Latest News : Kirstie on Kirk Kirstie on KirkenCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Taking Food Again?, 06 Aug 2009 12:08:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:991Pie22111<p>Yesterday (04/08/09) I visited Maurice, prison
number AK6632, at HMPS Cardiff. He is very thin and is feeling weak. He did not
think that he would be able to walk from the healthcare block to the visiting
area at my next booked visit (Saturday). He seemed resolute and as astute
as ever, but did not answer me when I asked how much longer he intended to
carry on refusing food. </p>
<p>I told him that it is
likely that he will be sectioned under the Mental Health Act for 28 days
"for assessment". He, as I, strongly believe that there is no
creditable reason that he should be sectioned. </p>
<p>Maurice is an oustandingly
intelligent man of principle with a fierce sense of justice. He is an irritant
to heavy handed authority and is being treated inhumanely. He is sometimes
contraversial, incredibly focused and very stubborn. Psychiatric wards will be
filled very quickly, if these are admittance criteria.</p>
<p>I have been told this afternoon
(05/08/09) that Maurice is taking food again. I have been unable to verify this
as no-one was available to speak to me at HMPS Cardiff. Noone has returned my calls. I have telephoned the Ministry of Justice and been
redirected to the department that deals with offenders' cases. Before I can be
told whether my husband remains on hunger strike I must pose my question in
writing. Presumably I will receive a response within 28 days.</p>
<p>Similarly, I have requested
information regarding blood and urine tests carried out this past week. I must
apply in writing. 28 days is too long to wait for a response in these
circumstances. Maurice is ketotic and possibly already suffering some renal
damage: drinking water but barely/not urinating.</p>
<p>I have contacted Maurice's preferred
psychiatrist to try to arrange an independent opinion - he is on holiday until
September. I am keen to contact a psychiatrist outside this area who might be
able to assist or recommend a colleague. </p>
<p>I hope to get more information soon.</p>
<p>Kirstie Kirk</p>
<img src="" width="1" height="1">UpdateSouth Wales PoliceKirstie on KirkPrisonHunger StrikeHappy Days!, 05 Jun 2008 04:23:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:431Kirstie Kirk0<p>Hello</p>
<p>M is feeling much better and has sped off to Brittany on his motorbike. Or that was the unlikely story which went along the lines of: need to sort out accounts, the garden the cottage etc., etc. </p>
<p>M obviously became bored v quickly as accounts, gardening, sorting out the cottage are not really his things and so it was no surprise to learn that he is now actually in the South, enjoying weather (good), food (v good), wine (even better). He sounds quite cheerful when we speak via telephone.</p>
<p>So many people ask me why I don't seem to mind his taking so many holidays, enjoying so many trips...</p>
<p>Suffice to say that while the cat is away this time, Gen and I have found her a new pony and M is too far away to object or censor. She will be installed by his return and, as he can't now fly over our fields to do a head count, he won't even know that she's here (until we choose a suitable moment to tell him). My mare has gone away to stud and Morgan's horse will be in the stable just starting work (which means that M's car will be out of the stable). </p>
<p>Happy days.</p>
<p>KK (M's wife)</p><img src="" width="1" height="1">Kirstie on KirkBrittany30lb Lighter, 19 May 2008 09:27:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:399Kirstie Kirk0<p>Hello</p>
<p>I was correct. M did stop eating while at the Houston Deportation Centre and has returned some 30lb lighter than he set off. He always loses weight when he does an appreciable amount of flying (so much flying to do, so little time to eat...) but 30lb in a short time is rather excessive and he looks positively scrawny. Last Saturday found us in casualty as he was so unwell. He was discharged to rest, drink lots of water and eat small light meals - he has done none of these and is now having difficulty in eating at all. However, little changes and pale, wan and thin as he is he has started to tackle the CAA in an effort to have his licences restored.</p>
<p>I gather from the FCO that Houston Deportation Centre described M as being difficult to deal with ....(not so easy to live with sometimes).</p>
