Legal Battles : criminality criminalityenCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)On the Unusual, Extreme and Indefinite Aspects of Kirk v South Wales Police, 08 Nov 2010 16:54:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1714SabineKMcNeill0<p><b>HH Judge Seys Llewellyn QC</b> presides over the current action that started September 7. He has said repeatedly that this case is rather <b>'unusual'</b>: the case for civil damages, currently adjourned, while Maurice is in exile or asylum in Brittany. <br /></p> <p>It is furthermore <b>'extreme'</b> because of </p> <ol> <li>the number of motoring incidents that the Police instigated - as can be seen on this <a href="">schedule of incidents</a> </li> <li>the number of times that Maurice has won against the Police is about 10 : 1</li><li>the kinds of 'extreme actions' that the Police got up to; here Maurice describes a <a href="">chase by helicopter</a> that they mounted, because they suspected he might be flying without licence that was temporarily suspended; the photo published in <a href="">an article by Pilot Magazine</a> was taken on the day of the chase; and here are <a href="">witness statements</a> relating to this expensive operation. </li><li>the number of times that Maurice requested DISCLOSURE from authorities, but they either denied or didn't even respond </li> <li>their response has been a process of "ratcheting up":</li> </ol> <ul> <li>from harassment with motoring incidents to not investigating crimes such as theft, arson and burglaries</li> <li>from not investigating crimes to getting him struck off the Register of Veterinary Surgeons<br /></li> <li>from accusing him of the possession and sale of firearms (of which he was cleared) to false imprisonment and incarceration in Caswell Clinic for 12 weeks</li> <li>from un-disclosed MAPPA level 3 surveillance to intending to shoot and falsifying medical records <br /></li> <li>from withholding medical records to a WARRANT for ARREST. <br /></li> </ul> <p>This list is far from exhaustive. It is just meant to illustrate the 'extremeness' that a police vendetta can get up to, with infinite cash for infinite lawyers' bills, and <a href="">Royal Charters</a> that guarantee immunity from prosecution... Hence the current case is for 'civil damages' against the Police as the only avenue for an 'effective remedy' against national authorities (<a href="">Article 13 of the EU Human Rights</a>)...<br /></p> <p>And it is 'indefinite', because there does not seem to be an end to it: </p> <ul> <li>Maurice's commitment, perseverance and tenacity are unbroken</li> <li>the South Wales Police does not admit or bow down (yet) - despite flagrant evidence!   <br /></li> </ul><img src="" width="1" height="1">South Wales PoliceharassmentcriminalityThe Trigger for Intending to Get Maurice Shot, 08 Nov 2010 08:21:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1712SabineKMcNeill0<p><b>Being away from it all </b>- on asylum in Brittany - makes Maurice think more long term. So he remembered that </p><ol><li>On 4 October 2008 he wrote to Barry police station identifying about 40 police incident numbers, asking for their progress on each one. Since he did not receive any information, he lodged an <b>Abuse of Process Application</b></li><li>In November 2008 HHJ Nicholas Chambers QC ordered to disclose the thefts / arson / assaults / motoring allegations and identity of police (eg. overhead video)   <b><br /></b></li><li>Barbara Wilding, the then Chief Constable of South Wales Police, was ordered to sign a disclosure affidavit by 6/7 January 2009</li><li>Dolmans, the solicitors of South Wales Police, pretended not to have received the Order</li><li>On 25 February Maurice visited Dolmans demanding the affidavit or he would arrest her for 'contempt of court' and call in an outside police force. <br /></li><li>That afternoon she signed it - 6 weeks after the Court Order. </li><li>In April 2009, he formulated <a href="">this position statement</a>.<br /></li><li>Maurice believes that his visit to Dolmans, together with <a href="">this letter</a> made them 'ratchet up' their actions: <br /></li></ol><ul><li>the intent to shoot</li><li>register MAPPA (terrorist level 3) - as can be seen in <a href="">this MAPPA report</a> leaked from Caswell Clinic.  </li></ul><img src="" width="1" height="1">South Wales PoliceMAPPAharassmentcriminality