Maurice Kirk

Legal Battles

May 2013 - Posts

Reports on his current court case that started September 7, 2010 and previous stories. Please sign our online petition asking for Fair Trials and Compensation instead of an effective remedy before national authorities - in defence of Maurice and many other victims of financial exploitation and legal oppression. Here's the newsletter that invited people to sign. And here are the first wonderful comments by signatories.

Breaking News:

October 2011: Maurice on hunger strike in HMP Cardiff. See Political asylum granted by France - to a British citizen - for the first time since the French Revolution... For first time visitors, a one-page summary is on a complementary and introductory blog. Also, Maurice on a 12-minute video in Jersey.
  • 7th June 2013 Royal Courts of Justice Application to Appeal re Tape-Recording in UK Law Courts

    SUMMARY OF 20 YEAR RUNNING SCANDAL in just short documents for the new reader:

    A Dolmans fabricated affidavit following His Honour Judge Nicholas Chambers QC's Order re 'disclosure' of numerous police incidents they were trying to bury


    FAO Dolmans, Solicitors

    Dear Mr Adrian Oliver, 

    31st May 2013
    Please find enclosed 23rd April 2009 worker's statement
    Research uncovers photos already with court handed in with my Abuse Application of 8th Sept 2008 that sparked off the falsified Chief Constable 25th Feb 2009 affidavit,  her notice to quit and her personal attempt to having me shot by having me registered MAPPA level 3 and not telling me about it

    09 02 25 Chief Constable Barbara Wilding Affidavit.pdf

    09 04 23 Worker Witness Statement.pdf

    13 05 27 Misfeasance Application BS 614159 CF101 741 CF204 141.pdf  

    13 05 28 997435 Respondent's Skeleton Argument.pdf

    13 05 27 Anthony Gafael Witnessed Statement for the Trial Judge BS416159.pdf

    13 05 28 adjournment appl High Court BS 614159.doc

    Private Tape Recording, ‘Litigants in Person’ to be awarded legal costs and the Crushing of Family Court Cartels

    The future of our UK court administration, if not already a night mare, is a pretty grim one right now with the lack of funding for expertise and the extra work caused by the withdrawal of legal aid.

     One’s inability to find a truly independent lawyer these days with ever mounting unexplained costs incurred, should you be so lucky, is why I am adding to the problem by having to act alone.

    Also, if my current Cardiff court action is typical of a ‘litigant in person’ floundering around in a quagmire of both regulation and custom with fast aging faculties barely keeping his head above water, then what is the future of our law courts when many more are forced to do the same?

    In order for ‘litigants in person’ to achieve anything from the clear futility of it all then to further break down lucrative and unfair cartels, as currently practised in UK courts, is what each of you must strive to do and share the information from your mistakes.

     May I suggest we remain vigilant in what is to be ultimately achieved, significant reform of grossly outdated money driven judiciary and not to allow our own court cases to over shadow this primary objective, the clinching of that man made concept, justice for all parties.

    Private Tape Recording in Court

    1.  This to be supervised by the court only

    2.  Your recorder  be placed with the clerk of the court who will only record evidence on oath

    3.  As to its use then it is for the presiding judge to so order where appropriate

    The main danger and need for current legislation in banning the indiscriminate tape recording of court proceedings, from the public gallery for example, is because other private conversations may be picked up when so often it is privileged.

    If my current Cardiff  court action is typical of a ‘litigant in person’, floundering around in a quagmire of both regulation and custom with fast aging faculties barely keeping my head above water, then what is the future of our courts when many more are forced to act alone?

     My appeal, re private tape recording, is listed for 7th June 2013 in the Royal Courts of Justice if I do not withdraw from it following the apparent black mail move by Mr Justice Morgan, again, in ordering the South Wales Police to attend to further try in having me made bankrupt .

    What has them worried is the fact that Barbara Wilding, the then Chief Constable of South Wales Police is yet to give evidence in the three month running trial , in Cardiff, as was she, with a few other ring leaders, who used the public purse (misfeasance) to feather their own nests and carry out Guernsey's  wishes .

    Here are some of my documents for RCJ (To be added in next few days):

    1. Application for the 'Defendant' to give her evidence in part heard trial

    13 05 Tape & Def WitRCJ Applic.pdf

     13 04 18 barrister cont note re Tape Appl.pdf

    13 05 14 Morgan J RCJ Order.pdf

    2. Her false February 2009 sworn affidavit denying knowledge of police breaking into my Cardiff surgery and numerous court cases relating to my 10 years of covert police surveillance of my veterinary clients and practice buildings

    3. The right to tape record, properly supervised, of evidence given on oath only. 



    TAPE Judgment.pdf


    The tapes, all in my possession and requested to be played, on 7th June  at RCJ, include cross examination of retired  Ex Inspector Robert Nelson Roe (recalled back to court by judge as he had previously denied even knowing me), Cardiff barrister David Gareth Evans ,CPS in my 1st Dec 2011 Harassment/breach of restraining order imprisonments, perverting the course of justice and Royal Courts of Justice hearing before Lord Moses over deceitfully written psychiatric reports for Barbara Wilding just to have me sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act to be incarcerated in Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Hospital for life.

    95 07 22 Sgt Roe St.pdf 

    13 05 22 A G Gafael Court Order.pdf

    My bizarre experiences surrounding my acquisition of this following few statements would need a week of work in order to putting it into plausible print!

    13 05 27 Anthony Gafael Witnessed Statement for the Trial Judge BS416159.pdf

    13 04 08 CAA NATS Jonathan Clayton Evidence Blocked.pdf

    These and other tapes, some stored for nearly twenty years, may be published on this web site subject to the RCJ ruling and, if needed, final European Court of Human Rights ruling because, as for now, His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC's Order not to disseminate, stands.



    3rd published page of my continuing Pilot Magazine  seven page article written after my little 'jolly' to Sydney Harbour 

    13 05 27 TAPE blog Pilot Mag April 2002 MJK Profile_0001 (3).pdf


    AND as for Family court lawyer cartels take the Musa Nigerian family case, and 'snatched seven children, just as a day to day example,  with the Haringey Council wickedly shielded by 'HM' so their string of solicitors and barristers could milk the proverbial tax payer funded 'gravy train' without even fear of any taxation of their extortionate make believe bill of costs.


    ‘Remove children from criminal families’, says Sheffield judge

    Top judge Alan Goldsack QC who is retiring at the end of May pictured in his chambers at Sheffield Crown Court 21 May 2013 Image Paul David Drabble

    Published on the 25 May 2013 17:06

    South Yorkshire’s top judge has called for children to be removed from dysfunctional homes to end the ‘frightening’ cycle of crime.

    Judge Alan Goldsack QC, Recorder of Sheffield, revealed he is now dealing with the grandchildren of criminals he prosecuted or defended 40 years ago.

    The judge spoke out as he retired after 43 years in the legal profession.

    He said: “Some people become criminals because they enjoy crime and think it’s a good way of life and if they don’t get caught they think they can have a good lifestyle.

    “But a frightening thing is the number of people I see who are the grandchildren of the people I have prosecuted and defended 40 years ago – because crime runs in families in the same way that being a doctor, teacher or lawyer does.

    “We have to get in on the ground and remove young babies from the families that are going to produce the next generation of criminals, and that is why I did family law right up until the end because I think it is very important work.

    “I have read so many pre-sentence reports where I said to myself ‘why was this person not adopted at birth? All the signs were there’.”

    Judge Goldsack said prisons are full of criminals who are products of a failing care system, where children are removed from dysfunctional homes too late – at an age when it is difficult to find adoptive parents so the youngsters end up in care.

    “A huge proportion of people that we see at court are products of the so called care system and a huge proportion of those in prison are a product of that so called care system,” the judge added.

    “Family is all important if you want to prevent people becoming criminals - a stable family life prevents most people from becoming criminals.

    “The care system is not working as well as it should be by a long chalk.

    ”Once children get beyond the age of four or five, what do you do if you bring that child into the care system?

    “There is a shortage of parents wanting to adopt children of that age or above, so only few will be found homes, and if you a child you leave until they are nine or 10 the care system can’t do much for them at all - they can up going back home because there is nowhere else to put them.

    “Children removed from home at 11 or 12 will invariably end up in a children’s home, which is why we have to get in early.

    “It’s not uncommon for a dysfunctional family to have £250,000 spent on them, but if we got in early and removed children from these homes we could save thousands.”

    [tks to M.B.]

