In October 2013 Her Honour Judge Eleri Rees agreed that today's case involving the CPS Barrister Gareth Evans MUST be heard before the harassment/tenants/Rogan trials as she realised that the other three were a consequence of the barrister trial.  The Police clearly set up the tenant situation and of course through the evidence of the independent witness they have dropped that case.
All three cases caused him to be incarcerated so he has been unable to complete the Civil Action against the South Wales Police.
Today he has not been allowed access to his legal papers nor his promised computer and will appear via video link which means he cannot talk with his legal support nor collect meaningful paperwork.
To date he has been held for 3 years (18 months) in prison to do with the harassment case which 14 judges have refused to accept/ignored that as he was exposing a crime under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997  section 3  (a) that it  (the conduct) was pursued for the purpose of preventing of crime

because the Dr continues to be protected by the courts and has NEVER faced cross examination or even examination on Maurice's case within a courtroom!


After the summing up by Maurice and then the Judge, the jury retired to consider their verdict in the time honoured fashion.

Apparently most of the considerstion had already been done as they returned to the court after a mere 22 minutes which doesn't seem to be very long to review the evidence of a trial that lasted into the third week.

But then, judging from the last two notes passed up to the judge and read out in court, some of them had more pressing matters to attend to!

The verdict, guilty on both counts.

The judge adjourned the sentencing untill next week.