<p>KK (M's wife)</p><img src="" width="1" height="1">Around the World Solo FlightUpdateUS PresidentGeorge BushTexasArrestedDeportation USAKirstie on KirkHeading Home to the UK, 16 May 2008 07:34:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:394Kirstie Kirk4<p>Hello</p>
<p>Have received some encouraging news from FCO this afternoon (Thurs.). M is expected to be home soon. </p>
<p>I have had no opportunity to speak to him but I gather that he has telephoned friends in Texas. I am told that he does not sound too well. I was probably correct in my assumption that he would stop eating in a protest re his predicament. </p>
<p>Let's see what tomorrow brings. The next post may be by M.</p>
<p>KK (M's wife)</p><img src="" width="1" height="1">Around the World Solo FlightUpdateUS PresidentGeorge BushTexasArrestedDeportation USAKirstie on KirkNil Information, 12 May 2008 16:26:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:391Kirstie Kirk1<p>Hello (Monday pm)</p>
<p>M's friend travelled to Austin deportation centre to visit m today - M is allowed one person to visit for one hour once a week - Monday between 9am and 1pm.</p>
<p>He was not allowed access to M as M is in "segregation"? Our equivalent of solitary confinement, I suppose. </p>
<p>On receiving this information I telephoned the consular office in Houston. Perhaps more information can be discovered tomorrow. </p>
<p>It may be that he prefers his own company at the moment.</p>
<p>I hope that he is not refusing food - he alluded to this when being held at Austin State Hospital and I'm afraid that the conditions that were frustrating him then are now magnified.</p>
<p>It would be good to know when he is likely to be back here in GB. I certainly find this somewhat protracted "nil information" time rather difficult, not least because one can only speculate on the true situation.</p>
<p>KK (M's wife)</p><img src="" width="1" height="1">Around the World Solo FlightUpdateUS PresidentGeorge BushTexasArrestedDeportation USAKirstie on KirkOnly One Step Up From Jail, 12 May 2008 04:08:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:390Kirstie Kirk0<p>Good evening (Sunday pm) </p>
<p>Still no positive news. I understand that M will be deported, probably within 10 working days if all is straightforward (can any of this be straightforward - none has been so far).</p>
<p>I haven't spoken to M for 10 days and hope that he is OK. I suspect that that he's bearing up. I was told that a deportation centre is "one step up from jail". Perhaps he's more comfortable than here at home. </p>
<p>His friends haven't managed to track all his belongings - some appear to be missing including his video records of this trip and his GPS.</p>
<p>Hope very much to hear more soon.</p>
<p>KK (M's wife) </p><img src="" width="1" height="1">Around the World Solo FlightUpdateUS PresidentGeorge BushTexasArrestedDeportation USAKirstie on KirkOut of the Frying Pan into a Sink, 07 May 2008 04:42:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:382Kirstie Kirk3<p>Hello</p>
<p>(Wednesday am in GB) </p>
<p>M is still being held at a deportation centre at Houston. This is confirmed by consular staff. There is no indication yet of when he will travel to GB, but I hope to hear soon (there is still washing up waiting).</p>
<p>I have been told a variety of stories regarding this second detention though a clear common theme is that he was offered the opportunity of release on the condition that he signed papers accepting that he was intoxicated. He maintained that he was not and so would not sign. At this juncture the immigration/deportation system came into play.</p>
<p>I have not spoken to M since Thursday and I don't think that consular staff have spoken to him yet. M's friends have been unable to speak to him by telephone as he has no money to buy a ‘phone card - and couldn't be sent any until we could quote his "alien number". This number was given to me yesterday afternoon.</p>
<p>Hopefully, he will be able to make contact soon. He will be pleased to hear that his little aircraft is safe. We are trying to track his belongings, but this is not easy without direct communication.</p>
<p>I expect that he is fine. </p>
<p>KK (M's wife)</p><img src="" width="1" height="1">Around the World Solo FlightUpdateUS PresidentGeorge BushTexasArrestedDeportation USAKirstie on KirkReunited With His Little Aircraft, 02 May 2008 05:56:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:366Kirstie Kirk11<p>Good morning.</p>