  • Miscarriage of Chief Inspector's Grandchild Sparks 20 Year Vendetta against Veterinary Surgeon

    Arrest of Crown Prosecutor David Gareth Evans

    Dear Mr. Kirk,

    I have pleasure in confirming that, further to telephone and written correspondence, Mr. Tony Dicken of CPS Cardiff agreed to make available a number of CPS files involving Dr. +++++++++( one complaint was subject to a no further action decision). These were to be provided in time for your renewed application for leave to appeal conviction for breach of a restraining order also involving Dr. ++++++++.
    The arrangement was that these files could be delivered to the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre.
    Since our meeting last Sunday I have telephoned CPS Cardiff on your behalf about this disclosure but have been met with no answer.
    I trust this assists.

    David Leathley L.L.B.; of Lincoln's Inn. Barrister.
    And so it goes on, here in South Wales, in my third decade, now, of witnessing the stench that pervades our society from the acts of either police or CPS continuing to distort, fabricate and generally withhold evidence so necessary for  either our civil or criminal courts.

    Western Mail 4th August 1993.pdf

     13 05 22 Claimant Harassment Victim Application.doc

    Hearing at Cardiff Magistrates 25th June 13 (bring a packed lunch) Doc2.docx


    A private persons arrest was conducted in Cardiff County Court foyer

     Private Prosecution.wmv

    Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder[1] in which the individual is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. This condition affects one percent of the population.[2][3] First formulated in 1968, it was historically called megalomania, and is severe egocentrism.

    The current formulation of Narcissistic personality disorder in the diagnostic manual DSM-IV has been criticised for failing to describe the range and complexity of the disorder; it focuses overly on "the narcissistic individual's external, symptomatic, or social interpersonal patterns--at the expense of his or her internal complexity and individual suffering" which has reduced its clinical utility 


    Then may I suggest you examine the next document that, if true, might have caused it?

     Guernsey Police collaboration with South Wales Police was FIRST PROVED by me on 3rd Dec 1992 when I was interrogated by the Commander of Barry police station, a Chief Superintendent no less,  when accused of arson, burning out my Piper Cub, for the insurance (it was not even insured).


     09 02 25 Chief Constable Barbara Wilding Affidavit RCJ Applic.doc


    Rough draft for Friday's applications before His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC

    22nd May 2013

    Claimant’s Position Statement


    A)   Witnesses outstanding in 1-3 Actions

    1.      Ex Inspector Colliandris  (medical argument irrelevant)

    2.      Ex Chief Inspector Sean (Shawn) Trigg  (key player)

    3.      Ex Brian Jenner  (Recall re Break in Cardiff Vet Surgery)

    4.      Ex Chief Inspector Insp Robert Nelson Roe (Recall re Break in Cardiff Vet Surgery)

    5.      Ex Chief Inspector Collin Jones  (key player)

    6.      Inspector Andrew Rice (Recall re 1st Action 8.23 & CP Ebbs/Alexander)

    7.      Inspector Steve Parry  (Penal order on Defendant)

    8.        Jonathan Clayton Air Traffic Controller (Dangerous flying/Penal Order)

    9.           Ex Chief Constable Barbara Wilding  (Defendant)

    10.          Ex Special Constable Frank O’Brian (Penal Order on Defendant)

    11.          Ex Special Constable Ridley (Penal Order on Defendant)

    12.       Mrs Diana Graham (Foreign Witness Summons)

    13.         A Gafael  (re break in Cardiff Vet surgery/Penal Order)

    14.        G Thomas (stolen BMW m/c/ Penal order)

    15.        ‘Yosser’ Nigel Thomas (stolen BMW m/c)

    16.           Michael  Murphy (Defendant’s destruction of Claimant’s vehicles)

    17.       Mrs K Kirk

    18.       Mrs G Jones

    19.      Mrs J Hanson 

    B)     Application for Jury Trials for:

    a)     4th Action  police bullying/ malicious pros, false imprisonments

    b)    5th Action  Machine gun Case/malicious pros, false imprisonments

    c)     6th Action  Forensic Psychiatrist/NHS (Wales)False Medical Records

               d)     7th Action  police bullying/ malicious pros, false imprisonments

          e)     8th Action  police bullying/ malicious pros, false imprisonments 

    C)    Claimant’s Fitness to Continue?

    D)   Previous ‘struck out’ incidents in 1-3 Actions to be re instated

    E)     Current Civil Proceedings (post Woolf/ Human Rights Act)


    F)  HM Crown Prosecution Service continues to ignore disclosure applications from Claimant, his solicitor or from his  barrister re:


                  i) Refusal to disclose evidence to clarify NHS psychiatric records at Caswell Clinic, Glanrhyd Hospital, Bridgend

                 ii)  Refusal to disclose July 2012 evidence re doctor's statement that caused Claimant imprisoned          

                iii) Refusal to disclose depositions re above withdrawn indictment of 'harassment'

                iv) Refusal to disclose depositions re one Lewis machine gun indictment and subsequent acquittal

                 v) Refusal to supply Claimant with copy of his own MG11 victim statement re above outstanding issues

                vi) Refusal to supply Claimant with date he was first deemed to have a mental disability


    G)     Interim payment for costs and damage


    A sample of Re examination Evidence

     13 05 20 Re ex of Clnt BS 614159.pdf


    Pilot Mag Apr 2002 Profile Pt 2_0001.pdf

    09 08 28 SPECT & MRI Scans.pdf



    [Extract from my 15th May 13 e-mail to Inspector Grothier of South Wales Police Professional standards Dept. HQ. Bridgend]

    Inspector Andrew Rice of South Wales Police 


     Mr Ebbs/Alexander gives evidence in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre today, 15th May 2013 at around 10.30 and as both you and your vast legal team very well know you should be there to witness the evidence and read his statement by your QC as 'non controversial' 12 10 26 Ebbs Statement.pdf 


    You need, may I suggest, to be talking with the trial judge and/or clerk of the court as to timing but, in the interests of so called 'justice' and the Rule of Law,bring a few friends.

    (After a good lunch with Andy Aishe, all paid for by Mr Alexander, they both gave evidence)



    Air traffic controller, Jonathan Clayton (JC)  and Inspector Steve Parry, both vital eye witnesses, have both been 'spirited away for a few weeks by the police, until the case is over. Despite witness summonses served they currently, as for those below, enjoy the protection of the 'Taffia'.

    A very frightening experience"

    Andy Aishe, my pilot in 'Liberty Girl' whilst my licence was temporarily suspended, told the court, that the helicopter followed us from Wenvoe mast to St Donats (15minutes) 


     "A very frightening experience",  "helicopter rotors might chop the wing off"


    JC had let it slip, after I had loosened his tongue a little one day, in the Six Bells, that the video the two police were making from the police helicopter was record as just how dangerously close they were to us as they all could read the writing on my t shirt, I'd rather be flying G-KIRK!


    13 05 12 Gafael st.pdf (Mr Anthony G Gafael has been summoned by special court order to give evidence this Friday at 10am)


    On 24th May at Cardiff Civil Justice Centre there will be an application for the production of :


    Barbara Wilding, ex Chief Constable, ex Inspector Howard Davies, ex  Chief inspector Brian Jenner, ex Inspector Robert Nelson Roe, ex Inspector Sean Trigg and serving Inspectors, Steve Parry and Andrew Rice and Sgt Kilberg, all for being implicated in bullying, misfeasance, malicious prosecutions and false imprisonments and having my vehicles destroyed or stolen and setting up a Penarth police station car park 'sting'.


    10 09 28 Murphy Statement_0001.pdf

    13 05 14 D Insurance st.pdf

    13 05 04 Receptionis st.pdf

    IWitness Statement Kevin Fairman.docx


    1. The police watch my BMW motor bike being stolen, Ex police officer Booker from Llantwit Major, slipping it out on cross examination.

    2. Gerald Thomas (Gerry) I meet on the Cardiff prison exercise yard, while I am in for 'trading machine guns'  and who tells me how he heard the theft going on at the back of the Barry veterinary Hospital. He heard it on his illegal police scanner radio.

    3. He hears it has crashed not a few hundred yards from where he lives and so nips down to watch the police arriving and the rider running away.

    4. Gerry notices 'a foreign number plate' on it actually being 'all numbers'----Guernsey.

    5. The police wait until the garage truck arrives to recover the bike.

    6.  BUT by the time he gets to the incident with police still in attendance no number plate is on the bike!

    7.  So back at his garage he has to remove the bike panelling to locate the chassis number, rings it in to the Barry police station in order that the 'owner' can be traced.

    8. six weeks later 'Yosser' Nigel Hughes, a BMW rider in the police force, comes into my hospital with a rescued, off the M4, young Rottweiler which he hopes to keep. A 'conversation takes place' that causes Mr C at the garage, another client, to return my bike.


    The following photo is of his original record book to confirm , which he did in court, the police only needed it chassis number to audit trail its route of owner ship. Oh, surprise,  surprise, I had bought it off a Guernsey police officer, a Mr Farnham son of someone 'in music'. 


    But the Ely police, only a few months earlier, had me jailed in Cardiff prison for stealing my own bike and being unable to serve a summonses as they neither knew who I was nor where I lived.




