02 Legal Battles : Haringey Council, family courts http://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/archive/tags/Haringey+Council/family+courts/default.aspxTags: Haringey Council, family courtsenCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Is it worth being on hunger strike? Who's worse: South Wales Police or Haringey Council?http://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/archive/2011/10/28/is-it-worth-being-on-hunger-strike.aspxFri, 28 Oct 2011 12:10:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2202SabineKMcNeill2http://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=2202http://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/archive/2011/10/28/is-it-worth-being-on-hunger-strike.aspx#comments<p> <b>On the positive side,</b></p><ul><li>somebody high up has ordered South Wales Police to return his legal papers</li><li>Tottenham Police Station and Cardiff Central Station are ordered to hand over everything concerning him </li><li>South Wales Police' Solicitors have sent a judgement dated 25th July 2011 concerning the release of MAPPA minutes</li><li>why has it been withheld for such a long time?</li><li>why did it take the Defendant's solicitor to send it rather than the Court?</li></ul><p>On the negative side,</p><ul><li>Maurice expects not to be able to walk soon</li><li>Maurice needs to know who has sent cash, cheques, postal orders or stamps so that he can complain about the stealing that has gone on<br /></li><li>he fears that he will be prevented from cross-examining Dr Tegwyn Williams by the case being dropped on November 10th <br /></li><li>he suspects that he will be held 'indefinitely' to stop him from pursuing his legal actions and being there for the Musa hearing on October 31st</li><li>he has evidence that the latest psychiatric report by Dr Tegwyn Williams was sent to Haringey doctors to try and keep him in prison and stop him from supporting the Musas. <br /></li></ul>Anybody seen Big Brother lately? Are we living in 1984 or in 2011?<br /><br />Here is a <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJldYoV5K9M">recording of one of his latest phone calls</a>.<br /><br />This is the phone line for visitors to book a visit - but you must be patient. They let you wait and wait and may give you one or two options some five or six days away: 02920 923 327<br /><img src="http://kirkflyingvet.com/aggbug.aspx?PostID=2202" width="1" height="1">Cardiff Magistrates Courtfamily courtsHaringey CouncilMusa familychild snatchingWorst case of police harassment + worst case of child snatching in the UK in Cardiff Magistrates Court on 5th Octoberhttp://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/archive/2011/09/29/worst-case-of-police-harassment-worst-case-of-child-snatching-in-the-uk-in-cardiff-magistrates-court-on-5th-october.aspxThu, 29 Sep 2011 18:59:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2161SabineKMcNeill4http://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=2161http://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/archive/2011/09/29/worst-case-of-police-harassment-worst-case-of-child-snatching-in-the-uk-in-cardiff-magistrates-court-on-5th-october.aspx#comments<p><b>On September 28th, </b>Maurice refused to leave his prison cell. Hence he will be on videolink on 5th October and we expect he will seize the opportunity of talking about the utter criminality of Haringey Council, Police, Social Services, Solicitors & Barristers, as they collude in covering up the disappearance of six Nigerian children. </p><ul><li>Please read here why it's the <a href="http://gloriamusa.wordpress.com/2011/09/24/another-african-paper-publishes-the-musa-drama-tragedy-case/">worst child snatching case</a> in the UK. </li><li>And please click here to see why Maurice's must be the <a href="http://mauricejohnkirk.wordpress.com/2011/09/29/worst-case-of-police-harassment-worst-case-of-child-snatching-in-cardiff-on-october-5th/">worst of all police harassment experiences</a>.  </li></ul>And make a reality check which country you live in. Ian Josephs publishes about child snatching on <a href="http://forced-adoption.com/">Forced Adoption</a> from Monaco and writes what's <a href="http://gloriamusa.wordpress.com/unique-uk/">unique in the UK</a>.<br /><br /><b>Please write to Maurice as prisoner A7306AT in HMP Cardiff, Know Road, South Glamorgan, CF24 0UG or phone 029 2092 3100. </b><br /><img src="http://kirkflyingvet.com/aggbug.aspx?PostID=2161" width="1" height="1">Cardiff Magistrates Courtfamily courtsHaringey CouncilMusa familychild snatchingHaringey Council refuses Consular Visit to Nigerian Children - Letter to Home and Foreign Secretaryhttp://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/archive/2011/09/16/haringey-council-refuses-consular-visit-to-nigerian-children.aspxFri, 16 Sep 2011 07:19:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2132Maurice Kirk0http://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=2132http://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/archive/2011/09/16/haringey-council-refuses-consular-visit-to-nigerian-children.aspx#comments<b>After my release</b> from London's Holborn police cell, with all allegations laughed out of court, I might even have experienced a touch of sadness to leave such a bunch of 'Peelers' of the old school. I was treated throughout my incarceration with both respect and courtesy for PACE so unlike my 20 years of experiences in South Wales. <p>The two arresting officers were of exceptional quality, restoring much of my lost faith in those who, so often, are given such a thankless task in their attempts to keep the peace in our kingdom. My memories of the Principal Registry of the UK Family Courts near by, however; were quite a different matter!