Legal Battles : Cardiff Magistrates Court, Duty of Care Cardiff Magistrates Court, Duty of CareenCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Sabine McNeill & Secrecy of our Family Courts, 02 Jul 2015 08:48:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3963Maurice Kirk0<p> <a href=""></a></p><p> <a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#1155cc"></font>v=VNvQFlFy9Cs</a></p><p><a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#1155cc">Infringement Notice</font></a> <a href="">15 07 07 Alun Cairns MP.docx</a></p><p> </p><p>See Face Book,You Tube & petitions......BUT study the facts yourself</p><p> </p><img src="" width="1" height="1">HM ImmunityMachine GunCaswell ClinicMAPPACardiff County CourtSouth Wales Police Edwina Hart AMAlun Cairns MPCardiff Magistrates CourtUKColumnDuty of CareAbuse of ProcessNHS WALESUK family courtsHaringey CouncilMusa familychild snatchingMcKenzie FriendsMusa snatched childrenProfessor Rodger Wooddialect radioAnother Frustrating Day in our Parliament Building, 24 Jun 2015 06:13:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3959Maurice Kirk0 day for me, yesterday, in Parliament committee rooms- First there was 'child abuse' meeting and then 'whistle blower' almost a riot of over a hundred fearful followers and victims as persecuted 'whistle blowers'. Then, if not sublime to the ridiculous, in the very same room was NOMS with entourage including the new Justice Minister, Mr Michael Gove.......the discussion covered lawyer greed , would you believe? . . No Sabine K McNeil there, alas, of Victims . So, what are you lot out there going to do about her current predicament as the 'Queen Bee' on so many disputed issues in our current out dated UK judicial system?.. , BUT first we had an organised demo outside that building, Royal Courts of Justice, for Sabine, one of the original brains at Cern in the 70s who created that nebulous thing none of you can touch....cyberspace. SO, what are you going to do? . Sabine K McNeill (@SabineMcNeill) | Twitter . See More later<img src="" width="1" height="1">Machine GunCaswell ClinicCardiff PrisonRoyal Courts of JusticeMAPPAIPCCGeneral Medical CouncilAlun Cairns MPCardiff Magistrates CourtDuty of CareAbuse of ProcessSouth Wales Police cover-upCCRCEmergency Application to His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC, 28 Jul 2013 13:22:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:3037Maurice Kirk7<p> <a href="">13 07 28 Emergency Aplication re Maurice Kirk v South Wales Police BS614159.pdf</a></p><p> <a href="">13 07 28 MJK Statement of Truth.pdf</a></p><p><a href="">13 07 29 MJK Statement.pdf</a></p><p>Bristol Solicitor Instructions</p><p><a href="">13 07 30 MJK Instructions.pdf</a> </p><p><a href=""></a></p><p><br /></p><p>Let us not forget the lucrative child snatching industry, no doubt yet another of Blair's wicked schemes to bleed the unsuspecting taxpayer of their right for a peaceful existance</p><p>Visit, today, to Melissa Laird in Holloway prison fighting extradition, without snatched son...... will your child be next?</p><p> <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a></p><p> Maria, Moi et Sabine</p><p>WITHIN HOURS I am back in gaol and Melissa bundled out of the Country and deported to US</p><p>  </p><p>Maurice invited to compete in Schneider Trophy above Alderney but only if G-KURK WW2 Piper Cub is ready?</p><p><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a></p><p>Now I need some quick piece of transport...ah my CBR 600..ideal!</p><p><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a></p><p><a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="" /></a> </p><img src="" width="1" height="1">Royal College of Veterinary SurgeonsMachine GunCaswell ClinicCardiff PrisonMAPPACardiff County CourtIPCCCardiff Magistrates CourtharassmentGMCDuty of CareAbuse of ProcessNHS WALESfalse imprisonmentfalsifying evidenceSouth Wales Police cover-upHard Evidence per Rectum, 10 May 2012 21:12:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:2503Maurice Kirk1<p>Is this a sample of things to come right across the Principality of Wales and then, UK?</p> <p> The ‘Cardiff Cabal' of deceitful key players has finally been promised sole control, their own judiciary, of their very own ‘gravy train' funded by YOU.</p> <p>Consider, please, the extreme lengths to which I, one of many, have again been subjected, just to obtain both court and custody contemporaneous record for an already bemused jury.</p> <p> Then consider the reason for recent hunger strike, due to the appalling lack of medical services by HMP and NHS (Wales), as original medical records, originally falsified for MAPPA and a string of Cardiff judges to get me IPP, in 2009, have still not been corrected nor clarified. How many times has my lawyer written to the authorities now? Five times?</p> <p>The need to stuff defence exhibits up orifices, just to get them into court and again be subjected to being beaten up in the Cardiff prison, by the very same bully boys, 395 Myers and 344 Graham, upon my return from court, is all part of their  20 year conspiracy.</p> <p> Masonic devil worship? Of course it all is while those in ‘authority', able to stamp it out, are, of course, in the very same club.</p> <p>All this is exactly as to what happened in the 2009 'machine gun', MAPPA and 20011‘harassment' court cases, all displaying extreme examples of criminal conduct by the very same faceless individuals from within the Welsh Authorities protected by HM. Extended terms of custody, each time, expecting their irritation will eventually go away, has been a particularly bad error on their part and something they are, shortly, to regret. </p> <p>The prison, now, will not release my legal papers needed for my appeal and JR Application to the Royal Courts of Justice. </p> <p>His Honour Judge Lambert, in Bristol Crown Court this, week, has ordered proper disclosure to show why  the 2<sup>nd</sup> Nov 2010 ‘common assault' conviction, at last on appeal, is  listed outside Wales? </p> <p>Why carrying a sentence of ‘no penalty' given 13 months after Cardiff conviction ?