    Note the details re contacting Barry police station (in red) and chassis numbered with name of owner put in six weeks later.


     Out of 50 other such pages, of years of 'recoveries' in this book, no over incident is so recorded. It stinks, Dad, doesn't it?




     The 'Officer In the Case' (OIC), while I was locked up in a cell until prison next day, rang Guernsey police, from Fairwater police station, giving them my name which caused, the court heard, an immediate reply, "he always goes to court as Claus Barbe"




     Theft Just one of the 31 incidents in his hearing in four other actions  lodged and similarly delayed waiting to be listed for trial, NHS(Wales) Caswell Clinic and a certain 'W11 Lewis machine gun' case that will be a lot more fun to manage


    Flying Vet challenges South Wales Police



    And now something completely different!



    PILOT MAGAZINE article will be featured, per page, in following blogs starting with the first page, I suppose. Material for it was sort of acquired by a very old friend, the then editor, Philip Whiteman, whilst we enjoyed the occasional few bottles of very fine claret. 




    Pilot Mag April 2002 page 1.pdf

    Pilot Mag April 2002 MJK Profile_0001 (2).pdf


    Some chap signing out his name 'Phillip something....... on some new fangled community type internet  talking system, far too complicated for me to, if I remember it, was it not a Philip something for some pilot magazine, at Biggin Hill that foggy day, in 2002, when 51 aircraft suddenly  started up their engines all at once, in inclement weather, all, apparently,pointing at the 'coat hanger' in some penal colony.... and I do not even have a route sorted!


    One guy had been loading a large suitcase into his twin and when asked he opened it . the leather case was fulI to the brim with aviation charts/ topographical maps and all weighing a ton!


     I had dug out  my old school atlas,(my nav aid to winning a bet), earlier that week with enough Empire on it for plenty of fuel stops and repairs as Amy had the use of. The old atlas would  allow me to fly between the pink bits so I didn't get lost.


    Of course, I remember now, it was Philip that rummaged around on the floor of the clogged up cockpit, with aircraft now taxying by for the active runway (pointing the wrong way fro Australia). Amongst much rubbish he found and un ruffled a sort of map to meticulously calculate a bearing and much DR to, at least, to the English Channel and, anyway, I didn't need a map of France for Nice, I'd been there before.  


    So much for one more page of your article, Phillip, you do not the recall all my stories , that night, as another special landing strip, of same name, reaches territorial waters tonight , needing a wee cub landing for a proper 'send off'!


    It was 6am in Plymouth Sound, circa 1979, another 'flat top' for the scrap yard (with HUGE History) , a Fastnet or was it the smallest 6.8 vessel to cross the pond, I forget, I used to be paid, vin those heady days,  for photos for Fleet Street.


    BUT much problems with 'she who has to be obeyed' ,  the CAA , a pending action, so unusual, stopping me from landing on the ARK ROYAL that early grey morning. My children, never miss .....the opportunity in life, it only comes once , I know, I was that soldier.


    Pilot Mag April 2002 MJK Profile_0001 (3).pdf




     CONTACT DETAILS:  &  tel 07907937953


    Leave an appropriate comment?
  • Last Day of Trial? Evidence TODAY re Police Helicopter nearly slices tail off 'Liberty Girl'


    re Inspector Andrew Rice and others

    Thankyou for your apparent concern regarding a 'few rotten apples' in your local police force and suggesting you just might be now considering the content of Mr Alexander/Ebbs October 27th Oct 2012 witness statement.

    What a pity you were not a 'fly on the wall' during Mr Alexander/Ebbs' extensive and much unchallenged evidence.

    Despite my request for police attendance, in yesterday's court hearing, you have now missed the opportunity of Mr Alexander/Ebbs repeating the facts of a a serious risk of another 'police conspiracy' from within the South Wales Police.

    Your police lawyer, Mr Williams QC, has indicated that his client, your Chief Constable, may well accept the content of Mr Alexander's Oct 12 statement subject, I suppose, to your long overdue 'investigation' actually needing to be started.

    Mr Alexander was minded to write a new statement, yesterday and I lodged it in the Cardiff civil court for your 'attention'.

    Apparently, Inspector Rice and others had crossed the Severn river to England in order to meet him and alter his evidence in a forthcoming criminal and Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons enquiry, against me, as to whether my name should have been considered for removal from the veterinary register.

    So just how much longer do you intend to prevaricate?


    Maurice Kirk BVSc 






    Recall of Inspector Andrew Rice, ex Chief Inspector Brian Jenner and ex Inspector Robert Nelson Roe adjourned

     Producton, by His Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC's Order,  of Inspector Steve Parry, Anthony Gafael, ex police officer Frank O'Brian ands numerous others yet to be sorted


    The case continues on Friday 24th May


    A Recent RCJ Ruling 

     Case Law to be argued will include:


    Some prison officers accused prisoners of violence and prisoners got off at crown court.


    Prisoners sued for malicious prosecution but Ministry of Justice appealed to try and strike out the claim but prisoners won:-



    In a unanimous judgement, the Court of Appeal rejected those arguments (by MOJ) and upheld the decisions below. In the leading judgment, Lord Justice Pill held the following:-

    “The question is whether, on the facts, it is arguable that the prosecution was procured by the prison officers and the circumstances were such that it was virtually impossible for the CPS to exercise any independent discretion or judgment.

    “I have not accepted that the right to bring an action for malicious prosecution is confined to cases in which there is a single prosecution witness with exclusive knowledge of the facts….

    “The complaint was made by five prison officers, responsible public officials. The events occurred in the closed world of a prison in which the respondent was detained. Their statements were consistent with each other. Complaint was made to the CPS in clear and strong terms. It can strongly be argued before a jury that it was unrealistic to expect the CPS to take a decision other than to prosecute. The responsible solicitor advised a prosecution. She did so without first considering medical evidence, which she acknowledged would in due course be necessary. The decision of the CPS was entirely predictable and the five complaining officers would have expected no other. Indeed, they would have been dismayed if a different decision had been taken.

    “…The availability of other potential evidence (for example from other prisoners) does not defeat an arguable case that it was the five prison officers who, by making the statements they did, in the circumstances they did, procured this prosecution…Arguably, it was virtually, in practical terms, impossible for the CPS to exercise independent discretion in the face of such evidence. I give full weight to the need to protect those who complain to the police of alleged criminal conduct and also to the modern role of the CPS. I am, however, unable to hold that this claim that the prison officers had procured the prosecution, as that term is used in the authorities, should be struck out”.

  • All Key South Wales Police Witnesses Refused to give Claimant Evidence...... Oh what a Surprise!!!

    Oh, I almost forgot...Barbara Wilding, Chief Constable of South  Wales Police, by Feb 09 sworn affidavit, denied the incident ever even happened

    and to day, in cort , was classic.........later


    Statement of Truth

    12th May 2013

    I, Mr G of Caerau, Cardiff, confirm that the content of this, my statement, consisting of two pages, is true to the best of my belief and say as follows:

    1.      Sometime in May 1995 both I and Alison Jenner, the daughter of Chief Inspector Brian Jenner agreed to rent a flat in the process of renovation above the veterinary surgery. The address was 175 Cowbridge Road West, Cardiff.

    2.      I hope to re visit the premises before I give evidence.

    3.      The week before the water damage Mr Kirk stated the tenancy was not going to work and too dangerous to inhabit.

    4.      On 6th June 1995 I returned to 175 Cowbridge Road West, Cardiff flat, above the veterinary surgery, to find it all barricaded by a roller shutter locked down across the entrance.

    5.      I telephoned both my parents and those of Alison Genner, my girl friend and waited for them to arrive.

    6.      All arrived within twenty to thirty minutes making five of us standing outside the front door.

    7.      My belongings were in sealed white bags in the ally way to the left side of the property.

    8.      Mr Jenner telephoned his officers and described the situation to several of them. Every one heard the conversations.

    9.      After about ten minutes a van load of police arrived with five or six police officers who got out of the van. I believe there was also a police car that turned up as well.

    10.  There were about a dozen of us now outside the premises.

    11.  Mr Jenner and one of the police officers then went off to the side, out of hearing and discussed something for at about five minutes.

    12.  Sergeant Roe then turned up and said I was to go up to the Ely Police station later.

    13.  There was still some of our furniture in the flat.

    14.  As an ‘aside’ sergeant Roe said to me, “I will be a witness to your entry. You can use reasonable force (wink, wink), do what you want”.

    15.  The police opened no bags.

    16.  Police went and interviewed owner of the flat.

    17.  All left bags.

    18.  Bags In Jenner’s car, possibly and my parents possibly also carried some home.

    19.  I went to parents flat, 6 Ogmore Rd.

    20.  When Mr Kirk asked about sledge hammer and crow bar my reply was, “it was a feasible possibility”.

    21.  Then went back to Ely police station and Sergeant Roe in the dark at about 8pm and signed a document re proposed breaking in. [Why not tell me Kirk asked. People in the group trying to get hold of me, possibly Mr Jenner].