<p>I spoke to M yesterday who confirmed that he had been released. He was planning to fly his little aircraft to stay with friends prior to his return - expecting to be here in UK early next week.</p>
<p>I am humbled by the many kind messages and offers of help that I have received. Most have responded warmly to his latest scrape, though he has clearly exasperated some people.</p>
<p>The FCO certainly know their stuff - if one has to get into a scrape abroad, then a Brit is the best nationality to be.</p>
<p>I have been asked if I expect M to continue flying...I don't expect it, but am absolutely sure that he will. He had two hours to reflect on his future (which could have been very short indeed) after ditching into the Caribbean. I don't think that he can be put off.</p>
<p>KK (M's wife)</p><img src="" width="1" height="1">Around the World Solo FlightUpdateUS PresidentGeorge BushTexasArrestedKirstie on KirkOne Flew the Cukoo's Nest, 01 May 2008 08:11:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:360Kirstie Kirk5<p>Hello </p>
<p>M has been told that he will be released tomorrow morning.</p>
<p>This has been confirmed as being the understanding of the consulate representative helping him. He is expected to be released at 10 or 11 o'clock local time to local police in order that his belongings can be returned and then taken to his aircraft. I am not clear if he will then be able to fly or whether he will need to arrange transport. I guess that Secret Services will want to check his route before he leaves. As far as I can establish there remains a court hearing at 1pm relating to M's being detained but I'm not too sure about this.</p>
<p>M is in pretty good spirits though perhaps suffering cabin fever at having been restricted for 4/5 days.</p>
<p>On his release I'm sure that a much clearer picture of what happened will emerge.</p>
<p>Hopefully tomorrows events will run smoothly and M will be home soon.</p>
<p>KK (M's wife)</p>
<p>PS the firearms in use when M was arrested were 9mm Berettas (not Smith and Wessons).</p>
<p>KK</p><img src="" width="1" height="1">Around the World Solo FlightUpdateUS PresidentGeorge BushTexasArrestedKirstie on KirkIn Front of the Judge Wednesday, 29 Apr 2008 05:26:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:356Kirstie Kirk4<p>Good morning</p>
<p>I haven’t spoken to M as there seems to be a problem with our landline – lots of buzzing and whirring and intermittent stops (probably overhanging branches). He has left a very brief message on my mobile phone.</p>
<p>It sounds as though the situation is becoming more serious – if I am reading it correctly.</p>
<p>It seems that it has been suggested that M was actually going to land on the lawn of the ranch (did not realise that ranches had lawns) but was prevented from doing so by bad weather. I think this very unlikely.</p>
<p>M is a very proficient aviator who has flown around much of the world in this type of light aircraft, specifically designed for tricky manoeuvres onto battle fields during WWII. If M had intended to land on the lawn he would have done so – bad weather or not (and he has experienced some truly awful weather in the past).</p>
<p>I understand that he is to appear before a judge in Texas (I don’t know where exactly) on Wednesday. I am unable to contact him as I don’t know in which department of Austin State Hospital he is being held and can get no further than the switchboard.</p>
<p>I don’t know whether he has been questioned by the Secret Service yet, though I think that this is likely.</p>
<p>M is somewhat eccentric and is quite capable of rather innocently making such a gesture as leaving a message at the ranch gate for the President. He was and is very grateful the US coastguard retrieved so quickly and efficiently from the Caribbean and has already visited the individuals involved to thank them personally.</p>
<p><a href="" style="border:medium none;float:left;" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a>It has not been out of character for M to visit famous people on his travels. He visited Sir Edmund Hillary during his flight around New Zealand and was presented with a new pair of JR Williams boots at the end of the London to Sydney Air Race by John Howard, then Prime Minister of Australia. </p>
<p>I hope that the US authorities are sympathetic to a rather one-off English eccentric who is bumbling round the world in an 80 mph (maximum ground speed) very old Piper Cub aircraft.</p>
<p>KK (M’s wife)</p><img src="" width="1" height="1">Around the World Solo FlightUpdateUS PresidentGeorge BushTexasArrestedKirstie on Kirk