Legal Battles : welsh assembly welsh assemblyenCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Nazi Uniform for Royal Courts of Justice Welsh Cover Up listen to Bristol Radio 93.2 FM, 18 Oct 2012 06:38:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2717Maurice Kirk1<div>Bristol Radio's FIRST Interview was this Friday at 2pm with the SECOND planned  in about three weeks. Download  Recording   <a href=""></a> </div> <div> </div> <div>This site and radio broad cast are likely to also broad cast, shortly, the taped telephoned messages, I did not realise were being taken at the time, of me trying to get urgent messages out of Cardiff Prison to my friends, relations and fellow Mackenzie Friends. South Wales Police/MAPPA and opposing civil  solictiors, Dolmans, for the imminent three month damages trial, were assisting in my mail being diverted, in or out and or delayed while awaiting a couple of trials and further allegations re Restaining Order were being concocted.</div> <div> </div> <div>Anything to black mail me into confiding in a local Welsh lawyrer.</div> <div> </div> <div>Sometimes ten prisoners or more would be  queueing for one or two phones  that worked , mainly only available out of office hours with only 30 minutes or as much as an hour , some days, to reach the head of the queue.</div> <div> </div> <div><a href=""></a></div> <div> </div> <div>I resorted, often, to bribery with tobacco and chocolate saved for the purpose, to jump the que ue but it was rare to succeed as they were as frustrated as I was, especially the unconvicted doing their own case.  </div> <div> </div> <div>The next interview may cover the appallingt Chanel Islands and their obscene interpretation of Human Rights.</div> <div> </div> <div>I often dressed appropriately for Guernsey's magistrates wearing florescent orange socks, for example, that looked impressive when I was filmed by Channel Televion while arriving at court in Nazi uniform:</div> <div><strong><em></em></strong> </div> <div><strong><em>  + </em></strong><a href=""><strong><em></em></strong></a></div> <div> </div> <div><a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="" /></a></div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div>His Lordshp's missive in the post, this very Thursday morning, means my Nazi uniform needs an an airing at the Royal Courts of Justice very shortly. </div> <p><a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p>So, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, </p> <p>You notice the defendant did not attend as a for gone conlusion, with the action  against one of those in HM Partnership</p> <p>I was not there because I had a medical note, as not fit, following my being recently knocked unconscious, I was told, in the street anf finishing up in hospital.</p> <p>Mr Justice Beatson not only ignored the medical certificate, appeared to lose his temper lost his temper, as neither party was present and struck out the application as totally wuithout merit.</p> <p> He, as with well over one hundred before him in the RCJ, I had witnessed  had done, had expedited it in nano seconds.</p> <p>Ah, but he linked his decision to my other JR outstanding application over the ridiculous harassment hearings and CPS fiddled Crown Court appeal.</p> <p> Thursday was spent running around the RCJ between Admin courts and Criminaal Court of Appeal slowly unravelling the conspiracy,still cooking, to have me and my helpersw eliminated.</p> <p>  </p> <p> Just what will the Principality consider next in order to protect their errant NHS forensic psychiatrists and thoroughly corrupt judiciary?</p> <p>A quick chat with my London Mentor, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, something that has become a bit of a ritual, over the years, before wasting any further of my time in that den of vice in The Strand.</p> <p><a href=""><img border="0" src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p><a href="[1].pdf">11 01 03 Machine Gun Case summary[1].pdf</a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p><a href="">11 05 08 ECH MJK letter .pdf</a></p> <p>But hold it, Maurice, don't panic, don't panic. Lets wait for the judgments and transcripts, below, to arrive and put them also up on web site and ponder, again, the viewers' e-mail and posting of comments responses.