    22.  Then I walked back to the flat with Roe.

    23.  I used the sledge hammer and crow bar to break in.

    24.  It was obvious to me that there was some obvious agenda re police against Mr Kirk”

    25.  It was not going away. The police were indicating that a lot was going on than I was being told about.

    26.  On the day after the 6th June I went into the surgery alone and complained to receptionist’s boy friend that he had nicked my belongings from the flat. 

    27.  A few days later, by appointment by phone, I go back to Ely police station and make a long statement. I only made one statement.

    28.  Date, I cannot remember.

    29.  I was told Mr Kirk had been arrested on the day or a couple days later by police.

    30.  When asked for what Mr Kirk was arrested (by Mr Kirk) I said: Eviction and sub letting property not even Mr Kirk’s. (Not arrested for criminal damage or theft).

    31.   While we and Mr Jenner were putting in furniture in the flat, before the 6th June, a neighbour told us Mr Kirk should not be renting as part of the sale was not allowing to sub let. .

    32.  They didn’t give a *** about the (Scanner for court obliterated value) criminal damage and theft.

    33.   From then on I was ‘out of the loop’. Police did not bother me again.

    34.  The week before the water damage Mr Kirk stated the tenancy was not going to work and too dangerous to inhabit..



    Anthony Glen Gaphael 


    The boys in Ely forecast almost exactly what would happen once evidence became so damming.

    The case started in February, two months ago, with about fifty or so police and ex police giving evidence.

     This week we started the Claimant's witnesses with the court allowing only three days for their evidence.

    That is twenty or so witnesses to be 'dis[posed of'.

    The Defendant, the Chief Constable, was not allowed to give evidence.

    Other senior police officers , many retired, were all denied as Claimant witnesses.


    In the above, one of thirty odd incidents, just as an example, ex Inspector  Robert Nelson Roe and ex Chief Inspector  Brian Jenner were warned. more than once of perjury.

    The police, at Cardiff airport, prevented me from serving a summons on Jonathan Clayton, working at Air Traffic.

    I have been refused the right to produce a number of police who gave false evidence in various Barry magistrates hearings, including one in which Barbara Wilding swore never even happened.

    It has been commented upon that where my witnesses who came from South Wales, all but all were terrified of likely repercussions with several not not even answering to a summons,  while those from England simply told came and not even needing a summons.


    It stinks, doesn't it.    





                                                           BS416 159


    Re examination of Claimant (continued)


    1st Action 8.23


    ‘Failing to Produce’ versus ‘No Insurance’ (27.. 3. 95 Llantwit St/Prosecution case collapsed in Court)




    Cross examination of the Claimant’s Evidence, based on my pleadings, caused me further confusion stimulating me to try and find any further record from within the 50 odd Claimant exhibit leaver arch files, served on the Defendant years ago, in order to try and clarify factual matters.


    In Claimant Exhibit file no 41 (about half way through) I have just found twenty sides of both of my original and copies, including fax slips, of documents re Special Constable Frank O’Brian’s Evidence who has been summoned for Tuesday/ Wednesday as my witness. (There may be some of these documents already in court bundle)


    I rely on these documents from FILE 41 as my memory of this incident and court hearings is not good but combined with Special Constable 7781 Deryn Martin’s evidence of startling revelations over where police photos and talk of ‘phantom’ HORTs being issued or not now might explain the ‘jigsaw’:




    [My own 4th March 1996 contemporaneous notes (FILE 41) have almost clarified the truth for me]




    1.      15th May 95 police photos of the van outside my surgery were taken for the 4th March 1996 Llantwit Street hearing.


    2.     Martin’s ringing Guernsey police for van information and having had all the photos taken, just before it was stolen for the final time, to be burnt out on the outskirts of Barry, is much supported by the scrap dealer who recovered it, theft crime ref EA/95/12610 and my futile 8th Nov 95 and 16th Jan 96 written complaints to Barry police station.


    3.     For over fifteen years the police have denied any knowledge of these photos, their relevance/existence or relevance of photo ref no 33139/A or identity of the photographer, PC 566 Wilson, who just happen to have been at hand after the theft of one of my other Guernsey registered vehicles, my BMW motor cycle, while all the others having now been stolen or mysteriously burnt out.


    4.      I refer to my Oct 95 stolen BMW motor cycle registration 1876 only to be found , in minutes for one of my clients to retrieve it only to find no number plate on the bike.


    5.     I had parked Honda van reg 43083 on the double yellow and so was confronted by O’Brian to produce ‘driving documents’ which included the vehicle’s log book




    6.     Whereas I pleaded ‘fail to produce’ that is exactly what this case appeared to about.






    7.     I produced my driving licence as per usual at the incident in order to avoid the usual trouble I received whenever, at least in those days, I faced by entering Barry Police Station.


    8.     There was no MOT certificate, as usual, as it was a foreign registered vehicle.


    9.     No HORT 1 or 2 ‘could be produced’ by the Crown Prosecution Service from either special Constables Frank O’Brian or Martin.


    10.                         The van’s log book or copy of it was produced which further indicated I had valid insurance.


    11.                        BUT the police already knew I had valid insurance both before and on 27th March 1996 but still persisted in prosecuting with no reasonable cause other than it was clearly malicious.


    12.                        Having been stopped so many times and taken to court so often, primarily over car insurance, suggested my routine by March 1995 would have been to delay production by saying:




    a)      I would produce ‘later’


    b)     or ‘in seven days’


    c)     or ‘when the cows come home’


    d)    or  ‘never’




    13.                        Following the 35th occasion when police had ordered yet again, I ‘produce proof’ of insurance, I successfully argued ‘the balance of probabilities’ and ‘evidence of similar fact’ to have the case dropped and have done so ever since for the past ten years.


     Because I has now having repeated warnings, as I did in both Taunton in the 70s and in Guernsey in the 80s, not just from my various insurance agents but also from my insurance companies that my respective policies were close to being withdrawn because police were constantly telephoning and demanding intricate details that covered my aircraft, cars and numerous motor cycles.


    Due to police harassment I continue to have to pilot a vehicle rarely owned or registered by me.


    In 2001 Inspector Collins of Barry police was instructed to ‘lay off’ trying to take my driving licence via the ‘no insurance’ route but instead, to complain direct to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons using the surviving 10% criminal allegations from the hundred so original ones.


    [Barbara Wilding, the then Chief Constable, signed 2009 sworn affidavit denying being ‘aware’ of the 8.23 incident or subsequent court case shambles that had to be stopped part heard]


    Written 12th May 2013




    Maurice J Kirk BVSc






  • Key Witnesses TODAY Monday 13th as Medical Problems mount since Jailed in NHS (Wales) Caswell Clinic

    Monday 13th 10.30am

      START of MY WITNESSES GIVING EVIDENCE that should be quite entertaining for the 'uninitiated' and 'misinformed' as to what really goes on, nowadays, in our British law courts so seriously affected by 10 years of 'Blair' rule





    IN THE CARDIFF COUNTY COURT                                                     








    11th May 2013


    In Search of Appropriate Medical Attention

    1.       In 2009, whilst in custody at Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, South Wales, I was diagnosed with ‘significant brain damage’ and having a possible brain tumour. The forensic psychiatrist but without appropriate qualifications, recorded his findings in psychiatric reports and ever since the South Wales Police was used his reports to oppose my release from custody.


    2.       Originally I had been sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act and immediately incarcerated from Cardiff prison to Caswell prison purely from a fax, that morning, to the Cardiff Crown Court, the signatory of it having carried out a clinical examination.


    3.        I later found out that there had even been a mistake in allowing my presence to court, in a wheel chair, as it had been the police’s intention that I was not to be allowed either legal representation or warned as to what the legal proceedings were all about.   


    4.        Again, in December 2009, his psychiatric reports were again used by this same doctor but he was in court this time while I remained locked up below without legal representation.


    5.       HM Crown Prosecution Service, on behalf of the South Wales Police, unsuccessfully applied, fortunately, that I be further incarcerated but now into Ashworth High Security Psychiatric Prison.


    6.       Ever since I have been repeatedly refused any chance of a medical examination, in South Wales, by no less than five GP practices, so far, whilst in the hope of clarifying and correcting Caswell Clinic records, being the responsibility of NHS (Wales).


    7.       In order to maintain validation of my pilot’s medical, in 2010, I had suffered further expense, because of Caswell Clinic’s records had been circulated by the south Wales police.


    8.       I was, therefore, made to face two hours of a gruelling ‘question and answer’ session with two senior psychiatrists at the Civil Aviation Authority Head Quarters, Gatwick.