</p> <p>Were these letters written by the same person or who wrote this letter?</p> <p><a href="http://gloriamusa.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/favour-hand-writting-from-her-school-book-nosig.gif"><img src="http://gloriamusa.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/favour-hand-writting-from-her-school-book-nosig-e1316167689644.gif" align="left" height="355" width="250" alt="" /></a>Well, Haringey Council used this <a href="http://gloriamusa.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/letter-found-on-the-street.jpg"><img src="http://gloriamusa.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/letter-found-on-the-street-e1316169149854.jpg" align="right" height="339" width="250" alt="" /></a>letter to justify their snatching 5 children on 8 April 2010 as a precursor for taking the 6th baby on 11 June 2011, after birth.  </p> <p>The letter that went out this morning: </p> <p class="MsoNormal"><b>Dear Home Secretary and dear Foreign Secretary</b></p><b></b> <p class="MsoNormal">This is to request you to do everything in your powers to <a href="http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/send-the-musa-family-back-home-to-nigeria-with-their.html">send the Nigerian family – with all their children - back to Nigeria</a>. They were taken into “care” by Haringey Council on 8 April 2010. <br /></p> <p class="MsoNormal">As the latest of their apparent cover up activities, Haringey Council have refused a request for a consular visit on the basis of the children “not being Nigerian”.</p> <p class="MsoNormal"><a href="http://leadership.ng/nga/articles/4068/2011/08/21/british_govt_detains_nigerian_couple%E2%80%99s_six_children.html">British Govt Detains Nigerian Couple’s Six Children</a> was published on 28 August 2011 by the National Nigerian paper Leadership. <br /></p> <p class="MsoNormal">Please find attached a copy of the High Commission’s request for a visit together with the confirmation that Mr Chiwar Musa is the biological father of Bishop Gloria Musa’s five children.  Their sixth baby was taken at birth by five police officers. </p> <p class="MsoNormal">The DNA confirmation was carried out for the Council, for they alleged that the mother was a sex worker and child trafficker, when it could be the opposite. <br /></p> <p class="MsoNormal">Trusting that you will deal with this request with your most urgent attention,</p> <p class="MsoNormal">Yours sincerely, <br /></p> <p class="MsoNormal">Sabine K McNeill, Web Publisher and McKenzie Friend</p> <p>Cc:<br />Bishop Gloria and Chiwar Musa<br />The Prime Minister<br />The Deputy Prime Minister<br />His Excellency, The High Commissioner of Nigeria<br />The Deputy High Commissioner, Sierra Leone, personal friend<br />Lord Harris of Haringey, former Council Leader<br />Claire Kober, Leader of Haringey Council<br />Maurice Kirk, McKenzie Friend<br />Ian Josephs, Publisher of <a href="http://www.forced-adoption.com/">Forced Adoption</a>, Monaco<br />John Hemming MP</p> <p> </p> <p>We are now leaving to go to stand outside the police station with my loud haler and remind the police the Musas have refused to sign in for bail on Monday , Wednesday and today and will not until they get the results of their baby's drug tests results no doubt already given to the Haringey mob two months ago.</p> <p>Then it is proposed to visit, with loud haler and swelling crowd of supporters, the last known address of the last known foster parent and then, by dividing the small army of liberators,  on to several schools similtaneously for trouble. </p> <p>This only just the beginning of what is planned unless the Uk Parliament does not step in and save the family and help them home to Nigeria</p> <p><br />Links coming shortly:</p> <p> 1. Audio tapes of Michelle Collins' involvement with the six children and Africa</p> <p> 2. Gloria Musa's mother's letter to Nigerian High Court</p> <p> 3..Both Musa's custody records and police medical results on alleged drug doping of their baby </p> <p>4. Cardiff graphologist's opinion on authenticity of alleged F's complaint letter</p> <p> 5. Resignation letters from Haringey Council</p> <p> 6. Private Prosecutions of both culpable lawyers and Haringey council officials</p> <p>7. Family Court Reform</p> <p> </p> <p><font size="3"><b>Gloria on video</b></font> just wishing her kids were no longer a burden on the tax payer! However, more and more foster carers, corrupt lawyers and judges get fat by dragging parents through courts while their children are paid for... </p> <p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7fyyEUDBC4&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7fyyEUDBC4&feature=related</a> <br /></p><img src="http://kirkflyingvet.com/aggbug.aspx?PostID=2132" width="1" height="1">family