</p> <p>Ist e-mail response:</p> <p><strong><font color="#0070c0" size="4">can i add this to the email below to send out? - it is ur call after u were beaten in Cardiff prison last year = pls reply asap. <br /></font></strong><br /><font color="#0070c0" size="4"><a href="" target="_blank"><strong></strong></a></font></p> <p><font color="#0070c0" size="4"></font> </p> <p><b><font size="5">Some Issues for RCJ</font></b></p> <p><b>Criminal Court of<br />Appeal Restraining Order/Harassment Conviction</b></p> <p>Restraining Order is dated 1<sup>st</sup> December<br />2011, (Magistrate's version) </p> <p>‘Breach of Restraining Order' is 4<sup>th</sup><br />December 2011, no evidence yet seen of it.</p> <p>‘Due Service' of Restraining Order was 23<sup>rd</sup><br />December 2011, pushed under police cell door </p> <p>Restraining Order, as Exhibit, dated 9<sup>th</sup><br />Dec 2012 (Crown Court's version) </p> <p>Drafting of the R/O audit trail clearly indicates<br />there was no such final document in existence at the ‘lunch time', as confirmed<br />by both court and custody logs, when clerk of the court hid in an empty adjacent<br />cell to ‘observe' security guard unlock and enter my cell to obtain my ‘opinion'<br />of a partly hand written document, seen by my gallery witnesses, being written<br />by the presiding judge and to be returned to the CPS with my comments. </p> <p><font size="3" face="Times New Roman"></font></p> <p>Meanwhile I will continue my near twenty year quest to find a lawyer I can trust and so conduct the interrogation of around one hundred South Wales policemen, in the bullying case, due to give evidence, for a few months, shortly after Christmas.....see downloads etc </p> <p>An e-mail, securing legal representation, at last, sent BEFORE my opening today's  18th October post </p> <div></div> <div>17th October 2012</div> <div></div> <div></div> <div>Dear ,,,,,,,,</div> <div></div> <div></div> <div><strong>Criminal Court of Appeal 201203241 D2 and JR CO/2012/ 6357</strong></div> <div><strong></strong></div> <div></div> <div><strong><u>Application to Join the above RCJ cases</u></strong></div> <div></div> <div>Further to your daughter confirming on the phone, yesterday, you have informed the RCJ you are acting for me in these two cases, I confirm I have not yet found a barrister but asked that you again approach the Midlands based Mr Spence? who spoke to me in the Oxford Crown Court.</div> <div></div> <div>The 2nd May 2012 ending jury trial GROUNDS [Breach of Restraining Order] carried almost identical 'grounds', with respects to ''abuse of process', as in the JR 'grounds' for the original magistrates' ending 1st December 2011 hearing [Harassment conviction] and appeaL ending on 2nd March 2012 .</div> <div></div> <div>Mr Justice MacDuff's helpful statement in single judgment indicates same </div> <div></div> <div>I ask , again, for confirmation in writing in order to stop ringing the RCJ daily</div> <div></div> <div>Thankyou</div> <div></div> <div>The judge Curren's <u>summing up</u> and witness, Lee Barker, transcripts will be available on or after 31st October</div> <div></div> <div>best regards,<span class="HOEnZb adL"><font color="#888888"><br /></font></span></div><span class="HOEnZb adL"><font color="#888888"> <div>Maurice J Kirk BVSc </div> <div>Puits aux Papillions</div> <div>   St Doha</div> <div>     22230 Merdrignac</div></font> <div> </div></span> <div></div> <div style="DISPLAY:none;" id=":ys" class="ii gt"> <div id=":yt"></div></div> <div class="hi"> </div> <div class="gA gt ac5"> <div class="gB"> <table style="WIDTH:143px;HEIGHT:24px;" id=":y8" class="cf gz ac3" cellpadding="0" class="cf gz ac3"> <tr> <td> <div class="cKWzSc mD"><img class="mL" alt="" src="" /></div></td> <td> <div class="K98VUe mD"> </div></td> <td> <div class="XymfBd mD"> </div></td> <td></td> <td class="io" class="io"> <div class="adA"> </div></td></tr></table> <div class="ip iq"> <div id=":xx"> <table class="cf FVrZGe" class="cf FVrZGe"> <tr> <td class="amq" class="amq"> <p>Tomorrow, Friday 19th Oct, a series of Bristol Community Radio 93.2 FM  interviews are to be broad cast with Tony Gosling.