    9.       In the end I was not entirely sure as to just who had conducted the most searching questions before the joint conclusion was reached by the doctors, at least, quickly requested to be  backed by letter before any change of mind, that any query into whether or not my licence was to be revalidated, ‘was not a medical matter’.


    10.   In 2011, after my visit to Sussex, I was again arrested but this time by the Metropolitan Police with all charges later dropped.  I had been again been sectioned under the 1983 Mental Health Act using purely the 2009 Caswell Clinic mental health records.


    11.   These same original records went on to be used again by the South Wales Police to successfully have me remanded in custody in the Autumn of 2011 and even deny me my right to represent myself in countless criminal court hearings that flowed while this Welsh same police doctor still maintained  the validity of his apparent ‘findings’.


    12.    His own records of me were even relied upon, in court, when the police successfully opposed my bail whilst facing allegations from this very same doctor that I was causing him ‘criminal harassment’ when simply requesting his reconsideration of his clinical findings of me now that they were well over two years old.


    13.    It was by this same doctor’s recommendation, having failed to have me incarcerated in Ashworth high security psychiatric prison for life, as he said, a ‘risk’ to himself, District Judge John Charles appointed  a ‘court lawyer’ to conduct my defence, ‘on medical grounds’ despite  having no instructions given by me to anyone as the disputed facts in the matter!


    14.   Again these 2009 Caswell Clinic psychiatric reports were relied upon in Cardiff magistrates by the local police, in August 2012, following a signed police taken down statement by this same doctor and his wife, to successfully oppose bail.


    15.   I was not released from prison, with all charges dropped, until many weeks later following the CPS noticing, when preparing for another jury trial of ‘Breach of a Restraining Order’ the Caswell Clinic doctors’ 21st July statements had recorded police had to be called to their home for Maurice Kirk to be ‘moved on’ when reliable police surveillance had confirmed that I did not even know where the two doctors lived nor did I have any desire to see the pair of them ever again!  


    16.   Upon this release, this time from Bristol Prison, having had another case, this time a ‘common assault’ conviction quashed, originally obtained in Cardiff, during my absence.


    17.    The Cardiff authorities had used the usual ‘court appointed defence solicitor’ on the excuse of the same spurious Caswell medical grounds with no prosecution evidence even being challenged!


    18.     My ‘common assault’ appeal had been deliberately delayed for over two years in order for the police to successfully use its outstanding conviction to oppose my numerous bail applications while I awaited the 1st Dec 11 District Judge John Charles 1998 Prevention of Harassment Act allegations against the said doctor, its predictable March 2012 appeal and May 2012 first ‘Breach of a Restraining Order’ jury trial.


    19.    The purported ‘restraining order’ was never served on me until I had been arrested for the breaching of it.


    20.   The Welsh authorities used and still use my convictions picked up on 28th Nov and 1st Dec 2011 hearings, both conducted in my absence, one having been in the same London court where I had, a few months earlier, luckily overturned my Tottenham police station sectioning to St Ann mental hospital. Both these convictions were obtained by Cardiff prison refusing my attendance in court with John Charles, also refusing me bail, having been made aware of the full circumstances.


    21.    Luck came my way again by the Welsh CPS having been unable to put off my appeal any longer and so stupidly transferred my ‘common assault’ appeal to England for fear of the publicity it would generate locally.


    22.   The Bristol CPS gave the depositions in the case just one look and immediately dropped all opposition to my appeal once realising the doctor’s original police induced medical evidence had been the cause of the recent Royal Courts of Justice hearing, before Lord Moses.


    23.    Following a June 10 ‘contempt of court conviction’ before His Honour Llewellyn Williams, following His Honour Judge Cooke QC having refused to act on the Caswell Clinic falsehoods, my conviction for ‘common assault’ arose from an ex South Wales Police officer having just pushed me down a flight of court steps and braking my leg. This happened during my futile attempts to have served on any Cardiff court my ‘grounds for appeal’ against my ‘contempt of court’ one month’s imprisonment required for the Criminal Court of Appeal.


    24.   I needed an independent medical examination, now, for various reasons. Montpelier Heath Centre, Bristol was where I used to be registered as a patient before and during some of the time after I first came to live in South Wales, in the early 90s. This surgery also refused me registration as a patient but without being aware of my Caswell Clinic history.


    25.   There reason was that as I had not lived in the area long enough to have obtained proof, for example, by producing to the receptionist, an old gas or electricity bill before my application then it would not be taken further.


    26.   The fact that I had remained registered with that Bristol practice for many years, back in the early 90s, even though I lived and worked in the Vale of Glamorgan , seemed to worry no one in those days.


    27.   Once I had been successfully released from prison, in Feb 2011, following my acquittal for ‘trading in machine guns’, the Cowbridge Health Centre, in the Vale of Glamorgan, barely let me through the front door before threatening to call the police when all I wanted was clarification. I and my family had been registered with the Cowbridge practice for many years and myself for at least a decade.


    28.    This same practice refused, after my request for help from Caswell and would neither intervene privately nor take the issue higher, following my results of the August 2009 brain scans, at the Princess of Wales hospital at gross variance to that of the Clinical Director of Caswell Clinic.


    29.   So I registered with the Ravenscroft Surgery, Tynewydd Road, Barry. This soon terminated following just two consultations in my pursuit for clarification of whether or not I had cancer. I was, indeed, shown the door but not having first taken a witness to the doctor’s consulting room to witness his refusal to order a follow up brain scan.


    30.   So up the road I go, this time to Court Road Surgery, Barry and register as a patient yet again. Sure enough, as soon as a medical is requested to ‘fly an aircraft’, for an NPPL and not my current PPL licence I am refused an examination.


    31.   I next try Ty Catrin Psychiatric Hospital, Ely, Cardiff, simply to ask to see Dr Gaynor Jones for an overdue consultation once I had established it may well be possible.


    32.   Dr Gaynor Jones had earlier promised me an appointment having been the lady at Caswell Clinic in 2009 and in HM Prison Cardiff, in 2010, to have signed for the brain scans to be done, in the first place, I assume to quash this apparent nonsense as to why I had been sectioned and singled out to be a permanent mental patient in the first place.


    33.   This resulted in the visit by the police to my flat on several occasions until on a Sunday morning I was warned of immediate prison if I did not stay away from Ty Catrin I now understand  being part of the Caswell clinic’s private domain for some of their doctors.


    34.   So I register at the Ely Bridge Surgery, Cardiff, just down the road from where I currently live for the duration of current legal proceedings but I am refused a medical examination once it became established as to just who I was and just what my medical records contained.


    35.   I consider going ‘private’ while being unable to return to my doctor in France, in the current time frame and so I make local Cardiff enquiries.


    36.    Yesterday, at a Clare Road practice, Cardiff, as soon as I get out of court, I am told, “No, Dr Jones does not do private consultations” and in fact the practice does not cater for private consultations. “If you wish to make an appointment for an ordinary NHS consultation you will have to make it at least two weeks ahead”.


    37.   So much for that idea so try Spire or BUPA Cardiff hospitals. So what a waste of time that also was! “Ring back on Monday”, I was told.


    38.   This morning, before I had renewed my place back in the witness box for further cross examination I had indicated to the trial judge that I simply needed an adjournment for a medical examination but as soon, as possible. We were both aware of my concerns over unexplained memory loss and loss in hearing, abundantly evident during the last two months of evidence and of my ‘unusual’, if not ‘extreme’ ‘clinical history’ concocted whilst in police custody.


    39.   The learned judge had been a party to earlier court proceedings, this year and in the same  building, following the failed NHS(Wales) application to have ‘struck out’ my then blocked one million pound damages claim levelled at whoever was ultimately responsible for my current medical situation.


    40.   No one was told, incidentally, that I had also been twice to ‘casualty and emergency’, during recent months, once in Bridgend and once in Cardiff. On each occasion I was refused an appropriate examination following my name being identified with previous addresses, including on the list both HM Prison Cardiff and Caswell Clinic psychiatric prison with the latter’s erroneous mental health records right before them.


    41.   Just what can I do next with no time left during such a 24/7 work commitment for trial?


    Maurice J Kirk BVSc

    11th May 2013

  • Proven Police Perjury implicates South Wales Police's Legal Team

    I am currently under cross examination in Cardiff's County Court and so the law prevents my exposing, on blog, just what is really going on.  Until I finally leave the witness box the 'evidence' of my own remains for only those who chose to come and hear it.

    However, I have to say, yesterday's apparent procedural matters and oh so different to what seems to be accepted, when 'appropriate', in Cardiff's criminal courts, need to be addressed this morning.

     I foresee discord ahead. 

