Legal Battles : Cardiff County Court, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Cardiff County Court, Royal College of Veterinary SurgeonsenCommunityServer 2007 SP2 (Build: 20611.960)Trial Judge to see Crown Prosecutor's Conduct in the Witness Box, 06 Oct 2010 22:17:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1625Maurice Kirk0<p>3rd Action Para 2. Vale of Glamorgan Show Convictions under threat for 'strike out'</p> <p><br />The trial judge, His Honour Judge Seys Llewelyn QC, expressed interest in reading the Crown Prosecutor, Jackie Seal's account, on transcript, of how Maurice was apparantly, deliberately denied the right to abide by a simple 'bind over' following an argument whilst he was leaving an agricultural show with his young son. <br /> <br />Enclosed, <a href="">see here</a>, are a sequence of docs summarising an incident when Maurice was arrested for 'Breach of the Peace' [BOP], for refusing to leave, trying to make a complaint of assaults, originating following an incident, surrounded by the general public, with a vicious slap across the face by recently retired Barry police inspector, Howard Davies. This led to a string of judicial procedures typical of so many others, experienced in South Wales, that were designed purely to have Maurice Kirk struck off the veterinary register reliant on false evidence.<br /> <br />The incident led to Maurice's arrest and detention but in court, next day, the simple 'bind over to keep the peace' could not be put to him, as the policeman had drafted three versions, all wrong. So the Crown prosecutor and clerk decided to say nothing in court as to why Maurice was there.  </p><p>What followed was that the Crown decided to take the case out of the geographical area, Bridgend and not serve fresh summonses, 'common assault', 'public order' and 'resisting arrest', until five months later and until Maurice was actually in court with the prosecution ready to start with their witnesses. The case was heard immediately, so he could not obtain any of his witnesses. <br /> <br />It did not end there, far from it. The three versions expanded to four and then five, as Maurice made 'Abuse of Process' applications and appeals in the Cardiff Crown Courts and Royal Courts of Justice with each barrister, in turn, lying through their back teeth until the one, actually instructed, for the substantive appeal. in Cardiff  he admitted, years later, that had he not been so  seriously misled [by CPS Jackie Seal, CPS Dennis Davies, clerks of the courts and, obviously, his preceeding barristers, including Andrew Jones] he would never of opposed the appeal. He had not been informed that the police had originally decided it was only a BOP incident, but CPS solicitors cooked up fresh charges, not the reason why Maurice was arrested, withholding favourable evidence for the defence, by way of  eye witnesses.<br /> <br />A Breach of the Peace should have been dealt with there and then and cannot be adjourned. Months later, January 99, part way through the trial, the clerk in Bridgend court suggested quietly to the CPS, Dennis Davies, the BOP allegation should be removed from the list of four, before the court, as Maurice would refuse to be bound over. But Maurice was never ever informed or given the opportunity. For had he, the complaint, under common law, would have been spent after 12 months meaning the RCVS could not have used the incident in their particular version of events.<br /> <br />The barrister wrote, in January 2002, to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, stating that had he known about the original Breach of the Peace decision and that it was only being withdrawn due to police incompetence [with more than a little help from the CPS] he would never have challenged Maurice's appeal against, what the CPS called, 'substituted' charges, which, of course, they definitely were not.<br /> <br />CPS costs exceeded £11,000 and no enquiry could be mounted, by the appropriate authority, for an investigation into what this affair had exposed.  </p> <img src="" width="1" height="1">Royal College of Veterinary SurgeonsCardiff County CourtVale of Glamorgan ShowLast minute invitation by Judge Seys Llewellyn QC results in 15 pages to Court this morning, 04 Oct 2010 13:29:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1619Maurice Kirk0<p>Friday night I received the email with the invitation to provide a "further submission" by Monday morning 10.30am. What a way to determine the agenda for a weekend in Brittany!</p> <p>Well, the outcome was "angelic": the input from McKenzie Angels who contributed to these <a href="">15 pages</a>. What difference will they make? </p> <p>We can only hope that the 4 leaked pages will catapult the Defendant into constructive action rather than perpetuate "verbal diarrhea" as my son called it, when he observed what went on in the courts. He actually wrote down "Birmingham 6 case!!! Trying to use processes later found to be corrupt & improper as a basis to strike out this case, must rate as one of the most incompetent arguments I ever heard!..."</p> <p>Mes voisins have invited me 'on quad and sticks a la foret, demain, to search for the elusive cepes et chanterelles fungi pour oeuf method chez Maurice... Who wants to go back to Wales when tomorrow, the Long Eared Owl, tooting from my barn or that  wild boar, caught  on my lawn, defecating again, will cause me to wake from my slumbers, only to wander down to the lake and catch a fat carp for lunch and supper?  </p><img src="" width="1" height="1">Royal College of Veterinary SurgeonsSouth Wales PoliceMAPPACardiff County CourtProfessor Roger WoodDr Tegwyn WilliamsmurderLeaked Police Report on MAPPA Meetings to Kill Claimant - Contrary to Basic Human Rights!?, 02 Oct 2010 14:34:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1612Maurice Kirk3<p><a href="">Here is just the beginning</a> and here is my shaky speech in the <a href="">House of Lords meeting</a>, just after my lucky escape, of just why I could not divulge, last year to my family and friends, my defences when charged with a mandatory ten year minimum prison sentence or an Imprisonment for Public Protection [IPP], for life, in a High Security Psychiatric Prison........ Your comments would be greatly appreciated!</p> <p>In December 09, my London solicitors had written to the police HQ, to MAPPA Co-ordinator, Nigel Rees, who <a href="">confirmed MAPPA categorisation.</a> The delay in my arrest that followed, around two weeks, was deliberate with the hope I would again make a lawful approach to the Chief Constable, thus allowing police sniper fire to do the rest. There is much video of the incident that sparked all this off. All this police activity, caught on video, but the Crown Court trial judge, Paul somebody, because it was like something out of "The Keystone Cops" blocked it from the jury, following my application for disclosure. Scenes includeded, totally out ofcontrol, 'Trojan' squad of police, armed with their own machine guns, all wearing tin hats, as I attempted mutual exchange of witness statements, in the seventeen year running civil action. This was all being acted out in the inner sanctum of Police HQ, Bridgend.  Quite innappropiate for a jury, the judge considered, having already refused any other police disclosure that might further reveal his small minded cabal's ultimate intention.</p><img src="" width="1" height="1">HM Attorney GeneralFelicity NortonRoyal College of Veterinary SurgeonsSouth Wales PoliceCaswell ClinicPrisonMAPPACardiff County CourtProfessor Roger WoodDr Tegwyn WilliamsNHSMore Blood on the Carpet, 29 Sep 2010 15:57:00 GMTc7306cf9-8c9b-4f2c-8f21-f8b2637dc339:1605Maurice Kirk4<p><b>Back in Brittany </b>and recovering from a scrumptuous two hour meal in the local Routier restaurant, with many friends, I open my netbook computer, on the table, to pick up my e-mails.... Replies remind me of a few days before I was arrested, last year, for 'trading in machine guns and prohibited ammunition' when I first 'went public', world wide,  by video,  as to how I had known, for decades, of the expensive covert police servaillance mounted on my private life, following the mysterious disappearance, in 1997, of Taunton's Chief Superintendant, Curly Hawkins'note book from his office in the police station.</p> <p>That covert surveillance was to follow me to HM Guernsey and now South Wales.</p> <p>Now there is about to be more 'blood on the carpet' with still further disclosure of MAPPA police records. See <a href="">this post on the PR blog</a>.<br /></p><p>Guy writes as to whether certain police using unlicensed Taisers, recently, will suffer the same fate as I had, incarcerated in a terrifying Welsh psychiatric prison, pending a life sentence without trial?</p> <p>EXTRACT FROM A FELLOW MAPPA VICTIM's ACCOUNT ON HIS HARROWING EXPERIENCE </p> <p>Dafydd Morgan from Aberystwyth writes, "Exactly the same scenario is now developing at Cardiff Crown Court, where Maurice Kirk is bringing up matters and instances that South Wales Police and their Dolmans Barristers are getting extremely angry and frustrated, as they have not the first clue as to what Maurice is talking about. This, in reflection to my own case, mirrors the same scenario where the Police and IPCC have gone out of their way to bury our complaints and we have reached the point where Maurice, myself and many others throughout the International community have the paperwork and the Oppressive Authority's haven't - WHY NOT?<br /> <br />Andy Edwards, former provisional Chief Constable of Dyfed Powys Police has deliberately gone out of his way to target Maurice Kirk, Patrick Cullinane, myself and many others under MAPPA surveillance, based on personal revenge and deeply flawed and false Police intelligence. They are acting like four year old children falling out over their toys. There are very few bright bulbs in the Llangunnor and Bridgend boxes. . . ." </p> <p>MAURICE TOOK THE PROCAUTION, MANY YEARS AGO, OF SERVING, ON DOLMANS, HIS 50 ODD LEAVER ARCHED FILES OF CONTEMPORANEOUS RECORDS FOR EACH AND EVERY POLICE INCIDENT AND SUBSEQUENT CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS, SHOULD THE POLICE EXPERIENCE, AGAIN, A SUDDEN ATTACK OF 'SELECTVE AMNESIA'.</p> <p>(which is exactly why, Dolmans solicitors, drafting the 25th Feb 2009 Barbara Wilding false 'Sworn Affidavit', deny knowledge of court cases and police veterinary surgery break-ins etc causing Maurice to immediately fear for his life).</p><img src="" width="1" height="1">Royal College of Veterinary SurgeonsSouth Wales PoliceMachine GunMAPPACardiff County CourtProfessor Roger WoodDr Tegwyn Williams