</p> <p>Please do not be misled by the first issue, by way of an introduction, comparing an English police, judicial system and HM prisons to the appalling situation in South Wales.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>2nd e-mail in today : </p> <p>"YOU WILL NEVER BEAT THEM, MAURICE"</p> <p>I give an example of just how right she might be: </p> <p>This e-mail stimulates me to  give a typical sample, I have personally encountered, of just how the Cardiff court's inherent culture, based on deceit and avarice, will continue to reign supreme while their immunity to prosecution rests with the South Wales Police.</p> <p>Any of my past IPCC complaints, for example, have always reverted back to the culprits to investigate themselves!  </p> <p> If any of you, in England, Scotland or Ireland, are contemplating crossing the Seven Bridge, as I did, to work , get married and settle down, assuming Wales is 'fit for purpose', then please stop and think.</p> <p> I didn't, making my mother cry and father very saddened by the news. </p> <p><a href="">10 10 29 Prison 50 000 summary (2).pdf</a></p> <p><a href="">10 9 1 MJK Prison Statement for County Judge Final.rtf</a></p> <p>And finally some extra light reading on the sinister world of HM Partnership and as to how they hold almost all the cards.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> <p>Subject: </p> <div style="FONT-FAMILY:arial black,sans-serif;FONT-SIZE:large;" class="gmail_quote">Signing up to 'I, Patrick Cullinane, will demonstrate outside the Royal Courts of In-Justice for FOUR days, starting Tue 1st October 2013, to RESTORE the Rule of Law and banish the Rule of JUDGES from the Kangaroo Courts in the UK' at<br /><br />Please click on the link below to confirm your signature on the<br />pledge at the bottom of this email.<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#0066cc"></font><font color="#0066cc">BVyQLvFuTJTaBt79hA</font></a><br /><br />The pledge was created by Patrick Cullinane and reads:<br /><br />'I will I, Patrick Cullinane, will demonstrate outside the<br />Royal Courts of In-Justice for FOUR days, starting Tue 1st<br />October 2013, to RESTORE the Rule of Law and banish the Rule of<br />JUDGES from the Kangaroo Courts in the UK but only if 150 other<br />people from the UK will do the same. We the People in the UK<br />have been denied our GUARANTEED RIGHTS to due-process via the<br />Common Law Trial by Jury, which is the Law of the Land.'<br /><br />Yours,<br />the team</div> <div style="FONT-FAMILY:arial black,sans-serif;FONT-SIZE:large;" class="gmail_quote"></div> <div style="FONT-FAMILY:arial black,sans-serif;FONT-SIZE:large;" class="gmail_quote"> <div style="FONT-FAMILY:arial black,sans-serif;FONT-SIZE:large;" class="gmail_default">ends</div></div> <div class="gmail_quote"><br /></div></td></tr></table></div></div></div></div><img src="" width="1" height="1">Royal College of Veterinary Surgeonswelsh assemblyCaswell ClinicCardiff PrisonRoyal Courts of JusticeMAPPACardiff County CourtProfessor Roger WoodNHSIPCCFreemansonryGeneral Medical CouncilHM PrisonHuman Rights Act Infringementslitigants in personSouth Wales Police cover-up GuernseyToo ill to demonstrate - the real indicator of Maurice's health, 21 Oct 2010 19:54:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1651SabineKMcNeill0<p><b>Maurice LOVES </b>to 'be out there' with his banner, megaphone and hand out leaflets. He knows he speaks for hundreds and thousands across the country. But this week he did not feel up to it. </p><p>Meanwhile some of his friends and supporters have communicated with the General Medical Council and the Health Board in Wales to find out the real reasons for withholding his medical records. </p><p>And his case is <a href="">one of five</a> that have been put before European Organisations in Brussels. For <a href="">Article 47 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights</a> guarantees an 'effective remedy and a fair trial'. Well, Maurice has certainly had neither on more than one occasion.  </p><p>So watch this space! We'll keep you posted! <br /></p><img src="" width="1" height="1">welsh assemblyCardiffGeneral Medical CouncilEuropean Charter of Fundamental RightsMaurice's demo handout: Complaint to General Medical Council, Cardiff, 17 Oct 2010 15:40:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1648SabineKMcNeill0<p>Tomorrow, Monday, Maurice will demonstrate at the Welsh Assembly, from 11am onwards. He'll buy lunch for everybody who is going to give him moral support by being there. </p><p>As a handout, he will have copies of <a href="">this letter to the General Medical Council</a> available. <br /></p><p> </p><img src="" width="1" height="1">welsh assemblyCardiffGeneral Medical CouncilHouse of Lords May Meeting on the British Judiciary Brought Forward, 06 Apr 2010 08:01:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1381Maurice Kirk1<p><font size="3">Attention everyone, the meeting has been brought forward due to over subscription needing a larger committee room. Contact organisers or me for details.</font></p><font size="3">1966 Veterinary Surgeons Act is admitted to be contrary to the European Convention of Human Rights. 1967 Royal Charter, imparting college immunity to prosecution, many also deem to be 'ultra vires' and should therefore go back before Their Lordships of HM Privy Council. Meanwhile, the college even refuses to 'convene a court', contrary to 2004 Statutory Instrument, to allow Maurice Kirk BVSc to 'practice veterinary surgery'. Finding any lawyer to do any of this, of course, is quite another story!</font><font size="3"> </font><font size="3"></font><font size="3"> </font><p align="justify"><font size="3">The European Court has warned Maurice it will refuse any further application relating to this Royal Charter or continuing conduct of the RCVS. This coincided with Her Majesty's Attorney General applying to have all his court files confiscated from the Western Circuit with the view of having him certified as a 'Vexatious Litigant'.</font></p><p align="justify"><font size="3">The RCVS obtained an Extended Civil Restraint Order to smother the truth. He is  banned from the Cardiff County Court building, having served seven months in jail only to be aquitted, not even having tendered a defence. </font></p><p align="justify"><font size="3"><b>See Downloads</b>  </font></p> <p><font size="3"></font> </p><img src="" width="1" height="1">HM Attorney GeneralHer Majesty's PrerogativeRoyal College of Veterinary Surgeonswelsh assemblySouth Wales PoliceHouse of LordsFreemasons Welsh Assembly, 29 Jan 2009 11:31:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1599SabineKMcNeill0<p> Patrick, </p> <p>Just look at the old letter I have just found! </p> <p>Mr Justice Andrew Collins was in on the act even BEFORE I was struck off for this motoring conviction, the incident where the police stole my car and for 6 weeks left it near Cowbridge, miles from the incident, on  the road side, unlocked, full of dangerous veterinary drugs, sufficient to kill a hundred people. My medical note, due to post op pain and the nature of the drugs, was ignored by Collins just like the Cardiff Crown court. It stinks, does'nt it?</p> <p>Oh and this one for the MP and the blog: <br /></p> <p><b><u>Freemasons Welsh Assembly</u></b></p> <p>In 1999, the Welsh Assembly became the only body in the United Kingdom to place a legal requirement on membership declaration for Freemasons.[29] Currently, existing members of the police and judiciary n England are asked to voluntarily admit to being Freemasons.[30] However, all first time successful judiciary candidates "must declare their freemasonry status" before appointment.[30] Conversely, new members of the police are not required to declare their status.[30]<br /><br />In 2004, Rhodri Morgan, the First Minister of the Welsh Assembly, said that he blocked Gerard Elias' appointment to counsel general because of inks to hunting and freemasonry[31], although it was claimed by on-Labour politicians that the real reason was in order to have a Labour supporter, Malcolm Bishop, in the role.