    Some of us may patiently be waiting for France's 'Code Napoleon' or even the US legal system to finally derail our current lawyers' runaway 'gravy train', with no apparent accountability but this case is turning out to be a 'classic'.. 

    The outcome of matters to raised this morning at 10.30, at Cardiff's Civil Justice Centre, will, no doubt, further fascinate the Claimant who patiently waited many years on the clear understanding that he had been promised a jury. The fact, some ten or so years down the line when he was refused a jury, meaning there was no way of turning back all had been pre planned, a cynic might say, who has witnessed some forty years of such conduct throughout British legal system.

    The key ring leaders in the heart of this case are be found within the higher ranks of the South Wales Police, most now retired, with the occasional maverick 'reject attorney' in our Cardiff's Crown Prosecution Service thrown in but do not, please,  forget this Claimant's  experiences with the occasional Cardiff Crown Court judge over such matters as 'restraining orders never served', 'falsified psychiatric reports' and a ' police repainted Lewis machine guns'.

      But is their continuing immunity to criminal prosecution the price we are expected to pay in this day and age with basic human rights now so much under the spot light?

    Some will say, no doubt, it comes with the privilege of living here to tolerate the outdated  'HM Partnership', 'Her Majesty's Prerogative' cartels and is a small price to pay for our current level of so called 'democracy'.  


    In the Cardiff County Court                                                    Case No. BS614159  Maurice Kirk v Chief Constable of South Wales Police  Claimant’s Position Statement 

    9th May 2013

    1. Following ten years of police extreme and unusual bullying, consisting of numerous malicious prosecutions and false imprisonments, on the Claimant, the police, with the cooperation of the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre and HM Attorney General’s office, unbeknown to the Claimant, arranged, over a five year period, to have confiscated his critical court files, in this case, by sending them to a team of Home Office lawyers.
    1. After five years of intense scrutiny the HM Treasury Solicitor ruled that the Claimant should not be registered as a ‘Vexatious Litigant’ for the present.
    1. Owing to her continuing refusal to disclose relevant evidence, having waited for the Home Office’s final decision, the then Chief Constable of South Wales Police, Barbara Wilding knowingly signed her February 2009 witness affidavit, drafted by Dolmans, solicitors, following His  Honour Judge Nicholas Chambers QC’s 2008 Order not to prevaricate further.
    1.  Despite Dolmans then attempting to withhold service, for over six weeks beyond the date on the court order and owing to the Claimant ‘gaining entry’ and thumping the desk of Adrian Oliver, to hand it over, achieved nothing but imprisonment caused him to enter the offices of Barbara Wilding, at Bridgend Police HQ, for a true copy, exchange of witness statements and carry out a private person’s arrest for private prosecution.
    1. Following the surrounding of her offices by flack jacketed police officers all sporting tin hats and carrying both machine guns and stun grenades, partial service was finally obtained.
    1. The police then attempted to block further progress in this case by first having the Claimant registered MAPPA level 3 and then ‘setting him up’ with the likelihood of him being shot should he approach the Chief Constable again. All this supported by leaked memos from Caswell clinic forensic establishment for the South Wales Police.
    1. The Chief Constable  then conspired, with Vale of Glamorgan Social Services and NHS Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, psychiatric prison, under ‘Operation Orchid’,  to have  snatched the Claimant’s then ten year old daughter but to achieve it requiring and armed response unit.
    1.  On 22nd June 2009the police had the Claimant arrested and jailed for nearly eight months under the pretext he was trading in ‘machine guns’ which carried a mandatory ten year prison sentence.
    1. Before the police helicopter and twenty or so similarly armed police had finished surrounding his home the Claimant at least had managed to quickly sign a part prepared witness statement, consisting of some sixty four pages but being only fifty percent of the particulars needed to be served in this trial.
    1. When it became apparent the victim was going to employ neither barrister nor solicitor, for the ‘machine gun’ trial, the Chief Constable black further mailed his leading forensic psychiatrist, following an untidy affair with a fellow female psychiatrist and had the Claimant sectioned under the 19983 Mental Health Act and incarcerated to her psychiatric prison, Caswell clinic.
    1. To obtain this Cardiff’s Crown Court employed a psychiatrist who neither examined their victim nor attended court to obtain necessary imprisonment.
    1. The same psychiatrist employed, without appropriate qualifications, to do her dirty work and contrary to the already documented evidence by Princess Of Wales hospital specialist doctors, by recommending to His Honour Judge Bidder QC that the Claimant was diagnosed as having a possible brain tumour but definitely suffered ‘significant brain damage’, sufficient for the need of incarcerating the victim for life ‘in the interests of the general public’.
    1. Despite this 2nd Dec 09 application the South Wales Police, with the ever abounding enthusiasm of South Wales’ HM Court Service, HM Crown Prosecution Service, HM prison Service and HM judges, still failed to secure that elusive second level twelve forensic psychiatrist’s signature so needed to finally seal the Claimant’s fate and disposal of all outstanding litigation.
    1. Following further failure to delay these current civil proceedings Dolmans then set about advising the Chief Constable’s monthly MAPPA review meetings to have her victim returned to HM Prison, Cardiff to face trial.
    1. To obtain a conviction she now instigated police to first repaint Lincolnshire Air Museum’s silver coloured antique WWI decommissioned machine gun, Crown Prosecution Exhibit One, back to its original black colour in order to try and fool the jury.
    1.  Before it was sold to the museum by the Claimant, a year earlier, the ‘gun’ had been entirely ‘black’ in colour, as is featured on the Claimant’s website and videos, Crown  Prosecution’s  Exhibit 2  and attached to a replica DH2 biplane used whilst flying in the 2000 Farnborough Air Show.
    1. All the above facts are well documented and for future already lodged civil claims, also in Cardiff and easily proved if ever an outside police force can obtain entry.
    1. Because of the above escalating situation the Crown Prosecution Service (Wales) are now being employed, in earnest, to further pervert the course of justice in having the Claimant further incarcerated following the private person’s arrest, expressly videoed, of CPS barrister, David Gareth Evans, that occurred in the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre. The trial is on 25th June 13 at Cardiff magistrates.
    1. The current Chief Constable, David Vaughan, is reliant on a number of tax payer paid lawyers, including a solicitor Vincent Williams from Swansea and barristers, Richard Thomlow and David Gareth Evans from chambers in Cardiff to name but a few.
    1.  These and numerous other Cardiff based lawyers, during the Claimant’s countless bail applications have lied to a string of judges, anything to hide the truth as to just what really goes on in not just Cardiff but in other UK law courts.
    1. Evidence has been heard in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, only this week and to be repeated next week on how local covert police, in conjunction with Guernsey’s police, fabricated a stream of unlawful allegations and criminal court cases, back in the 90s,  the QC for the Defendant, yesterday, denying they are any part of these legal proceedings!
    1. His apparent pretence to ignore the fact that just because Barbara Wilding originally signed Dolmans’ fabricated document, to that effect, did not mean such incidents did not happen.
    1.  Where then, if there was ‘no police incident’ on 6th June 1995, for example, following repeated complaints by the Claimant of extensive criminal damage by tenants, was this Claimant identifying and having produced to this court, under summons, such individuals as an ex Chief Inspector, Mr Brian Jenner, and an ex Inspector Robert Nelson Roe both denying this Claimant was arrested on the 7th or 8th June 1993 for the illegal eviction of tenants? Perjury.
    1. Who else, then, witnessed by at least ten others at the scene with a van load of police organising a later police ‘break in’ to the Claimants Cardiff veterinary surgery just  to re install Mr Jenner’s daughter, Alison in the overhead flat.
    1. Another police incident, the QC also denies is being pleaded, in that a story has been ‘made up’ that and that there was no such arrest of the Claimant on or about 8th or 9th  June 1995, at Barry police station, by two plain clothed detectives.
    1.  Another denied is, following a March 1995 incident over a Guernsey registered vehicle, was before a then stipendiary, Ms PS Watkins, following a mysterious female police producing photos!
    1.  This ‘special constable’ admitted having first telephoned Guernsey before then ‘gaining entry’ to the Claimant’s consulting room to issue a HORT 1 for him to produce not just his driving documents but proof of ownership!

    Maurice J Kirk BVSc



  • Day 48 of Twenty Year running Police Bullying Trial

     Senior police officers and ring leaders continue to enjoy protection by a UK law court while I plough on through my evidence into the 2nd day in the witness box  


    IN THE CARDIFF COUNTY COURT                                          BS 614159-MC65 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CF101741                                                                                                             .                                                                                                                CF204141                                                                                                  








    7th May 2013

    Further to His Honours Ruling

    I, Maurice John Kirk, of 175 Cowbridge Road West, Cardiff, confirm that the content of this, my statement, is true to the best of my belief and say as follows:

    (Claimant’s request for summons to be served while the Defendant needed none of it)

    1.       Mrs D Hutchinson has written two statements and they are with the court 

    2.        Mr John Francis Clode has written one statement and it is with the court


    3     Gerald Thomas of Barry has written one statement and it is with the court

    4.       Jonathan Clayton c/o Air Traffic control, Cardiff Airport has told the Claimant, with slurred clarity, more than once, that he and others in the Cardiff Airport control tower had expressed amazement on seeing the 4th July 1999 video taken from the police helicopter of Piper Cub, registration G-KIRK, having been so close as to being able to read on the Claimant’s t-shirt the words, ‘I would rather be flying ‘G-KIRK’.