</p> <p>Why in my absence I was convicted of failing to attend when John Charles gave the permission?</p> <p>Can this English judge also influence a Welsh prison, I wonder? </p> <p>I will write to Bristol Crown Court and apply for an Order to amend the never seen yet original 'Restraining Order' to allow me to communicate with witnesses from the public gallery for grounds for Royal Courts of Justice. </p> <p>When I do get promise of court records HM prison Cardiff, Geo Amy Custody Services or some Cardiff judge simply reverse their previous decisions and block their release. This time all three blocked their release after the trial had started. </p> <p>Judge Cullen QC repeatedly witheld what he knew, stifling evidence what the jury needed and even before the trial started, promised me both legal representation and production of the essential witness with his relevant NHS documents.The judge had no intention what so ever of ever upholding those previous court orders and ran Janet Kirk and other helpers a merry dance when they tried to get hard copy from the public counter. </p> <p>Judge Cullen QC blocked my JR application, re the original Dec 11 magistrates fiasco under District Judge John Charles, until ‘after the trial is concluded'....he being the trial judge! Should he simply recused himself!</p> <p> He knew that had the JR been successful, I was refused court documents,witnesses, access to lawyer, my own legal papers or right to cross examine in both courts.  If current IPCC and NHS ‘investigations' from England had been allowed to be concluded,properly, there would not have been any trial in the first place. NHS officials or their legal representatives, crowded into each and every court room during these past seven months to monitor what are they frightenend of?</p> <p> In Cardiff Crown Court, incidentally, I never ever did get to see any certified true copy of an original document relied on by the prosecution. What utter nonsense again, the 'machine gun' case all over again. </p> <p>David Gareth Evans, barrister for the Crown Prosecution Service, meaning the representative of Her Majesty the Queen, was no better as he also was promised immunity to criminal prosecution as part of HM Partnership.</p> <p>Now, he perverted the course of justice ‘big time' knowing he is cocooned in their cosy ‘Cardiff Law'. He was  free to re draft as many versions of allegations, he liked, during  the magistrates nonsense and in full view of the K Team, created the very exhibit  that made him, of course, the vital witness to scrap the trial.</p> <p>Instead, the one of many draughts, the one I only saw, was left in the CPS Merthyr Tydfil Office, under lock and key.</p> <p> District Judge John Charles blocked my being able to cross examine anyone, at all, as far back as August 2010. He had taken a leaf from His Honour Judge Paul Thomas QC's book, during the scandalous 2010 ‘machine gun case', to prevent the uncovering of the south Wales Police's MAPPA conspiracy</p> <p>Barrister Evans told the court he had contacted the Bar Council for help when realising I was obviously calling him as my main defence witness.</p> <p> As the original fabricator of some fictitiously served up paperwork, down in the cells and by post, what was he doing now conducting the prosecution in the first place. The judge, mean time, sat very quiet knowing if I had objected a re trial would have me returned to prison for many more months whilst unconvicted. </p> <p>On the 3rd day of this circus, Geo Amy either refused to inform the judge the CPS Evans was my defence witness, now to be called,  as His Honour had already blocked all others or maybe, custody staff, Diane or Jackie did get my message to court from the cells, below?</p> <p>This continuing NHS (Wales) withholding of my medical records, with evidence recorded of 'significant brain damage' and a possible tumour,whilst at the same time,  refusing me clarification, correction or giving me treatment, is a stark warning to others that these recent criminal proceedings, in Cardiff, have now set a precedent across the UK.</p> <p>Wll jail for arguing with a traffic warden be next?</p> <p>ARE YOU or YOURS NEXT?</p> <p>My e-mail, <a href=""></a>, Thank you.</p> <p> New blogs re latest imprisonment and farcical trials, naming names, coming up mobile is 0790 793 7953.</p> <p><strong>Blogs, shortly</strong></p> <p><strong>1. </strong>Police found a walking stick shot gun, contrary to Section 5 of the 1968 Fire Arms Act and machine gun ammunition, but never mentioned it in the '2010 machine gun court case' now. I wonder why?</p> <p> <strong>2.</strong>  Serious assault by Geo Amy and nothing is done about it....see 'gallery'.</p> <p><strong>3. </strong>David Gareth Evans, CPS barrister, performs the  classic fraudulent manoevre, had it not been done in a Cardiff court, on a par with his predecessor, CPS barrister, Richard Tohmlow, who, in 2009, had tried to get me sectioned to Ashworth, for life.</p> <p>THANK YOU, FRIENDS and HELPERS WORLDWIDE!</p> <p>I now risk being  either jailed again or quietly eliminated, anything to stop my further exposing the wickedness within the South Wales Police  and Cardiff's judiciary.</p> <p> </p><img src="" width="1" height="1">IPCCCardiff Magistrates CourtHM PrisonDuty of CareHaringey CouncilMichelle Collinsvictimsfalsifying evidenceSouth Wales Police cover-upCardiff LawMusa snatched children NHS WALES