1\fs24\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\f0\fs28 The Law Society,\par Victoria House,\par 8 Dormer Place, Leamington Spa, CV325AE\par \fs22 23rd April 2010\fs28\par \pard\sb100\sa100\qc\ul Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons\ulnone\f1\fs24\par \pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qj\f0\fs28\par \lang9\f2\fs22 Dear Sir,\par 1.On 19th January 2004 the RCVS successfully claimed around \'a366,000 untaxed costs following my failed appeal before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, my having had my name removed from the veterinary register following a complaint by the South Wales Police that I had 'disrespect for authority'.\par 2. In June 2004 this bill was 'taxed' at a court in Downing Street down to around \'a344,000 and my complaint, for fraud, was laid both with the Bar Council and yourselves.\par 3. On 16th June 2008, in The Royal Courts of Justice, the same lawyers for the RCVS claimed well over \'a36000 for the same re constituted defense (photocopied pages, ammounting to around two inches in depth) from my previous annual applications 'to practice veterinary surgery' since 2004. Mr Justice Lloyd refused the college any costs when I raised the matter of 'Her Majesty's Prerogative', giving immunity to proscecution to the college or their agents, under the 1967 Royal Charter and the fact that the 1966 Veterinary Surgeons Act clearly stipulated that the RCVS must '\b convene a court'\b0 upon receipt of my application. \par 4. In June 2009, in the RCJ, for the same application, as was my right, the RCVS submitted almost the same bundle of papers, yet again, as in previous years but, this time, was awarded almost \'a37, 000 costs, for a thirty minute hearing leading to a successful application by the college to obtain an \b Extended Civil Restraint Order. \b0 The purpose was to embarass any further such applications in the future and forcing me to go to the expense of legal representation. (The co-defendants, HM Attorney General with the South Wales Police, had failed to obtain a certification of \b 'Vexatious Litigant' \b0 following a five year intensive investigation into my activities in the courts of South Wales using a team of Whitehall lawyers and sixteen years of covert police serveillance.\par 5. On 25th January 2010, the day of my Cardiff Crown Court trial for 'being in posession of a machine gun and prohibited ammunition', brought by the South Wales Police, the college obtained an interim charging order on my property for around \'a373,000 with a pending application for my action for damages to be struck out, in the Cardiff County Court, all whilst my being in Cardiff Prison . Both the police and RCVS relied on the premise I was of 'unsound mind'. \par 6. On 21st April 2010 the college claimed a further \'a36, 676.83p at the RCJ hearing for the final charging order. Master Foster confirmed with me it only needed to have been around \'a3250, requiring some office clerk to simply present the document for stamping in some other room. After judgment this left \'a3676.83p outstanding which will now be subject to appeal if ever I can find a lawyer!\par 7. Members of the veterinary profession have to bare much of this and the \b undisclosed costs\b0 by this vaste team of lawyers who, themselves, are instructed, each time , by the very same 'in house' lawyers in RCVS HQ making their ten year 'cosy relationship', just in my case alone, a most lucrative arrangement.\par 8. The Metripolitan Police have again confirmed my views, where lawyers' immunity under the 2006 Fraud Act is concerned but are you prepared to act instead?\par 9. Your track record of 'delay, prevarication and treacle treatment' on such matters are well documented so I have been asked to publish world wide your conduct in this ongoing matter. \par \par Yours faithfully,\par \par Maurice J Kirk BVSc\par 52, Tynewydd Road, Barry CF62 8 AZ Tel 07907937953\par copy to {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "www.kirkflyingvet.com"}}{\fldrslt{\ul\cf1 www.kirkflyingvet.com}}}\f2\fs22 \par }