courtsHaringey CouncilMusa familyRoyal Charter immunity to prosecutionHaringey Council's Barrister and Children's Solicitor make False Claims so that Judge Imprisons Mauricehttp://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/archive/2011/09/09/haringey-council-s-solicitor-makes-false-claims-so-that-judge-imprisons-maurice-in-holborn.aspxFri, 09 Sep 2011 05:56:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2120SabineKMcNeill3http://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/rsscomments.aspx?PostID=2120http://kirkflyingvet.com/blogs/legal/archive/2011/09/09/haringey-council-s-solicitor-makes-false-claims-so-that-judge-imprisons-maurice-in-holborn.aspx#comments<p><b><a href="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/11-09-09-musas-rcj.jpg"><img align="left" src="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/11-09-09-musas-rcj-e1315650369767.jpg" width="250" height="327" alt="" /></a>Not being family </b>means you don't get information from Holborn Police Station. As McKenzie Friend, I was eventually told he was detained for nearly five hours until 6.10pm, without any charges or further action. </p>Meanwhile, I've pieced this together from a witness of the Nigerian parents whose story was reported in the national Nigerian paper Leadership on 21 August 2011: <a href="http://leadership.ng/nga/articles/4068/2011/08/21/british_govt_detains_nigerian_couple%E2%80%99s_six_children.html">British Govt Detains Nigerian Couple's Six Children</a> as to some of what happened: <ol> <li>Maurice went to court with snatched children's parents who have been named by the Nigerian newspaper.The children's Guardian solicitor <a href="http://www.creighton.co.uk/biogpages/jhoughton.htm">Jonquil Houghton</a>, apparently in league with of Haringey Council's barrister, Ms O'Donahugue, allowed several false claims before HHJ Carol Atkinson, new to the case</li></ol> <p>including:</p> <ul>a Coronation Street actress, I forget which and unsavory male habits appear to be mixed up in all this.........the next blog, after I have spoken to her or her agent, may clarify the whereabouts of six stolen children so a few poeple can be jailed and the family can GO HOME <li>that he was recording proceedings with a dictaphone or mobile neither of which he had in court.</li> <li>Neither barrister nor solicitor corrected the judge when the judge assumed that Maurice was Paul Randle-Jolliffe who had acted as McKenzie Friend for the Musas before. [Both barrister and solicitor had acted before and had spoken to Paul numerous times in previous hearings but at 2pm deliberately told the judge, when Maurice was safely behind bars, that he was using two names to mislead the court!]</li> <li>Maurice believes they did this to bar him from future hearings, because he had suggested to the judge, both lawyers stating 'the idea had never been considered', to simply 'deport' the children, not the parents, in the care of the NHS to the aircraft and allow the Nigerian authorities to take over from that point.</li> <li>Maurice had also told the judge <a href="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/11-10-07-dna-confirmation.jpg">DNA tests</a>, withheld from the parents for months, proved the six children was theirs afterall, making 'child trafficking' even more less likely</li> <li>Maurice also had told the judge that the police, if that concerned with an allegation, armed with a positive opium drug result, illicit drugs inflicted on a one year old baby, would of had one or more of the parents behind bars months ago.</li> <li>The drawback of this simple solution, pressed a year earlier by the parents, to send the children back to Nigeria, was that the huge 'gravy train', as Maurice calls it, would no longer be available.</li> <li>Maurice suspects the UK is the only country in the world with such secrecy law to disguise this day by day fraud. </li></ul> <p>That morning, in the presence of the parents and another witness, Maurice had arrested the solicitor for 'perverting the course of justice', by misleading the court and covering up, for the past 18 months, the original spurious reasons for the snatch that, so long ago, had been proved false. What finger has this law firm raised to help the children?</p> <p>Maurice was told, by the clearly annoyed Holborn police due to being duped, that police drug analysis from the baby, in June11, would have been confirmed, either way,in a matter of days vwhich is one of the3 reasons why Hornsey police refuse to release the parents' custody records, Maurice insists with, clearly, Haringey being told to shut up.</p> <p><a href="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/favour-hand-writting-from-her-school-book.jpg"><img align="left" src="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/favour-hand-writting-from-her-school-book-e1315670407964.jpg" alt="" /></a>Maurice says, "either there are drugs involved or there are not----if not then send the<a href="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/letter-found-on-the-street.jpg"><img align="right" src="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/letter-found-on-the-street-e1315670565751.jpg" width="250" height="339" alt="" /></a> family home NOW" and that includes daughter, feared to be now dead.