[32]<br />-------------------------------</p><img src="" width="1" height="1">welsh assemblyFreemansonryBarbara Wilding, South Wales Police Chief's Sworn Affidavit and Welsh freemasons, 28 Jan 2009 13:39:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:825Maurice Kirk0<p><b>FAO John Smith MP</b> </p> <p>28<sup>th</sup> January 2009                                 <b>Barbara Wilding</b></p> <ul> <li>1. Today I am informed the Chief Officer of South Wales Police, Ms Barbara Wilding, is to sign a sworn affidavit that her police did not break into my veterinary surgery with a crow bar and sledge hammer and put back the daughter of one of their inspectors in the overhead flat with a local drug dealer, nor does she have any knowledge of the incident.</li> <li>2. Madam is to sign a sworn affidavit that her police did not take a statement from Christopher Paul Ebbs who informed Special Branch I had been smuggling pigs into the Vale of Glamorgan from Eire in my 2 seat Piper aircraft leading to a memorable court case, nor was she aware of the incident.</li> <li>3. Madam will also be mistaken, if she states that her police did not leave my confiscated BMW for 6 weeks on the road side and unlocked, with Immobilon veterinary drug on the back seat, sufficient to kill a three figure number of the general public passing through the Vale of Glamorgan.</li> <li>4. Madam will be complimented for her terminological inexactitude, should she state her police did not arrange the theft of my veterinary ambulance nor did they prosecute me in Barry Magistrates on this foreign vehicle for ‘no MOT or road fund tax' saying "there was no court case" and she has no knowledge of the incident.</li> <li>5. Madam will again be 'economical with the truth' if she states she did not know of the unlawful conduct in Cardiff Crown Court causing direct intervention from the jury leaving my trial dead in the water and the wrong person sent to prison.</li> <li>6.  Madam will again be 'telling fibs', if she states that her police had no recall of record, subject to CPR court disclosure, of some 50 to 60 incidents against me and my veterinary staff despite carrying police ‘occurrence' numbers for reference.</li> <li>7. Madam will be a blatent liar if she states that her police failed to identify me while Cardiff Magistrates remanded me to prison to stay until some passing pigeon may ‘recognise me'.</li> <li>8. Madam will again be telling 'porky pies' if she is to sign a sworn affidavit that her police did not conduct a campaign of harassment, my having to present my valid driving documents 35 times with their harassment stopping almost to the day, 29<sup>th</sup> May 2002, when my name was removed from the veterinary register by their complaint to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in the climate of 120 failed police prosecutions. This, despite the current stench of our UK judicial system controlled by HM Attorney General, HM Government and HM Partnership.</li></ul> <p>Oh yes, I almost forgot. Nor does she have knowledge, the published affidavit next week will reveal, of the 30 odd incidents in the 4th and 5th Action for damages, currently blocked from disclosure by <b>HM Partnership</b>  but her planned retirement before we go to court, my being refused a jury trial of course, is unlikely to deter my issuing the occasional witness summons.</p> <p>Today I was also informed I am to pay the costs of my application for above<b> disclosure</b> should I lose the trial in some year hence and I ‘appear' to be 'out of time' to appeal it, despite the draft court order never being agreed. So I am yet to receive a ‘sealed order' upon which to appeal.</p> <p><b>[To the new reader on this site I must explain. All my court actions in the past 15 years have been spirited up/down to the HM Attorney General, his team of Whitehall lawyers and  defendants interrogated, in order to prevent my disclosure application being heard. The RCVS/SWP/HO ‘relationship' all relies now on Section 42 ‘legal professional privilege'!  HM Attorney General and HM Government are, we are repeatedly told, independent of HM Court Service and HM judges nor could they influence the 1967 RCVS Royal Charter despite admission by the RCVS it is, in itself, in clear breach of the farcical 1998 Human Rights Act both ratified by Her Majesty in Council].  </b></p><br /><img src="" width="1" height="1">John Smith MPwelsh assemblyfreemasonsbarbara wilding