    Mr Clayton will explain that Mr Aishe, the purported  ‘pilot in command’ and possibly under instruction from some ‘back seat driver’, may have in advertently ‘booked in’ the Claimant’s aircraft, while paying the Cheltenham/Gloucester air field landing fee, under the name of the registered owner, a ‘Mr Maurice Kirk’.

    Mr Clayton may be able to confirm whether Mr Aishe’s actions were deliberate or not and whether he was, in fact, in command whilst flying from the front seat of a US J3L4 1944 D-Day landing aircraft.

    Mr Clayton should remember that the Claimant was first contacted by radio from Cardiff AirTraffic (ATC) despite  having heard nothing from G-KIRK but warning the Claimant, then just east of Newport at around 500 ft, that there was a ‘bear in the air’ in the Wenvoe area or by some similarly coded message.

     The Cardiff radio transmission was only instigated because police from the Gloucester based helicopter telephoned Cardiff police as they believed or ‘wished to believe’ that the Claimant was ‘pilot in command’ and flying without a valid pilot’s licence.  

    5.       Andrew Aishe  has written two statements of which at least one is with the court.

    6.       Stan Stoffa c/o CPS Capital Tower  Cardiff refuses to write a statement and was prosecutor in more than one of the incidents in these three Actions and will confirm Inspector Rice burst into the magistrates court in May 1995 with numerous officers and seized the Crown Prosecutor’s file following my request evidence be preserved for a criminal investigation


    7.      Kirstie Kirk of Marlpits , the Claimant’s one time family home, has written numerous statements and are with the court.


    8.      Ex police officer, biker, ‘Yosser’ Nigel Hughes c/o Central Police Station Cardiff  appears to be hiding from giving evidence but would confirm he tipped me off, whilst the Claimant was examining a motorway dumped young Rottweiler on his consulting room table, as to where the police had hidden the Claimant’s BMW stolen motor bike.

    He would probably assist in explaining why there was a six week delay without informing the Claimant over such a notoriously known motor bike having been, so recently, in such a high speed chase across the Vale to almost Bridgend and ‘getting away ‘from the Cardiff police, the same that in May, that year,  the other motor cycles and cars stolen in Barry from the claimant with little or no evidence of the Barry police lifting one finger to assist the Claimant in recovering them or prosecuting the culprits when many were known to the police, the Defendant in this case.

    9.       Ex PC 2742 Ridley c/o Central Police Station Cardiff has made copious contemporaneous notes of these incidents primarily being involved with covert surveillance of the Claimant’s property and vehicles with his name on R Hirst’s 1st Feb 1996 statement contained in Claimant’s originally proposed witness bundle.


    10..       The ‘yellow witness bundle’ that, on 18th June 2009, was under the Claimant’s arm while armed police, sporting both cute tin hats and stun grenades whilst brandishing machine guns,  were surrounding him while he quietly waited outside the Chief Constable’s office door.

    11.   Ex Special Constable Frank O’Brian c/o Central Police Station , Cardiff, another covert police officer, to spy on the Claimant, has made an MG11 s9 statement re Claimant ‘stop’ in Llantwit Street, Barry (green file page 30) and gave evidence in Barry magistrates before the case against the Claimant collapsed following yet another allegation of driving without valid insurance.

    Frank O’Brian is particularly important as a witness to show the extent ‘extreme’ and ‘unusual’ unlawful conduct was regularly occasioned, ‘evidence of similar fact’, to ‘eventually get the ***’.


    12.   Detective Inspector Steve Parry c/o Central Police Station, Cardiff ‘put about’ or did not ’put about’ the rumour the Claimant took ‘high alcohol ‘ mouth wash in order to obtain a positive mouth wash. This was elicited by Bridgend custody officer, Evans, following the Claimant receiving yet another positive breath test on the road side and zero, less than an hour later, on the definitive test whilst in custody.

    13.   It is the Claimant’s submission the story is just another police lie following His Honour Judge Jacob’s ‘comments’ following yet another failed but expensive prosecution in the Cardiff Crown Court..... the Claimant being accused of ‘driving through a red light’ and having a positive breath test but a zero reading in around 20 minutes after, back at Barry police station.

    14.   Jill Jones Newlands Road Barry witnessed incidents of threats and damage done to the Claimant and his property and of surgery break ins with police conducting perfunctory investigations.  

    15.   Mrs Hanson was a neighbour to the Claimant’s Tynewydd road house and so witnessed claimant’s numerous complaint featured in the 1st Action.

    16.   I forget who else I have attempted, so far, to call as witnesses or who currently feature in my last week’s appeal now lodged in the High Court from an earlier refusal. To have any prosecution witnesses at all appears to be a privilege while the Defendant(s ), past and present Chief Constables and other senior officer ring leaders continue to enjoy remains immunity to examination and , therefore ridicule needing a jail term...a complete nonsense  and it stinks, does it not?


    Maurice J Kirk BVSc

    7th May 2013


     Other Court Cases about to 'hit the proverbial fan' if ever I find a lawyer to get on with it!

    1. One million pound damages claim against NHS' Caswell clinic for falsifying psychiatric records just because a doctor was being black mailed by the police over some floosy he went on to mary if rumour is correct

    2. One million pound damages claim against South Wales Police  for malicious prosecution over some WW1 antique decommissioned machine gun painted , incidentally , a different ccolour, in order to try and fool the jury

    3. the remaining three other Claims of malicious prosecutions and false imprisonment by the south Wales Police

    4. Two more, yet to be drafted, if and when I can ever find a lawyer to do it!


    A copy of a letter, only written this morning, to a pretty divorce lawyer, rather relevant at the moment in the general scheme of things yet to come


    Dear Ms T
    Apologies but I am as much in the dark as you.
    I employed solicitor and counsel for what reason I now cannot forget but repeated attempts since, to settle this and all other outstanding issues in Welsh courts, during my current irritant running on and on in Cardiff Civil Justice Centre, even had to be raised only yesterday with his Honour Judge Seys Llewellyn QC, the trial judge.
     What  seems to me to be yet another lawyer run piece of  litigation that could be construed to be there to bleed both parties or tax payer or better still, as in the current 20 year run bit of scandal, the lot!
    Why did I raise the issue in court yesterday? Because I am the impecunious party, no thanks to you, written in the most nicest way I can muster and unable to continue further litigation until out standing judgments in my favour are complied with and my own money given back!
    a bientot  

    Maurice J Kirk BVSc  
                                      Puits aux Papillions
    49 Tynewydd Road       St Doha
    Barry CF62 8AZ             22230 Merdrignac
    UK 07907937953             Brittany
    Reply to all



  • Day 47 of Kirk v South Wales Police Cardiff Harassment Trial & My Late Mother

    Today I hoped to start my evidence and did.

    By the end of today the trial judge had ordered me to read my June 2009 sixty four page Claimant statement not read since the police helicopter, overhead, had ordered the twenty five, many armed, police officers to surround our home, snatch our daughter for social Services and have me jailed, for life.

    To do the latter a corrupt Caswell Clinic, Bridgend, forensic psychiatrist was blackmailed to falsify my medical records only to be thwarted by our best MP, for many years, Walter Sweeny Esq, now so desperately needed in Westminster as his stand over Maastricht has now proved.

     09 06 19 64 pages of Witness Statement of Maurice John Kirkl.pdf


    Why did I never look at yet alone read the document.....because it proved to be the 'last straw' for my then wife who then instigated immediate divorce proceedings.  

    So much for the desperation and expense such a thoroughly corrupt police force are prepared to spend your money to protect the ring while frightening away so many of their good 'foot soldiers' from a vocation so essential to any civilised community. 


    Rick outside the court, today, protesting........


    Rick on the Roof

    Fighting for all the same reasons, if only he knew it......including the UK's thoroughly corrupt legal trade, not all of them, I hasten to add but they destroyed my life as well                                                                                                                                                                   

    Claimant’s Position Statement

    6th May 2013


    1.      Owing to the court allocated time left and Claimant’s difficulties, 50% being entirely his responsibility, he has been reluctant to serve all the witness summonses on his proposed witnesses until clarification can be made by the court and Defendant as to just how much and just how long is ‘needed’ by the Claimant in order to give his evidence, call witnesses and part settle the problems listed below.