<b> </b></p> <p>Daughter's last alleged handwriting, when the parents believed she was still alive, submitted by Haringey BUT refused to be even looked at, yet alone examined, by three or is it six judges now, is a pointer as to where the truth lies. </p> <p>Death or worse is seriously now possible by examining the content of the 8th September 11 Haringey Council brief for the new judge, deliberately written to deceive: <a href="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/11-09-08-lbh-case-summary-1.jpg">page 1</a>, <a href="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/11-09-08-lbh-case-summary-2.jpg">page 2</a> and <a href="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/11-09-08-lbh-case-summary-3.jpg">see paragraph 17 of page 3 of this Case Summary</a>,<b> </b>unless the Hornsey police have conspired in this enquiry from conception?</p> <p>Incidentally, what  Maurice actually indicated, on the way out of court to get the police, was that he would use his megaphone, confiscated by court officials earlier, to call the public to save the family from this room full of criminals. The plan, put off until next time now, is for him to stand in the middle of Higher Holborn road, outside the 42-49 numbered Principal Registry of the Family Division, broadcasting the appalling facts and cover up by so many lawyers/judges and police all determined to swindle large sums from the tax payer by dragging out cases with no concern for the families in a secret environment unique within Europe.</p> <p>With Maurice now safely locked up in the cells of Holborn police station and his captors now having perused court documents, they soon realised the lawyers had lied.</p> <p>There never was a tape recorder and together with the false documentation the barrister had just served  on Her HonourJudge Atkinson and Maurice's few words as the parents's Mckenzie Friend, had caused her to swiftly vacate the court room. She soon realised, by her repeating the ICO Haringey application, would be unlawfully settled now  in court if it was done on 5th. Maurice has warned that the ordered transcipts would not be complete and to prolong yet another separation of children from <u>each other</u> and from each parent was further crimiinal conduct. </p> <p>On the Monday, 5th September, when the ICO was 'nodded' through, with neither party, <u>the lawyers now say</u>, privy to it, now triggers an emergency Judicial Review Application commmencing after the parents visited to 'that place' in the Strand. </p> <p>Examination of served papers, at commencement of the 8th September hearing, suggest the Council, if you wish to believe it, had 'no knowledge' of the Monday, 5th September, hearing, despite being listed before a District Judge for parents with the subsequent court order for the 5th Sept hearing (Copy redacted as identifies all six kids) served on both parties, to lodge rebuttal.</p> <p>Maurice has studied numerous cases riddled with sharp practices and cover-ups in both South Wales and in the RCJ, indicating the problem is endemic in the cartel of 'family law' since incidents of child abuse were taken out of the criminal courts in 1948 to be hidden in this new but lucrative medium.</p> <p>He vows he will therefore now campaign to make family courts go public and the crimes committed by lawyers to be put back into the criminal courts. Ther will be some exceptions, of course and supervised recording for the applicants' immediate use and ownership is also of paramount importance. See <a href="http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/the-secrecy-of-the-family-courts-should-be-lifted-now.html">The Secrecy of Family courts should be Lifted NOW!</a> and <a href="http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/send-the-musa-family-back-home-to-nigeria-with-their.html">Send the Musa Family back Home to Nigeria - WITH their Children!</a></p><a href="http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/send-the-musa-family-back-home-to-nigeria-with-their.html"></a> <p>What also is clearly outdated is the UK adversarial systerm, with no checks as to the voracity of the players, is no proper taxation of the huge bills fabricated for the tax papyer.</p> <p>Here is <a href="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/11-09-08-mjk-custody-rcd.jpg">custody record page 1</a> and <a href="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/11-09-08-mjk-custody-rcd-2.jpg">here's page 2</a>. <br /></p> <p>What is clear from all this shambles is that avarice has once again prevailed and Haringey should be subjected to an external police enquiry.</p> <p><a href="http://mauricejohnkirk.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/11-09-08-ian-josephs-family-court-summary.pdf">Punishment without Crime</a> is an article that Ian Josephs based on his experiences, with golden rules for parents. </p> <p> </p> <p>.......Sex Worker/Child Trafficking/Paedophelia all concluded by police but Haringey Council continue withholding the whereabouts of the six children and if they are still all alive? </p><img src="http://kirkflyingvet.com/aggbug.aspx?PostID=2120" width="1" height="1">family courtsHaringey CouncilMusa familyMichelle Collins