    2.      Key Claimant witnesses of fact have either been opposed by Defendant or refused by the trial judge with the Claimant even having to seek permission for summonses.

    3.      There remains an outstanding appeal on that and other matters to a higher court.

    4.      The Claimant’s fifty odd leaver arch files of exhibits, served on the Defendant years ago, to ‘settle’ instead of having to witness lawyers continuing to ‘milk’ the tax payer or himself, has now witnessed the Defendant having had to ‘cherry pick’ documents from them in order to produce any semblance of a court bundle for each of the thirty one police incidents identified in the cause.

    5.      Without the availability to the court of the Claimant’s twenty years of records it is a wonder as to just how this Defendant could have mustered an ounce of justification as to its position today and continue to try and explain away the need for such ‘extreme’ and ‘unusual’ unlawful conduct.

    6.      In the time remaining the Claimant has extracted some one hundred or so pages from his exhibit files to a new ‘green’ file to be served on the court today. He has only had time to get through around twenty of the files and so is directing his interest primarily on incidents that appear to have been avoided, so far, by the Defendant, that of police ‘covert surveillance’, the incidents and court cases ‘missed out’ by Dolmans, solicitors, drafting of the then Chief Constable’s February 2009 affidavit appearing to leave her as suffering from a bout of ‘selective amnesia’.

    Witness list problems for the Claimant


    1.      Inspector Rice should be recalled to give evidence in the light of still more new information. 

     He was the Barry custody sergeant on the night the Claimant was being detained in custody for an alleged Breach of the Peace very soon dropped by the CPS for fear of publicity.


    Rice, having had drafted no less than four versions, all incorrect, of a ‘Breach of the Peace’ allegation committed by the Claimant,  later to be witnessed by the clerk of the  Barry Magistrates court and  CPS officer Jackie Seels only, the latter then refused to give evidence, whilst in the Cardiff Crown Court witness box, “for fear of incriminating myself”.


    Their Worships were not even informed of the circumstances in the case nor allowed sight, as with the prisoner, of the erroneous documentation ‘before them’ or why, before a different court outside the area, many months later the matter was mysteriously dropped for fear, it is recorded [see in seven of the claimant’s leaver arch files], this Claimant ‘may go to prison’.

    2.      Retired police officer, ‘Yusser’ Nigel Hughes, appears reluctant in giving evidence relating to Inspectors and ex Barry Inspectors Rice, Howard Hughes and Trigg.


    3.      Retired CPS prosecutor Stan Stoffa continues to enjoy immunity to prosecution, as does Seels, by HM Partnership and both need to give evidence re Inspector Rice.


    4.      1995 Police officer Ridley, of the covert surveillance team, is also needed having  gathered evidence on the Claimant’s numerous vehicles, obtained from a foreign jurisdiction, as did both 1993 Cardiff police and 1993 llantwit Major PC Booker, to harassment.


    5.      The then Special Constable Frank O’Brian another part of the covert surveillance team referred to by an earlier defence witness, Special Constable Deryn Matin, ‘spying’ on her own veterinary surgeon was known about by Dolmans from the start.

    6.      Jonathan Clayton of ATC, Cardiff Airport, refuses to produce needed evidence of the dangerous and quite unnecessary helicopter chase across the Vale of Glamorgan.

    7.      Inspector Steve Parry has suddenly gone on an ‘extended leave’, the police tell me after a ‘Steve Parry’, located by my private detective, denied all knowledge of any issue I raised over the telephone, this week end.

    8.      Anthony Gafael was been traced, in the eleventh hour and given clear evidence, that can be proved contradicts both retired Chief Inspector Brian Jenner and retired Inspector Robert Nelson Roe. This requires an outside police force investigation.




  • One Million Pounds Costs & English Press cover Story while Senior Police Officers Refused as Claimant's Witnesses

    Is there still nothing new under the Sun?


    20 years of Welsh Police dirty tactics just like my 10 years in Guernsey

    13 05 05 REDACTED Statement of Insurance Agent.pdf

    13 05 03 Witness Statement MK employee.pdf

    13 05 04 Gaphael Statement.pdf

    02 01 29 Barrister Witness Statement.pdf 

    09 06 17 Pilot of G-KIRK Statement.pdf

    00 03 07 CAA McKENNA letter.pdf


     93 03 24 Vet Nurse Statement.pdf


    Barbara Wilding was just a little too late to stop me signing my brief statement

    as the armed police helicopter hovered overhead, looking for fictitious WW1 machine guns, while waiting for armed police to surround our home in the Vale. We were peacefully drinking afternoon tea in the garden....

    Once 'Operation Chalice ' had me well and truly incarcerated for nearly eight months in HM Cardiff Prison the b*stds, under 'Operation Orchid' tried to snatch our then 10 year old daughter and put her into 'care' using Vale of Glamorgan Social Services......evil b*stds.

    09 06 19 64 pages of Witness Statement of Maurice John Kirkl.pdf


    Inspector Steve Parry of Barry Police Station

    (He spread the rumour I always took a swig of high alcohol mouth-wash each time a police car was spotted on my tail!)

    I contacted Steven Parry on the telephone at his home address, recently but he denied being a police officer.

    I therefore informed the court of just some of my obvious intentions over him, a Barbara Wilding, past Chief Constable and Defendant in this case and a certain forensic psychiatrist who also can be found, for service of a witness summons, in the same area on the outskirts of Bridgend.

    For a bit of fun, yesterday, I rang the police direct, as several serving police on cross examination had told the Cardiff court they had ‘no idea’ or ever ‘heard of’ a detective called Steve Parry.

    The lady on the other end of the 101 call was so apologetic as, apparently, Detective Inspector Steve Parry had just started his ‘extended leave’ and was therefore unavailable.

    Statement of Truth

    I, XXXX XXXXXXXX, confirm that the content of this, my statement, is true to the best of my belief and will say:

    1.       I was employed by Mr Kirk in the early 90s as a veterinary receptionist and worked in both his Llantwit Major, Burial Lane and Caerau, Cardiff veterinary surgeries.

    2.       I was a witness, in mid 1993, to the police, in force, come to his adjacent flat to the surgery when he had complained of being assaulted by ‘squatters’, had forced entry into the dwelling and were now refusing to leave.

    3.       I was also aware the Mr Kirk purchased one Kg of sulphur in order to deter their re entry for the next few days.

    4.       But later, during 1993/94, I witnessed the burglary damage of his Llantwit surgery and heard him complaining that the police refused, on each occasion, to even visit the ‘scene of crimes’ and investigate.

    5.       I waited a long time on both occasions but no police ever arrived.

    6.       On one occasion Mr Kirk had to eventually have a builder, a Mr Fairman, travel from Barry to make the smashed door secure as many dangerous drugs were in the surgery.

    7.       I was also aware of his Citroen car that had been vandalised, (smashed windscreen or burnt out?)  parked at the back of his Barry surgery with the police, again, refusing to investigate at all.

    8.       I attended Barry magistrates, on Mr Kirk’s instructions, as no one was likely to recognise me as a new member of his staff. I witnessed lots of police kept waiting as Mr Kirk had suffered a motor cycle accident and was in Bridgend hospital.

    9.       The case continued without him despite his secretary having contacted the court with the relevant information.

    10.   I heard in the court the police speaking to the prosecutor and saying, ‘we are eventually going to get the b std’.

    11.    I signed a sworn affidavit, for Mr Kirk's Appeal in London and attended the subsequent Crown Court hearing tin Cardiff. 



    13 05 01 REDACTED EXTRACT Witnesses Ruling draft ASL.doc

    So far in this trial at least four police and ex police under cross examination , working in the Vale at around the relevant times, do not know or heard of a Detective Inspector Stephen Parry, currently at Barry police station. I have had over two months, so far, of this sort of deceit and I am going to do something about it.

    It takes the English press to cross the bridge to cover this scandalous trial as All Welsh newspapers have an apparent 'D' notice slapped on them.


     Retired Sgt Booker's evidence was considered, for most of the day, over his 1993 'liaisons' with Guernsey police, a predictable line of questioning after some twenty odd police or ex police had flatly denied they had ever heard of me or my wicked Guernsey saga until each time I was arrested (see schedule)



    I appear to now start my evidence on Tuesday (for a little while) at 10.30am

    93 11 08 Rtd Sgt Booker re arrest.pdf

    20 05 16 16th May 2000 Booker St.pdf

    Nazi Acquittal.docx

    Guernsey Legal Aid association docs are all destroyed

    December 1992 I am accused of arson while being grilled at Barry police station as the remains of my Guernsey litigation papers destined for RCJ and ECHR smouldered in the ashes.....ITV news footage....



     PHOTO by 'Rick on the Roof'!

    MORE documents later


    May Day Command Centre earlier that morning